Women 200lb+, Let's Astound Ourselves This April!!!



  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My name is Mary, 65 from Pennsylvania.
    Been MIA for a few months but still logging in everyday since I started MFP 5/14/21.

    Unfortunately lost my mojo and gained a lot back but not all Thank God! Need to get back on track and focused. I bought a NEW to me, gently used, Commercial PreCor EFX 835 Elliptical. It was delivered the beginning of November, as others here know I wore my previous 10+ year old one out from my extensive workouts. Back up to 150 minutes on my 3 days off per week.

    Good to see some familiar names here and glad to see some new ones too!

    Heaviest weight 255 lbs, twice. :-(
    9/14/20-255 lbs
    5/14/21-232.2 lbs
    4/6/22- 147.6 lbs (107.4 lbs lost) I did NOT have a surgery. Did Keto.
    8/1/22- 167.2 lbs
    12/1/22-198 lbs
    1/1/23- 213.4 lbs
    2/1/23- 207.4 lbs
    3/1/23-201 lbs Yippee!

    4/1/23- 207.6 lbs Been struggling as you can see. :-(
    4/2/23- 209 lbs. I need to get my head right and be more accountable to myself in this. I need to get back in control and off the carbs again. Back to my lower level of daily carbs(15g net +/- 3) and FOCUSED on what is best for me! Not short term enjoyment. Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.11 miles today (I do my elliptical like this 3x per week, on my off work days, pretty religiously. Thursday, Friday & Sunday this week).

    4/9/23- 203.6 lbs Elliptical HIIT setting 150 minutes for 10.04 miles zones 2, 3 & 4. (Also on Friday & Saturday same elliptical time & mileage). Meat & low carb veggies for Easter lunch today but I had a piece of a Dominican Pineapple cake. OMG! Not rich and a whipped cream icing but moist as a Rum cake. So delicious! Worth the calories & Carbs IMO.
    4/16/23- 211.2 lbs
    4/17/23- 214.8 lbs

    4/18/23- 214.8 lbs. Leave for Oklahoma City tomorrow. Will be checking in and logging ad best as I can but not weighing. They don't have a scale. At least not last year.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    174 this morning, which is fine. I feel extremely sore from Monday, especially in the abs, so we're good.

    I woke up this morning feeling good, actually? That hasn't happened when I wake up at 4 in the morning in a while. I hesitate to attribute anything to the increased fruit veg intake, so we'll have to see if it's a pattern.

    Today is little gym for the girls, and I didn't pack dinner last night for us to take, so I'll be outsourcing from the grocery store next door to the little gym. It should be pretty easy to pick something that fits my plans, considering they usually have rotisserie chickens and little things of cooked shrimp with cocktail sauce. I just have to stay away from the desserts. :lol:

    It's hump day, let's start it with tags:
    @pamperedlinny between bible study and your movie nights, you're doing great flexing those maintenance muscles - making choices you'll have to make in the everyday after you're done losing.

    I've always been firmly pro-treat every day, unless I get completely off the rails (which has happened a couple times) and have to cut back completely for a little while. Waiting multiple days for a treat, for me, results in a binge, and I'm not down for that. It's so cool how different people respond to different strategies with the same success.

    @swimmom_1 have fun in OKC!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    After some thought I have updated my goals.

    SW- 229
    CW- 235
    GW- 160-170
    Age- 37
    Height- 5’9”
    1. Log meals- 3 days
    2. Meet daily water goal- 3 days
    3. Consume at least 100g of protein a day- 2 days
    4. Read a chapter a day- 4 days
    5. Do a babble lesson a day (learning Spanish)- day 1

    I had a setback this weekend. I was doing good for the last 2 weeks and weighed my self on Friday thinking I had lost and gained a pound. Ok no big deal. I was kinda bloated. Then went through the weekend. It was super busy with work, remodeling my home office, swim lessons for my son, and weekly house chores. Weighed myself Monday morning and I had gained 5 lbs 😳.
    I had an appointment with my natural doctor on Monday evening and we went over blood work and come to find out I am prediabetic. He prescribed a vitamin for my blood sugar and we changed my fasting schedule from 16:8 to 14:10.
    I have been doing this new diet and vitamins for 2 days and feel good so far. We will see what next weeks weigh in brings. I need to amp everything up though. I am in a weight loss challenge and first place wins $6k cash and $1k gift card.

