I don't think I will EVER be able to do this!

jenniferholloway Posts: 2 Member
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
I have been trying to lose weight for a year now and I just can't stick with it! I have gained 29 lbs in the last 4 years. I joined the gym 6 weeks ago and have gained 3 lbs! UGH!!! A few inches have come off but I need to lose weight too! I am a total food addict and have no self control. Currently I weigh 149 lbs and would love to be 125 again. I have never had a muffin top before and my things have grown rather large, especially my butt! Having three kids doesn't help either. They love snacks so it isn't really feasible for me to think I can't have any in the house. I also teach and that can be very stressful. I think that a lot of my eating has started in my classroom. Hopefully I can find a buddy on here that can support me through this.
Thanks for reading my post!


  • jenniferholloway
    jenniferholloway Posts: 2 Member
    I have been trying to lose weight for a year now and I just can't stick with it! I have gained 29 lbs in the last 4 years. I joined the gym 6 weeks ago and have gained 3 lbs! UGH!!! A few inches have come off but I need to lose weight too! I am a total food addict and have no self control. Currently I weigh 149 lbs and would love to be 125 again. I have never had a muffin top before and my things have grown rather large, especially my butt! Having three kids doesn't help either. They love snacks so it isn't really feasible for me to think I can't have any in the house. I also teach and that can be very stressful. I think that a lot of my eating has started in my classroom. Hopefully I can find a buddy on here that can support me through this.
    Thanks for reading my post!
  • I have been trying to lose weight for a year now and I just can't stick with it! I have gained 29 lbs in the last 4 years. I joined the gym 6 weeks ago and have gained 3 lbs! UGH!!! A few inches have come off but I need to lose weight too! I am a total food addict and have no self control. Currently I weigh 149 lbs and would love to be 125 again. I have never had a muffin top before and my things have grown rather large, especially my butt! Having three kids doesn't help either. They love snacks so it isn't really feasible for me to think I can't have any in the house. I also teach and that can be very stressful. I think that a lot of my eating has started in my classroom. Hopefully I can find a buddy on here that can support me through this.
    Thanks for reading my post!
    Hi Jennifer,
    Welcome to the boards:flowerforyou: There's a teacher support group on here I believe that can offer you support in that area. There has also been some recent discussion how children don't need 'junk snack food' anymore than anyone else. To teach a child how to chose healthier foods at a very young age can save them years of unhappiness and medication etc. that they may eventually be on because of extra weight.

    I've lost over 200 lbs now and Hon, in all seriousness if I can do, you most definitely can:wink: ...it's all a mind set, if you feel you can't do it, you won't, if you set your mind to succeeding you will be able to conquer most anything that comes in your path.

    I wish you much success on joining us all here towards a healthy path....it's a journey for a lifetime, junk food doesn't have to play a role in it you chose not to have it. Some do still enjoy treats in moderation, some have switched over to enjoying new healthy ways to have treats.

    Lots of options in this journey.:drinker:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    love is right, the kids will adjust and so will you. I find that a little treating is fine, and when I watch my 3 yr old run laps in the house I know she can afford alot more calories in a day than I can, so if i'm to get a treat, I have to walk for it. today I walked 6 miles to eat a carls jr. dinner and that still wasn't enough, but I felt better about my bing, and I will start again tomorrow. following the system here works, I was just like you. I worked out for 6 weeks and gained 3 lbs, but as soon as I started here, i've lost almost 6lbs in just about 3 weeks, so this really works. and like I said, I get little treats too, I am not about to stop living life, am adjusting it to be more healthy and eating with a plan, not just winging it. you'll love it here and you'll find lots of support. good luck. and have faith in yourself, your worth it.
  • justmee
    justmee Posts: 3
    Reading your message, I thought I was reading my story!
    I have not replied to any posts before, but this one had me reply.

    I am the same way; I am 149lbs and am trying to get to 125.
    I can't believe I have let myself get this out of control. After my third child I was 125 for a several years, even though I was 123lbs after my first and second child. Any weight gain was just 6 weeks on the treadmill and an hour a day, five times a week, and I was fine again. Then about three years ago we moved and I have been packing on the pounds--and like you I am not distributing it evenly. My clothes don't fit. I have 13 skirts and only two fit.

    I bought a treadmill two years ago and have faithfully used it 4-5 times a week and only gained weight!
    I have been seriously working to lose this weight for 8 weeks doing the South Beach diet and have only lost 3 pounds. My mother says I must be cheating, so for two weeks I have logged every bite of everything I eat to show her, I track every calorie, carb, protein, etc. even points because a girlfriend suggested I do Weight watchers so have been starting that this last week. All this week I have exercised twice a day for 40min each ( I watch a DVD), on the treadmill at 6-10% incline at about 3.4-3.6 MPH. (with a 4 minute 2.3mph warm-up) my calorie intake ranges from 1098-1346cal. (though one day I was off the wagon and had one measured cup of potato salad that raised my cal to 1571. One full week of this and what do I see on my scale I am 150.8lbs! HOW? and do not say it is muscle!

