you and me together....

How many of you are on here along with a significant other, close friend or family member? If you are, who convinced who, or introduced who to MFP? If you have a significant other, close friend or family member on here, are they in your friends list? If so, are you easier or harder on them in their diaries, etc.?

EDIT: My husband is not on here, because he keeps tabs of his calories, etc. logged in his head. He's good that way. :heart:


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I have a couple of good friends on MFP. My SO doesn't need to count calories because he's a little b!tch like that.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I've got my husband and a couple of dear, RL friends, here on MFP. They're all on my friends list and my mental "never ever delete no matter how long they're inactive" list.

    I introduced Smersh to MFP, two friends were already here and we stumbled across each other, and another friend saw my FB updates and decided to join.

    I'm not easier or harder on them, I think...
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I have a couple of good friends on MFP. My SO doesn't need to count calories because he's a little b!tch like that.

    lmfao! Oh, my sisters on here, but she has not logged on for over a month - travels like crazy - all the time..
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    One of my friends on here I have known 20 years. I'm not old enough to know someone for 20 years! ... but we have, and it's pretty cool.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I have a friend from middle school on here, but she doesn't log in often. I feel bad nagging her, so I've just let it go. I keep trying to convince my mom or my older sister to join, but mom is on spark, and I think older sister is actually afraid of finding out the nutritional info of the foods she likes. She starves herself and loses 30 pounds, and then gets depressed and overeats again, so she's been stuck between 230 and 260 for years. I'm really bummed she won't join me, but alas, I cannot force her into a healthy lifestyle.
  • daddyssunshyne
    My partner is on here. He wanted to get healthy and do this, but I was the one that found this specific site.....

  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    My husband used to be on here, but he stopped logging in.

    I unfriended him.

    Edit: technically, I guess he is still here....
  • PatientBearTiger
    My husband used to be on here, but he stopped logging in.

    I unfriended him.

    Lol. You rock Karin.
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    I got my wife to join; took her 10 days after me to finally get on board. I have also had my sister, sister-in-law, a co-worker and her daughter, and three members of a car club I am a member of to join MFP. They have all seen the results I'm getting and have decided to give it a try. Of all of them, the only one that logs regularly is my wife!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    My bestie uses Tumblr. I couldn't get into it. So I downloaded the MFP app to track calories...then discovered the site...and I've been addicted ever since.

    I've met several MFPeeps IRL and let me tell ya...smokin' hot, awesome individuals <3
  • mandelea
    My wife and I are doing this together. I started out counting calories, and she found the awesome software for our iPhones, and we track everything together.

    It definitely makes me more accountable, and because we're doing it together, it's difficult to watch her do it, and not take part, and vice versa. I stay on track because of her! <3
  • mandelea
    My husband used to be on here, but he stopped logging in.

    I unfriended him.

  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    My husband used to be on here, but he stopped logging in.

    I unfriended him.

    Edit: technically, I guess he is still here....

    you rock!!