    @cupcakecrusoe thanks for the motivation. Btw I have the same bread box and love it. Also was that your first time to Boston? My husband is from Boston and his whole family still lives there so we go often.
  • BarbMessimer
    BarbMessimer Posts: 316 Member
    @shellifish7295... Good luck on that contest. I was in one years ago (2011)... Won the top prize of $2500 and became the national poster child for the company/product (won't name it). Unfortunately, it was a crash diet kind of thing, and I ended up putting it all back on and gaining an additional 20 pounds. I've learned to go slow now in order to keep it off and that's mainly what I'm interested in. Doesn't do any good to diet if you're going to end up where you started from or even worse.

    Since March 2021, I've lost 63 pounds over 18 months and have maintained it for the past 7 months. I've never been able to do that before. Now I'm ready to tackle another 10-20 pounds.
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    @BarbMessimer thanks. I’m sorry that you had that experience. This contest is with a company I have been getting my protein powder from for years. The owners are wonderful and beyond amazing. They did this competition in January and have only pleated the winners 2 times. Once to announce the winner and then when they announced the summer challenge. Thankfully the owners didn’t make this challenge a fad diet type thing. They are both body builders so it’s about nutrition and it’s more a body transformation challenge than it is a weight loss challenge. The winner from last time only lost 12 lbs but had the biggest body transformation. There were actually people that lost a lot more weight than she did.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday was pretty good. I stayed in the calorie range I generally aim for and ate all the yummy things. I made my homemade gyro for lunch on a Joseph's oat, flax & wheat pita. I had a personal pizza loaded with veggies also made on that same type pita last night. On the days I go overboard it's like I forget that I can have all the things I enjoy without going crazy.

    Tonight I'm hoping to get to my Zumba class. I haven't been in 2 weeks and I haven't done any of my YouTube workouts either. Just walking. I know I'll be feeling it after a couple weeks break but I need to jump back in.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I’m trying so hard to essentially eat the way I want to eat when I hit my goal. Trying instead of slashing calories to lose quickly but instead losing slowly while eating as I will when I’m at that goal. Some days are pretty easy. A lot of days are hard. That said, the longer I do it the more of the easy days I see.

    @shellifish7295 A monetary challenge. I love it. Something about a prize, especially cash, always motivates me to push a little harder. Honestly, even if it’s bragging rights or something crazy I love a good challenge.

    @serenecompassion2663 That looks so good!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    173 today, which is fine. I think I'm starting to normalize again on tummy issues, which is great.

    I brought into work a couple pots and my zz plant that needed propagating, and ended up with like 6 separate plants out of my one pot of zz plant, lol. I'm gonna need more soil and pots. But I love seeing houseplants at work. 🥺 I also potted a philodendron I'd been propagating from a big one we have at work- this would make the second propagated plant I've taken from that same mother plant. I've got a couple more cuttings from it in water, but they haven't done as well. I love plants.

    Tonight is a chair acrobatics conditioning and chair tricks/office hours mashup class, and I'm so excited. I often can't make the office hours/chair tricks class because it's offered really late, but now I can take it AND be home by 830! Win-win!

    Tag party time:
    @shellifish7295 I'm sorry to hear you're prediabetic, but I am glad that you've got medical support in dealing with it. Weight swings can happen with just water in your body, so don't sweat the little weigh-ins too much, just watch the trend- a lot of us use weight trend apps like happy scale for iphone or libra for android to smooth out the "noise" of weights. I'm an engineer by trade, so I weigh every day to have a lot of data, because I love it, but as long as you weigh regularly (whatever that means for you) and only look at the trend, you can get a good picture of how you're doing.

    I've been to Boston a couple times now- I love the city. A lot of people ask me why I choose to vacation there, as I live in VA, but honestly I've been to DC a bunch of times already, and I think Boston is better for sightseeing than, like, NY for example. I do also love Charleston SC when I go, and I've been a few times. There's just something about Boston for historical stuff to do, though.

    @BarbMessimer 63 lbs in 18 months is incredible progress. These last 10-20 are the hardest, for sure. :lol:

    @serenecompassion2663 that salad looks incredible. Beet/feta/arugula is one of my favorite combos. CONGRATULATIONS ON A YEAR OF SOBRIETY!!! That's fantastic, I'm so happy for you. And I'm glad that your medical team is helping you stay on top of things.

