exercise help needed

ok has you can see from my profile pic i have a jlo bum which i hate has it makes me look fat does any body have any exercise and diet tips on how i can shrink my bum although i dont think i can has its the spine that sticks out also my love handles bulge out so i have a muffin top in jeans i know the eat healthy and exercise which i do i want to knw if their is any speciic execises for these areas x thanksx


  • AliDarling
    squats helped mine.
  • kassied09
    I have the same problem! I have terrible genes and two of my sisters have this problem as well. I don't mind it being a little big, but my *kitten* is out of control! sheesh! HELP! hahaha :D
  • angelinerstetzko
    Squats and lunges all the way! Make sure to add weights too :)
  • all of the above! and love your butt, some women wish they had half of one! :) BTW, I'm a big butt girl too and I love it, it looks awesome in jeans, bathing suits, tight fitting dresses, etc. Think of the alternative, flat!!! OH no
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    Oh if target exercises were only so easy! If they were, we'd all be walking around with flat, six pack abs and tiny firm buns!

    You hit the nail on the head when you said it's a combo of good eating habits AND exercise. You gotta have both to be successful with weight loss and toning those trouble areas. Cardio mixed with weight training exercises will help you the most but you cannot ignore your nutrition and expect to make significant strides.

    Be sure to incorporate each piece into your plan!

  • bextoye
    thanks for all your replys xx really helped x
  • alisonhayes266
    alisonhayes266 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, I just went running, only short runs, 3-5 k a few times a week for 20-30 mins and mine disapeared..... Mostly :-), just wish my 23 yr old "baby belly" would go the same way LoL
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    just wish my 23 yr old "baby belly" would go the same way LoL

    My advice above holds true for baby belly too! The only way I was able to trim/tone my abs was through DIET. Have you ever heard of the saying that "Your abs are made in the kitchen"? It's really all about eating clean so that your body uses all that stored up fat as its energy source. Makes your workouts more effective!