Any women with Pcos trying to lose weight?

what kind of food are you eating? Exercises? I've got 70 lbs to lose and it's hard. :(


  • TheYoungRetiree
    TheYoungRetiree Posts: 84 Member
    You can friend me if you want! I have PCOS and my food diary is public. It might not always be the best of days, but I try. I did not go crazy and cut anything out. My doctor in fact told me not to be so drastic. I've lost ten and it's a hard battle, but I fight it every day!
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I have PCOS and I'm trying to lose. It's a daily struggle!!!! I have such chronic pain in my ovary area from the cysts that it's been harder to work out. :(
  • jbinga
    jbinga Posts: 38 Member
    I've got it. It's hard whether you have PCOS or not. :) If you eat right and exercise, it'll come off. Promise! Be encouraged!
  • HopefulMyra
    I've been trying to lose weight on and off since January and so far I've lost 19 lbs but I haven't really seen a change other than the numbers going down.
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I have PCOS and have had some success, but it isn't easy. I stick to whole grains as much as possible and try not to go over on carbs (normally I don't). I also pay attention to protein, eat mostly vegetables for produce, rarely eat more than 1 fruit serving per day, and limit my junkfood intake, especially sugary snacks (a girl has to live, so I let small, controlled amounts in and try to make better choices most of the time). Feel free to friend me, my diary is open to friends.

    I also workout 5-6 days a week and do exercise DVDs, running, walking, and exercise games on the Wii.
  • Kassielin13
    Definitely going to add you! I have been on the PCOS loss for over 3 months now with weight loss success. I started out with 77 - 87 lbs to lose and have dropped 24 to date. Good luck with your weight loss journey while battling PCOS. I look forward to getting to know you!
  • jbinga
    jbinga Posts: 38 Member
    Oops...sorry. I didn't actually answer the question. :) I eat whole, unprocessed, real foods for the most part. And very little meat or dairy (just my own personal preference). Lots of fruits, vegetables (fresh, not canned or frozen), whole grains, and beans (not canned). And I take spin class twice a week and run 3-4 times a week. And I do Jillian's 30 Day Shred occasionally.
  • mandabeth01
    With pcos your body can't handle carbs, so if you cut those out or at least lower your intake you should drop pounds much easier!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I was just told that I am hypothyroid after having the Radio Active Iodine Treatment ( I was HYPERTHYROID be4) I am now back on meds and am also being tested viz ultrasound for PCOS! What am I in for IF I also have this??? I wish u all the best on the long journey of weighloss!
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I have it. What I've found that helped me is lowering my carb & sugar intake. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I have PCOS and successfully lost over 80 pounds while in University. I gained most of it back with my first pregnancy, and lost most of it again. Currently, I have not gained it all back, but I am at least 12 pounds higher than my first goal weight, 22 pounds above my skinniest ever. So, it can be done, but it is SO hard. I don't know if it's the PCOS, but I know I struggle with feeling hungry ALOT. I cannot relate at all to the people who say they have a hard time eating all their calories. I'm always like, "really?????" Part of me wonders if they're lying, LOL. Some days are better than others, and I definitely know I'm hungrier when I've eaten less protein, that's a big one for me. I try to eat fewer carbs but I still eat lots of fruit and veggies. But for example today, I ate lots of protein and all kinds of good things all day, and I seriously felt like I was starving all day. But not every day is like that. As far as workouts, I've tried to focus on doing things I actually enjoy, otherwise I find I give up after awhile. So I do biking and walking and cross-country skiing in the winter. And I do the treadmill and stationary bike when I don't feel like going outside and would rather watch my favorite shows. I've done weight training in the past, and it definitely showed results, but lately I haven't been feeling like it. I have to be careful not to make losing weight into too much more of a trial than it already is! But hang in there! It can be done!
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi I am in the I have this awful crappy PCOS illness club! I hate it and it has stopped me having more children, it makes me feel ugly and I really wish I could hit a button to make it go away :-(
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Hi I am in the I have this awful crappy PCOS illness club! I hate it and it has stopped me having more children, it makes me feel ugly and I really wish I could hit a button to make it go away :-(

    Take heart! I'm giving you a big virtual hug right now! I know it is discouraging, and sometimes I have definitely been where you are, emotionally. And you are not ugly! You are a beautiful woman, and I am sure you are much more valuable because of who you are on the inside...wouldn't you tell your daughter that our outside appearance is not the most important thing? I think we place way too much value on our outward appearances. Physical training is important, and it has some value, but it is NOT who we are. Hang in there...I've wished for a magic button many days, as well!
  • mrselbow
    mrselbow Posts: 27 Member
    what kind of food are you eating? Exercises? I've got 70 lbs to lose and it's hard. :(

    Me... it's no fun, is it!

    I've got about the same to lose overall, but have found that if I'm consistent with it, and when I start to see results, I stay motivated and weight moves.

    Add me! It'd be great to support each other through all of this.
  • mrselbow
    mrselbow Posts: 27 Member
    And in response to your actual question regarding what I eat and exercises I do... I have workout DVDs (Core Fusion, Michelle Bridges "Crunch Time", Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" & "Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism", and Biggest Loser Workout "Cardio Max") that I do 6 days a week. When I get a chance I'll go to my parents' house and use their workout equipment (Spin Bike, Treadmill, Free Weights etc) and follow some of the circuits in Michelle Bridges' Crunch Time book.

    My diary is open, so feel free to have a look through what I eat. I eat 1200 calories a day and, on most days, don't eat back my exercise calories.

    While I still have a lot to lose I know that this will be sustainable and is a good plan for me. Once I start getting closer to my goal I'll re-evaluate.

    Let me know if you have any more questions! :)
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi I am in the I have this awful crappy PCOS illness club! I hate it and it has stopped me having more children, it makes me feel ugly and I really wish I could hit a button to make it go away :-(

    Take heart! I'm giving you a big virtual hug right now! I know it is discouraging, and sometimes I have definitely been where you are, emotionally. And you are not ugly! You are a beautiful woman, and I am sure you are much more valuable because of who you are on the inside...wouldn't you tell your daughter that our outside appearance is not the most important thing? I think we place way too much value on our outward appearances. Physical training is important, and it has some value, but it is NOT who we are. Hang in there...I've wished for a magic button many days, as well!

    Sorry its taken so long I had a bit of a break but I am back and ready to go! You are 100% right I feel much better now :-) I have stared DCI so far I havent noticed a big difference but I am going to keep going x