    @pamperedlinny those Joseph's pitas are a lifesaver when you want to cut a few calories but still have a "bread" feeling.

    And honestly, I think your way is the right way- you should live the way you normally will after losing weight, so it won't be as much of a shock to go from one mode to the other. I see so many people (and I'll probably be among them when it's time, regardless of how confident I am right now that I can do it) get anxious about regain when they hit goal weight, and knowing that you've already been doing it, you just have a couple hundred more calories every day, is a great thing.

    Boston, for me, was a great reminder that normal eating is really listening to my body- do I really want more food, or am I good right now, etc. And sometimes, yeah, I wanted more food, and it was fine. And other times, nah, I was good at like 3 in the afternoon because I'd had a lot of good food already.

    Alright, time to get this day started, have a great day, everyone! Friday is tomorrow!

  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    Super tired today but the end of the week is always like that for me because we are just so busy as a family. Last night I had a pretty good NSV. Wednesdays are swim lesson nights for my son (almost 3) and if he did good he gets to choose what he wants for dinner (takeout). It’s normally McDonald’s for a happy meal but last night he was in a water theme I guess and wanted starfish (carls jr chicken nugggets are star shaped). He only finished half of his chicken and half of the fries. Normally I would eat them as I cleaned up his tray but not last night. I stuck to my guns and only had my protein shake for dinner.

    Tonight is a late night for me as I work both of my jobs. But I already have everything prepped for tomorrow except for my supplements and that’s super quick to do when I get home.

    @pamperedlinny your food sounds delicious! I’ll have to check out those Joseph pitas.
    I am a super competitive person so these types of challenges really help give me a push. The money is just a bonus and honestly makes it easy to tell coworkers your doing a challenge and you could win 6k they are more eager to help keep me on point and not offer bad food.

    @cupcakecrusoe your office sounds awesome with all those plants. Is gardening a hobby?
    Thanks for the recommendation for happy scale. I will check that out. I’m data driven too. The 5lbs is abnormal for me which is why it was so shocking to see. I’m allergic to corn and my reaction is massive water retention so I’m used to the scale going up or down 1-2 pounds but 5 😳.

    I feel you on Boston. Even if we didn’t have family that lived there I think we would still go vacation there too. It just for the history, green high I love, but the people. Yes they can be rude but it’s a fun rude and they love thier city. The culture it so diverse and that makes everything you do and see each time different. Have you ever been to Regina’s pizza in the north end?
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.8 today, which is pretty good, still in the 172's even the week after a vacation.

    Last night's chair trick class was incredibly challenging, which was great for me- really pushed my limits of what I could do. And now I've got more things to practice for.

    I'm so happy tonight will be at home, after two nights away. I'm considering just buying frozen pizzas instead of getting takeout pizza like we normally do on Fridays, as I'm feeling a bit of a pinch after the vacation- still doable, nothing wrong with the budget, just a natural feeling that I should cut back a little.

    That, paired with us having to restock the freezer after a spate of frozen meals, yeah. I'm thinking frozen pizza.

    I loved walking into my work today and seeing all my little baby plants. I'm excited to slowly build a jungle on the east-facing ledge of file cabinets, lol.

    Tag party time!
    @shellifish7295 I like plants that don't involve bugs, my husband is the one who likes to garden outside, so houseplants and fruit trees/bushes are right up my alley. I hadn't been to regina's! I'll have to fix that next time I get up there.

    @sargemarcori you can do it! I expect to see you here today or tomorrow, sarge! Gotta get that accountability to stop the slide!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey all!

    I didn't make it to Zumba last night as I had some digestive issues. I did otherwise have a pretty good day yesterday.

    My neighbor works for a bagel shop and goes in crazy early in the morning to make the bagels. Every couple months he will bring me a bag full of bagels, usually one or two dozen. Yesterday was bagel day. His wife texted me that he was walking over and I got 15 freshly made bagels. So my dinner was a turkey sandwich on an onion bagel. I mean, it's kind of hard to go wrong with fresh made bagels. I don't really buy myself bagels any longer because it's so much calories and carbs, but it's hard to pass up freshly baked ones being hand delivered for free. I plan to squeeze half to one a day in my calorie budget for a few days. Then I'll either give the rest to another neighbor or freeze them for when I have a bagel craving.