    I am so discouraged. 8weeks of denying food, of not eating with my family because I know I will nibble on their food ,so I prepare it and then go and calculate my days calories, clean the dishes and go exercise. UGH! I don't know where I am failing. :sad:

    I too teach, but not in a school environment, but I do know that I do not burn a lot of calories as we mostly sit together and do schoolwork.

    If you find success let me know. I read this board looking for suggestions and encouragement, but I feel like an overweight failure consumed by this and wasting my time, I could be spending that time with my kids. I look at my projected weight in five weeks, and almost each day it says "If everyday was like this you will weigh 142 in 5 weeks" and I am going up! Perhaps I should make my new goal 180lbs, and then I would be on my way to success! :laugh:

    I hope that you get to your goal weight in a healthy and satisfying way.
  • Reading your message, I thought I was reading my story!
    I have not relied to any posts before, but this one had me reply.

    I am the same way; I am 149lbs and am trying to get to 125.
    I can't believe I have let myself get this out of control. After my third child I was 125 for a several years, even though I was 123lbs after my first and second child. Any weight gain was just 6 weeks on the treadmill and an hour a day, five times a week, and I was fine again. Then about three years ago we moved and I have been packing on the pounds--and like you I am not distributing it evenly. My clothes don't fit. I have 13 skirts and only two fit.

    I bought a treadmill two years ago and have faithfully used it 4-5 times a week and only gained weight!
    I have been seriously working to lose this weight for 8 weeks doing the South Beach diet and have only lost 3 pounds. My mother says I must be cheating, so for two weeks I have logged every bite of everything I eat to show her, I track every calorie, carb, protein, etc. even points because a girlfriend suggested I do Weight watchers so have been starting that this last week. All this week I have exercised twice a day for 40min each ( I watch a DVD), on the treadmill at 6-10% incline at about 3.4-3.6 MPH. (with a 4 minute 2.3mph warm-up) my calorie intake ranges from 1098-1346cal. (though one day I was off the wagon and had one measured cup of potato salad that raised my cal to 1571. One full week of this and what do I see on my scale I am 150.8lbs! HOW? and do not say it is muscle!

    I am so discouraged. 8weeks of denying food, of not eating with my family because I know I will nibble on their food ,so I prepare it and then go and calculate my days calories, clean the dishes and go exercise. UGH! I don't know where I am failing. :sad:

    I too teach, but not in a school environment, but I do know that I do not burn a lot of calories as we mostly sit together and do schoolwork.

    If you find success let me know. I read this board looking for suggestions and encouragement, but I feel like an overweight failure consumed by this and wasting my time, I could be spending that time with my kids. I look at my projected weight in five weeks, and almost each day it says "If everyday was like this you will weigh 142 in 5 weeks" and I am going up! Perhaps I should make my new goal 180lbs, and then I would be on my way to success! :laugh:

    I hope that you get to your goal weight in a healthy and satisfying way.

    Hi, Glad you decided to post.. are you not able to eat the foods your family eat at meals? Many here continue to eat similar food as in the past but now eat them in moderation. That way you don't feel like you're a on a 'diet'... because that's definitely setting one's self up for failure... this is a lifechange....a journey for the rest of our lives. Not simply to reach a goal weight but instead to learn to maintain that weight with continued good food choices.:happy:
  • justmee
    justmee Posts: 3
    "Are you not able to eat the foods your family eat at meals?"

    Yes, I can eat the same foods, but if I stay at the table will take a second helping, even if it is only a bite, or I will finish what is on the kid's plates, and I don't want to continue that, so I remove myself from the temptation until I have regained my moderation.

    I am trying to be very careful in monitoring every bit of food I intake so I can see where my calories are.
    My mother said she loses weight at 900 cal, I fear I will be the same, but I can't do that, I can barely keep to the 1240 cal I am allotted now.

    As far as a life change verses a goal, I hear what you are saying, that is what attracted me to the South Beach Diet. But I already eat close to the phase two part of the diet so it wasn't a big stretch to do the diet. I think for me my problem is I probably need VERY few calories to exist, and I don't want to. I am not a snacker, I eat a moderate oatmeal with no sugar breakfast and I don't eat after 7pm ( I know others will say 6pm, but I am up until 2am so I stop at 7p). Dinner is my worst part of the day when it comes to eating. And my worst food is peanut butter! I love my crunchy peanut butter, which I have not had in 4 weeks, because it uses too much calories.

    So I have to find the balance in the lifestyle change that is reasonable for my family, and reasonable for me to maintain, because it is clear I am no longer able to work off the weight, like I used to do. So now I have to figure out what my body wants from me. Do I need to work out longer and harder, and still eat less? Do I just eat less? Do calories really matter? Does working out matter? I read so much about this and it all contradicts itself. I just try to go where I see other people finding success…*sigh* I don't know.

    But thank you for your kind words, and I hope you find success in your goal!
  • gggivens
    gggivens Posts: 46
    Try a bit of weight lifting, not at a high intensity. When you lower your calories and think of it as a diet, your mind will actually tell your body to save what you are eating.

