300 days sober

Today is day 300 of me being sober.

301 days ago I got drunk for the last time, and I woke up. Promising myself. I needed to change, not just for Me. But for my little family, it's been the toughest 300 days of my life, so much has happened that tested me l, old me would have crumbled.

I feel like, not only healthier, but physically and mentally stronger, not only am I 2 Stine lighter, I've saved thousands. But more importantly. Saved my liver, my life, and my mental health.

I know get to run around with the boys, be present in my daughters life, enjoy events with my girlfriend without embarrassing myself, sleeping anywhere, pissing myself.

I always thought drink would make me feel better in a few moments. It made me live in the future, a constant fear and paralysis. The happiness will come. In the future.

But it never came, until I stopped drinking.

My name is Gareth Clement. And today. I'm 300 days sober gdxh03y3eihm.jpg