    @shellifish7295 Joseph pita and lavash have become a staple in our household over the past 15 years or so. I’ve tried a lot of healthier and lower calorie flatbreads, pitas, and other substitutes. We still buy some others but not with the same frequency as the Joseph products. Fun fact: when I first bought them my local stores didn’t have them and I had to order online. When I saw them in store the first time I was literally doing happy dances around the aisles like a madwoman.

    @sargemarcori don’t forget to check in with us. I’m all in for accountability.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I know it isn’t takeout but when I’m feeling that pinch the frozen pizzas at Aldi aren’t bad at all. The Rising Crust pizza is only about $5 and the thin crust is only about $3.50. Then again, we’re always ballin’ on a budget so even our takeout pizza tends to be Little Cesar’s except for once every other month or so. Actually, our favorites have become making our out at home though. Using the pitas or the premade mini pizza crusts and everyone builds their own pizza with whatever toppings they can find in the house. Especially when my daughter has friends over, this has become a favorite activity. Things like pepperoni smiley faces or initials made from bell pepper slices are often created.
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    SW- 229.8
    4/17- 235
    CW- 4/21 227.5
    GW- 160-170
    Age- 37
    Height- 5’9”

    I am beyond exhausted today. Yesterday I worked both jobs and I’m normally off work from job 2 by 9pm but I didn’t finish until 10:30 then a 45 min drive home. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I weighed myself and I have lost 7.5 lbs. It’s finally all started working. Then I left my coffee and supplements sitting on the kitchen counter.

    My husband found the rest of the items to finish my office/home gym remodel. So I’ll get that finished this weekend. So I can start using my elliptical and stationary bike again and also have plenty of room to do some classes. Before I can do that though I didn’t get everything finished last night at job 2 so I’ll finish that tonight at home and I’ll have to deliver it tomorrow morning.

    Making pizza bombs tonight for my husband and son. It’s going to be a struggle but I’m just going to have my protein shake.

    @pamperedlinny I’ll have to check out my local stores this weekend when I go grocery shopping. Also fresh bagels are the absolute best. My neighbors growing up had a donut shop and they used to bring us fresh bagels and doughnuts all the time.

    @CupcakeCrusoe same here with the bugs. I wish I had a green thumb. I have only successfully kept 1 house plant alive. Including succulents.
    Regina’s are all over the place but the one in the north end just off the freedom trail is the best. However it gets busy very quickly.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 4/1: 173 (174.1 average)
    4/8: vacation!
    4/15: vacation!
    4/22: 172.0 (173.3 average)

    🌻 April Goals! 🌻

    🌻 April GW (average): 172.5

    🟡Log everything in grams ✅
    🟡Do at least three fitness classes a week ✅
    🟡More than 80g protein every day ✅
    🟡No doomscrolling after 7PM each night ✅
    🟡At least 64oz of water a day ✅

    Well, looks like I'm not going to hit 172.5 average before the end of this month, but that's just fine. I'm making progress, and that's what matters.

    Today's classes are poles and a class for the booty booty booty booty lol. That one's going to hurt, but it's only a half hour. I can do anything for a half hour.

    Lot to do today, gotta get going. But first, tags!
    @pamperedlinny oh man, fresh bagels :yum: I hope you can get to zumba soon, get some of those good exercise endorphins!

    @shellifish7295 sorry you are having a rough time with work, but the home office/workout spot is SO EXCITING! It's gonna be so great.

    @sargemarcori heyyyyy sarge! Tagging you because I know, when I am on the way off the wagon, sometimes just having someone thinking of me helps me pull myself out, so I hope the same thing works for you. hope you're having a great weekend so far!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited April 2023
    3 weeks in and it's time for another goal update. Accountability time!!

