Resetting your metabolism



  • lynn9
    lynn9 Posts: 19 Member
    Yep - I agree, that's a lot of calories when you do the math. I half want to and half don't want to try it. I'm going to stick with my goal reset that Rachel### (can't remember the #'s in her userid) suggested. Sedentary (have a desk job); zero for workouts and 1/2lb loss per week. That way my workout calories are reflect in my daily total without any chance of double dipping. I sure hope I have those settings correct! While I'm getting better at netting, I still have ~200 calories more or less (usually more) left over. But no longer having net calories around 200 - 400.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I went on the website recommended by Lynn and after all the calculations ended up with 2604 cals.

    I am to subtract 200-300 cals per day from that to lose weight.

    This gives me 2300 cals per day. (the same as the Jillian calculation)

    This will not be happening and I can't see how I will fit that much food in me.

    someone talk to me.......
  • Nette_54
    Nette_54 Posts: 265 Member
    You must eat at least 1200 calories a day or your body goes into starvation mode and your body will store it as fat

    I have just joined Curves the ladies gym and was reading the eating plan they use, it is a 30 day plan.

    Phase 1: For 7 days they say to eat 1200 calories

    Phase 2: for 23 days eat 1500 calories ( either a diet higher in protein or a diet higher in carbs )

    Phase 3: for 2 - 4 weeks eat 2000 - 2500 calories - if you gain 1 to 1 and half kilos ( 2 to 2 and half pounds I think ) then go back to phase 1 I don't like the idea of doing this for 4 weeks but maybe 2 weeks but I guess they know best

    By giving your body a rest from the low calories it will help boost your metabolism so you lose weight and the idea too is you learn how to know maintain your weight when you have reached your goal weight stay with the 2000 to 2500 calories and again if you gain a Kilo and half do the 1200 calories for a few days then go back to normal don't worry about phase 2 if you are at your goal weight. It is working for me so far and my daughter too

    Good luck
  • lynn9
    lynn9 Posts: 19 Member
    @rosied915 - I agree, my calculations were in that same neighborhood and I can't fathom eating that much! Unless it was unhealthy/high fat/high calorie foods and that's not what I want or like much. Yes, I crave Lay's potato chips now and then and when I do, I have a serving which satisfies the craving for awhile.
  • colgosling
    colgosling Posts: 104 Member
    So much to take in and so little time :) Great thread - very interesting
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member

    Verrrrrry interesting. I upped my calories to maintenance a couple of weeks ago and started gaining weight. Was thinking of lowering my allowance again, but having read this thread I think I'll give it a while longer.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member

    Verrrrrry interesting. I upped my calories to maintenance a couple of weeks ago and started gaining weight. Was thinking of lowering my allowance again, but having read this thread I think I'll give it a while longer.

    You are amazing to be so calm about gaining!! I would be crushed and could NEVER be that patient.

    AWESOME THREAD~ I'm going to read and re-read it a few times to let it sink in!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    You are amazing to be so calm about gaining!! I would be crushed and could NEVER be that patient.

    Well maybe I should be panicking! :laugh:

    I'm genuinly interested to see what happens. Not sure how long my nerve will hold though ...
  • lynn9
    lynn9 Posts: 19 Member
    Latest update: On vacation last week. Did my best to adhere to eating every three hours. This week being quite diligent about it and about netting. Had a few days below 1200 Net due to workouts. Yesterday, was a day that I could eat all day long - actual hunger pangs so, I grazed most of the day. The good news is that I'm getting those hunger pangs. Having been in starvation mode for so long, I didn't realize that they were 'missing' so to speak. I'm taking this as a sign that my metabolism is starting to rev up a bit and hopefully resetting to a fat burning mode :smile: Clothes are getting roomier. Holding off on the scale for another week.....