    I recently read a book (I think it was called 'The Gabriel Method') that I bought from Amazon. It made a lot of sense- talks about not dieting, but rather adding in the high nutrient foods that your body craves. It also talks about how to do and why to do a short burst of high intensity exercise rather than a long boring stretch. I have put some of his principles into practice, and it seems to be helping. I am currently on the HCG Diet, which is working for me- but it is not something that everyone wants to try. (If you are curious, run a search for HCG in the topics, and read my post.)

    Anyway- good luck!

    (Oh- if peanut butter is your major weakness, you might want to try the powdered peanut butter- you mix it with water and it had almost no fat. I have not tried it yet, but will soon. I LOVE peanut butter as well.)
  • bootilicious
    bootilicious Posts: 151 Member

    I know exactly how you feel! In January, I was there at 160 lbs and now I am 145lbs. I have been working out, logging all my foods and trying really hard to stick with it. I fall off the wagon at least once per week, but I just get back up and try again. I used to feel like you, but I took a course called The Sedona Method in January and it has changed my life. Basically we eat to cover up our emotions, ie. boredom, loneliness, past abuse, blah, blah, blah. Until we learn to control these raging emotions, we will always be on this roller-coaster of weight loss, weight gain...

    I wish you only the best.

  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Yes, I can eat the same foods, but if I stay at the table will take a second helping, even if it is only a bite, or I will finish what is on the kid's plates, and I don't want to continue that, so I remove myself from the temptation until I have regained my moderation.

    Don't cook enough for seconds or package the extra up for another meal sometimes. And have the kids scrape their own plates off so temptation is not there
    DMORTIFF Posts: 22 Member
    I keep thinking to myself when am i going to screw this up, which is a far cry from what i used to say quote when am i going to start this thing. well i did and i am happier and helthier today for having started it. i thought i had an eating problem but i had a thinking problem i thought i knew how to eat. i did get help in the way of a nutritionist. i used to not eat breakfast and lunch and have a slim fast for each i would lose a little initially but eventually put more on and benge eat, snack eat. i hope you find a friend on here but i hope you find someone near you also for support.
  • BlackBeltLJ
    BlackBeltLJ Posts: 190
    I have three teenagers and I teach at a high school- Carb city. Plus I do Girl scouts, Venture Crew and Taekwondo. I am also going to school for more endorsements.

    Things I have done that help me:

    take your lunch!!! Schools are notorious for high carbs. I make nutritious vegitarian meals or soups to take - my only problem is keeping my 14yo out of them because she loves them too!

    Make your own snacks for home- I know that that is time consuming- I make the stuff every two weeks on one day of the weekend- home made is better and you can use sugar substitutes and fruit. i freeze half of what I make to pull out the next weekend- not only healthier but cheaper than Nabisco or Little Debbie.

    Drink water (or use the crystal light or South Beach drinks but watch those calories)- I keep a bottle on my desk at all times- I also let my kids keep water bottles or drink water anytime- teach them while they are young.

    Teach your students fitness- I teach Special Ed- twice a week (in different courses) we go outside and walk a mile around the track- at first they whined but now I have to work to keep up with them! I also use a different form of toe tokens than the PE teachers do at Elementary for every 5 miles the kids walk- they are up to 800 miles this school year- as long as it is above 55degrees, we go on Tuesday and Thursday unless it is raining (Florida)

    I have also cut out beef and pork for me. I make chicken at least twice a week and go veggie at least one night. My boys hate it but as their father said- get a job and you can buy the beef. I actually do cook beef up for them and then ignore the meal and have my own chicken.

    A smaller plate is another great tip. You can make your meal look bigger just by using a smaller plate.

    Last tip- take up something that keeps your hands occupied while you are watching TV. I quilt and crochet. Cheetos and yarn or fabric do not go so I find myself eating less in front of the TV.

    Good luck and remember, you are not the only one!
  • Thanks for sharing your stories. One of the wonderful things about this site is that you know you are not alone. There are many people that are struggling just like you and I bet 99% of the people on here thought they couldn't do it. Well, there are MANY people who are and are changing their lives and their families lives for the better.

    I gained most of my weight as well, by my career. I to teach, but at the university which is a 1.5 hour commute one way (total 3 hours driving= lots of sitting). When I was hungry on my way home, I would make a quick pit stop at the fast food joint to tide me over, then eat supper when I got home.

    Now, (and I've lost 18 lbs in total since Dec.) I make life easy for me.

    I don't have unhealthy snacks in the house, I want my 3 and 6 year old to know what is healthy and what is not, and they know already. Plus, if it's in the house, I'll eat it too.
    I plan all my meals in advance. 10 minutes to make the meal plan for the week (i.e. what we are going to eat) and 10 minutes of writing down the grocery list. 20 minutes of decisions that saves a lot of grief when deciding what we are going to eat or buy at the grocery store.
    I take left overs from dinner to work the next day and so does my husband
    We compost the food and the kids scrape their plates into the compost bin. I don't know of many people who would eat the leftovers from a compost bin
    I do cardio and lift weights at least 3 times a week and we spend lots of time out of doors playing, the TV is rarely on in our house.
    Finally when I make cookies, cakes etc. the plates get rinsed and washed or put in the dishwasher right away.

    These are things that have helped me and honestly, they've become a habit.

    You can do it!
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