    1. Make my bed (I started that last month so current streak is now 32 days)
    2. Spend 2-5 minutes doing ikigai exercises before doing Wordle (10 days) (forgot and broke the streak but have done it 20/22 days)
    3. 3. Hang up my robe after shower (32 day streak)
    4. Study French after checking email 392 day streak
    5. Get morning sun / walk Still struggling to get this done. My number 1 excuse is that's it's really cold out n the mornings but the issue is more that I've been lazy.
    6. Journal 4/22 days. (I'm pretty sure that doing this daily could change so many things in my life. I've GOT to find a way to tie it to another activity)
    7. Workout / classical stretch / yoga / tai chi Some days are better than others but it's hit or miss.
    8. Be in bed by 11:00 I've discovered the only way this happens if I turn off my devices at 10:30 and listen to a book or podcast in semi-darkness. Why do I fight doing this so much??)
    9. added a new one! No eating after 8:00 This has been easier to do than I thought it would but still not an established habit. The 11 bedtime has helped me not be so hungry since I can't go to sleep if I feel hungry.

    My weight has been going up and down the same 2-3 pounds all month as usual. I noticed how much better I felt on the days that I could get outside and work in my flowerbeds. Not sure if it was the activity, the sun, or the feeling of accomplishment but it was great! Feeling kind of depressed this weekend since we didn't go to one granddaugher's trap shoot and missed 3 softball games because I didn't want to sit on the bleachers in 40 degree weather with 20-30mph winds. So I got nothing done at home. (sigh). We can watch the games on youtube when it works so I'm grateful for that.

    There's a saying that I can't find right now but it kinda goes like this:
    If you wait to do something until you fell like doing it, it probably won't get done. Sometimes you have to push yourself to get started. ..... I think I'm gonna need a bulldozer to get me started this weekend!
  • shellifish7295
    shellifish7295 Posts: 50 Member
    edited April 2023
    SW- 229
    4/17- 235
    4/21- 227.5
    CW- 226.4
    GW- 160-170
    Age- 37
    Height- 5’9”

    Super excited to have lost another
    pound. I’m hoping this pound a day trend stays for a little bit. It’s been nice sunny and warm in socal. So going to be doing a lot of walking outside.

    Got a lot done today. Took my son to job #2 to drop off some last minute work. Then we walked to the beach and watched all the boats and the ferry on balboa island while he had his lunch. Then we went and ran some errands.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    174.4 today :unamused: it's fine, it's obviously not fat, just annoying.

    Whatsisface came up to me last night, saying he'd gained some weight, and he thought his body was better at about 15 fewer pounds. We'll see if he decides to change some of his habits, he has a lot of easy switches he could do if he wanted to that would probably get him there pretty quickly. Men lose weight so much easier than women.

    Today, I've got to take kiddo to get some larger clothes, work on the garden, meal prep my lunches for the week (I'm going to try to make a version of that mushroom acorn squash farro bowl I had in Boston :yum:), finish the laundry, clean the house, and send mother's day cards out with the kids' pictures from school.

    Yesterday, I discovered watertok, and while I thought the addition of all these different sugar free syrups and sweeteners to water was silly and expensive (wouldn't it taste so... well, watered down?? but some people just don't like the taste of water), it did make me want one of those huge tumblers that has a handle & can fit in a cupholder. I've got a JUG, lol, but it rolls around and isn't convenient to drink in the car. So I found a less-influency much-less-expensive tumbler at walmart that's pretty, so I'll pick that up this afternoon. We'll see today how well it does with spillage and stuff.

    Tag party time!
    @nebslp it sounds like you're making good progress on your goals! Getting out in the sun does give you some good endorphins, lots of people take a walk in the sunshine when they're feeling low. When I have a hard time falling asleep, I also listen to podcasts or my carolina hurricanes games. All these habits prove that you do have the discipline to do whatever you set your mind to do.

    @shellifish7295 sounds like a great day with your kid :smiley:

    Have a great Sunday, everyone! Set yourselves up for this next week, however that looks for you!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    edited April 2023
    Good morning!!!

    I need to do better. I’ve slacked more often the last week of March and throughout April. Haven’t lost anything. I mean, I’m not gaining it all back either but I’ve been letting circumstances and excuses reign. I did pretty well all last week. Then on Friday night I went to the book club trivia night and ate an entire basket of tater tots. On Saturday I ended up not tracking anything at all for movie night. Not that I'm ever perfect on movie night, but I KNEW I was way over and kept eating.

