Wanting to lose 10 lbs by Halloween

I am leaving for vacation on October 21. I will be spending Halloween in New Orleans.. as well as trying to find a job down there! I am hoping to lose at least 10 pounds by then. Does anyone have any tips to point me in the right direction of reaching my goal? Thanks!!

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  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    30 day shred - if you don't lose 10 lbs by then at least you'll LOOK like you did . I started the shred on the first of Sept. size 16 jeans. Yesterday I slipped into a pair of size 12
    Jillian is my idol
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Bump - & good luck!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I am leaving for vacation on October 21. I will be spending Halloween in New Orleans.. as well as trying to find a job down there! I am hoping to lose at least 10 pounds by then. Does anyone have any tips to point me in the right direction of reaching my goal? Thanks!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    Join my "Lose 10 lbs in October" Challenge! I haven't posted the thread for it yet, but it's a monthly challenge we do - great accountability and weekly mini-challenges. October's theme will be boot camp!
  • nottegatto
    nottegatto Posts: 7 Member
    Good Luck:wink:
  • phillymills
    WOW, that's great, did you do it everyday? did you do any other exercise?
  • Tishabell
    Tishabell Posts: 6 Member

    My birthday is Oct 22 - so we have similar goals . One day at a time but it can be done
  • pumpkin11
    I'm in the same situation, I have taken my measurements this morning and my goal is to lose 14 in 4weeks, so 22nd Oct is my goal date.
    I've just been for a jog/walk, and aim to burn 600 cals x 6 days a week. Good luck :) Add me as a friend if you like, we can help motivate each other :))
  • mikemsolberg
    Beach Body has a lot of great fitness programs including Tony Horton's 10min trainer which is good if you are short on time. It is a complete kick your *kitten* workout in just 10min. Don't eat under 1200 calories or else your body will go into starvation mode and will store fat instead of using it for energy; If you do work out then add 200 calories to your plan. Remember that its just not about cutting calories but eating the right foods in the right combination's such as fast carbs, slow carbs and protein in one meal so that everything can metabolize properly without spiking your blood sugar. This is a good way to keep the weight off after you have lost it because it promotes healthy choices where you can still eat what you love. Eat every 2-3 hrs to keep your metabolism going and a good rule of thumb is if it has a label on it don't eat it. Good luck!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    WOW, that's great, did you do it everyday? did you do any other exercise?

    Yes I do it every morning- just get up & do it before I think about it - it's a 20 minute routine so I just set my alarm 15 mins early and suck it up. On sundays, I get up, do the shred, walk the dogs and go back to bed but by God, I do it. Yes I do other stuff, was also doing Walk off the Weight program so I do that 3 evenings a week - I actually hurt my knee doing the shred (I recommend a knee brace if you're prone to that, I should have taken precaution) and took 3 days off, then I got restless so I've been doing it modified. I don't do actual jumping jacks, do the butt kicks real slow (like stretches) that's what's so great, you can modify it. Then I'm also doing my knee strengthening exercises. Before I hurt my knee, I was running the stairs to my apt (3rd floor) 15 or 20 mins a couple days a week - now I walk them, but for a longer time
    One of my MFP friends suggested wearing compression wear when you work out & it really does help melt off the inches.

    WATER, WATER, WATER - divide your body weight in half and drink that many oz of water every day