Slimmer legs?? HELP!!!

Hi everyone! Im going out in fancy dress in 2 months and the outfit i have to wear includes short shorts!!! OT OH!!! Even when i was really slim my thighs have always been my worse bit!

What kind of exercises are best for losing fat from your legs fast?

Please help me! :(


  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Exercises can TONE your legs, but there are no exercises that will target fat from a particular area of the body.
  • maz118
    well you never see a swimmer or someone who skips with fat legs, it wont happen overnight, to acheieve these results you must keep it up.. for at least 6months if you really want results, its mainly your diet though :)
  • suzitkd
    suzitkd Posts: 110
    I have honestly had fat thighs all my life, even was I was 13 and built like a rake I had fat thighs! As I got bigger they of course got even bigger, when I lost weight my waist would fit into slim jeans, but the thighs would be stretched skin tight! Ewww! Then six months ago my hubby started dragging me out cycling regularly, keeping the speed up to an average over 10mph (these days I aim at over 12mph) for an hours ride regularly. It hurt! To start with I wouldn't be getting out of breath so much on the hills as dying from the pain in my thighs! But I persevered! Now I can honestly say my thighs have shrunk! For the first time ever there are firm bits! They even go in in places, not just out! I am wearing skinny jeans and loving it! I still have at least a stone to lose and a belly that goes with it, but honestly my thighs have never looked so good! Cycle! Lots! It will work!
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    running is a great full body toner. does wonders for your legs. but dont worry about your leg SIZE, just focus on getting rid of the flab. you probably just have naturally bigger legs, so when you have fat on them they look even bigger than they are. once the flab is gone, they will be sexy and tight. i dont have tiny thighs but they and nice and toned.
  • KIRSTLAH1987
    thank you so much! Im same with jeans, waist fits but legs too tight! I haven't got a bike but Will start to use the ones in the gym! Might even give spinning classes a go :-) i hate my thighs so much, Will try anything!
  • KIRSTLAH1987
    yeah i think i was just born with big legs, if i can get them not to wobble i Will be VERY Happy! Running and cycling from now on :)