    I've been in the same 3 lbs for the past month or so. It's maintenance. It's not horrible but it isn't where I'm ready to be at either. That 3 lbs is literally 11 to 14 lbs from my goal. In my head when I'm falling down the rabbit hole it's like I can hear myself saying it's good enough. I don't want to be good enough. I want to crush my goals and be healthy. Self sabotage and being in my own head and letting all the stress bug me out needs to stop.

    I have my neighborhood book club tonight, trivia at the tea shop tomorrow night, my big book club on Thursday, and Disney themed trivia at a distillery on Saturday. There will be food at all of these. Obviously, there will also be adult beverages on Saturday as well. Time to pull that self control back in place. I love these events. I just need to remember that being out isn't an excuse to behave badly.

    On a more positive note, I took my daughter out on Saturday morning to Chick-fil-A for a mother/daughter date. They also had Encanto characters Mirabel & Isabella there decorating flower pots, giving starter bags of seed and soil. It was fun to have some one on one time.

    @sargemarcori How is it going???

    @shellifish7295 Fresh baked goods of any kind are a serious weakness for me. I love the photo! It’s been pretty sunny and warm in SC as well. It makes walking on my lunch breaks so much easier than the super cold or super hot days.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I’ve been slacking on my home exercise too, except for walking. I have stuff multiple nights this week and know I’ll only manage the gym once this week. BUT I’m planning now to make use of my YouTube Premium again and pull a few workouts to stream. Also, I have at least 50 sugar free drink syrups at any given time. I use it in coffee, water, iced tea, hot tea, protein shakes, even in some recipes in place of sugar. The Jordan’s Skinny Syrups are my favorite brand.

    @nebslp Getting outdoor activity when it’s nice out always makes me feel better too. It sounds like it got cold and windy though. Brrr. I agree it’s hard to make myself go outside when it’s not the best weather.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,377 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    174.6 today, wth. Hopefully just shark week coming up, I can't have eaten that much yesterday that I didn't track.

    Because, yeah, I didn't track yesterday, and I know I got into some easter chocolates, lol.

    I got my big tumbler, I'm prepared to be a watertok girlie, lol. So cool that you have that many syrups on hand @pamperedlinny ! If I had that many, I'd probably experiment too!

    Meal prep for the week similar to last week- my thirty fruits/veg/nuts/herbs all prepped, overnight oats prepped, mushroom squash barley bowls prepped. I'm ready! It's logged! Time for a good week!

    No gym tonight, which is unusual for me on a Monday, but then gym Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with kid gym Wednesday and Saturday, ooooooof. This week is going to be BUSY. AND cleaners are coming Wednesday, so gotta clean the house tonight!

    Good thing I've got a good food prep plan ready to go- tonight, the only night we'll all be home, egg roll skillets, and then tomorrow will be a chicken casserole with leftover chicken I'm going to prep tonight to heat tomorrow, Wednesday I'll do a crock pot full of BBQ we can put on buns at the kid gym, Thursday we'll do a tamal pie I'm going to prep Wednesday night with the leftover pork so I can just pop it in the oven Thursday before the gym, and then Friday is always pizza, so I'll pick it up and bake it, then off to the gym with me.

    OOF. It's a lot! And then next week is a mother's day event thursday, I leave to spend a weekend with my best friend Friday afternoon, and I don't get back until Sunday afternoon.

    But, like I said- I got my plan. I've prepped as much as I can. I'm ready for this week. Let's go.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    Nov 1st: 260
    Dec 1st: 250
    Jan 1st: 243
    Feb 1st: 238
    Mar 1st: 246
    Apr 1st: 245
    Apr 9th: 241.8
    Apr 16th: 241.2
    Apr 23rd: 240.4
    Apr 30th:

    Week 3 Wrap Up:
    🌻Swim x2 a week ❌️
    🌻Strength Train x2-x3 a week✅️
    🌻Stay within calorie goal✅️
    🌻Eat more protein✅️
    🌻Log all food✅️

    Been very busy this week and made it to the gym 3 times, but never got to the pool. I found out about TDEE(total daily energy expenditure) Calculators and they told me I should be eating more calories than I currently am to lose weight so I've been experimenting with that.

    Overall, I'm feeling a little discouraged because I hoped to have lost more weight by May 1st, which will be 6 months from when I (re)started. I just need to remind myself that progress is not linear (Feb & March were quite a low point) and I'm in this for the long haul, as a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix.

    Hope everyone has a lovely last week of April!