Have you ever stolen somebody else's man/woman



  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I did unknowingly.


    I met my (now) fiance in OK, we're both from PA, and to make a long story short he told me he was single. Later in the day, his phone kept ringing and he told me it was his crazy ex that wouldn't accept he had broken up with her. I go home and a few weeks go by and he's telling me his friends and family are excited to meet me when he comes home, etc. he calls one night (drunk) and tells me that he really likes me and he's going to text his girlfriend and break up with her. I was shocked, we get into our first arguement and I tell him that he should not TEXT her and break up with her and to not call me until he does. Well, he called me back about a half hour later after forwarding all of the text messages to me. I kept an open mind when he came home that it just may not work out because I wasn't exactly sure he really had broken up with her so I hung around really as a friend, no hanky panky, until I was hearing from EVERYONE he knew that she really was crazy and wouldn't allow him to break up with her (family said it, too so it wasn't his friends trying to get him laid, haha), etc.

    So, I sort of take that as he was single, she just wouldn't accept that they weren't together anymore. She called me out on her FB way back when but... I see it how I see it and I don't think either one of us did anything wrong. She was just highly attached. We've been together 4.5years and have a beautiful 6 1/2 month old girl :)
    All is well.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    Once, but the judge promised the records would be sealed.
  • NO i haven't ! ~:huh: ~ but i unwillingly loaned her out once and then step on the gas and never looked back or answered the phone ! :sad:
  • Nope, I have been with my first and only since I was 14, ten years!

    Wow! 14 really and you never get the desire to try something different. I have been married since I was 19, but I tried a few before I found a keeper.

    I never had the desire to be with anyone else. He gives me everything I need and we have 4 kids which has made us stronger. I just can't see myself with anyone else.:love:
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    On accident, my first boyfriend.

    I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. We would hang out all the time, and he paid me a lot of attention. One day he asked me who my best friend was and I said his name (but I was actually referring to a classmate who had the same name haha!). He then basically confessed that he left his girlfriend because he wanted to be with me.

    I remember being shocked and flattered. I said yes.

    The next day at school I sat with a group of girls (I was a foreign exchange student so went from group to group frequently).
    They were very sweet, and I told them excitedly that this guy (Lets call him "Vinegar") had asked me out. One of the girls seemed very interested when I mentioned the first name.

    I continued, "It's awkward though because he said he dumped him girlfriend for me, but I didn't even know he had a girlfriend."

    One of the girls asks me, "You mean 'Vinegar Vinaigrette' asked you out?"

    I was surprised, "How'd you know it was him? :D"

    "Because he dumped me last night..."

  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    I've occasionally borrowed him for solo inspirational purposes though. :devil:

    I like that, nicely put :wink:
  • Nope, never. As soon as I know he is taken I lose all interest. I don't go for things I a) know I won't get and b) will upset others.

    I however, have been stolen before quite a few times :P
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    now "stealing" somebody without knowledge of it is one thing. It "just happening" between two is another. But going out and making an effort to take the affections of somebody who is already happily taken just seems weird to me.

    i've stolen without knowledge of the actual stealing. i was told that the person was single, and that the ex was just crazy and couldn't let go, come to find out, they were still on again off again (i found this out when i saw the way the person acted after we broke up, trying to sweet talk me and figured this was probably going on with the ex as well, but the ex was weaker than me when it came to her feelings for this person)

    with this SAME person. i've had a girl actively and aggressively go after the person while i was with them, knowing i was with them, and completely disrespecting me and my relationship, i'm pretty sure the person i was with cheated on me with this girl. but karma is a very active energy, and those two didn't last long either...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yea. But they were young, in one of those relationships where they never really saw eachother or talked. Pretty much I said hey, break up with him so we can go out. Weve been together for 4 years
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    Well, there are these rules that guys have, an understanding as to what exactly constitutes stealing. Take my situation for example: it's not stealing. It's never stealing when you're in a different area code, not to mention a different state.

    Her and her hubby were in one area code, while I was in another...out of sight out of mind. The crazy things we do as kids. lol
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Let me preface this by saying that I think it's up to the people in the marriage/monogamous relationship to honor their own vows and rules. You can't make someone come out of a happy relationship - hell sometimes you can't make them come out of one that sucks. I don't go after married or coupled men...and it has nothing to do with a sense of morality. It's from experience that I learned that these relationships are undesirable to me.

    So with that, I guess you could say I have. The first time, I walked away before it got to be more than some kissing. He broke up with her a few months later and we dated for a minute then. The second (and last) time we hung out, didn't expect to be into each other, messed around. He claimed he was leaving his wife, and after about a week of this I was thinking, "They never leave their wives. Let me cut this out right now." I called it off. But a few days later, he actually did. He moved out. We dated for almost 3 years.

    He'd been miserable for a LOT of years in his relationship but stayed for the kids. By the time I got in the picture, the kids were 18 and 15. Sometimes people are just ready to go. I didn't mess up their relationship and steal him. They both checked out a long time before.
  • katya73
    katya73 Posts: 464
    I did unknowingly.

    Me too :(
  • enchantedmuse
    enchantedmuse Posts: 11 Member
    “When you marry your mistress, you create a job vacancy.” James Goldsmith (1933 – 97)

    I always thought about this quote if a married man tried to ask me out..... if I was his wife then he would need another....
    I could not trust someone who cheated to be with me......I don't think it is exclusive to married people either... if someone is dating or involved with someone else and wants to date me.... likely I am not the only one being pursued.... red flags and now I run.... :)
  • katiri732
    katiri732 Posts: 48 Member
    My first marriage broke up from hubby being with my best friend. grrrrrrrrr
  • Yes.. I have stolen !! :blushing: - but it wasn't intentionally and he was just out of a relationship !!

    .. but it has brought me to where I am today, 4 years down the line with a very happy family and a beautiful baby boy ! :bigsmile:
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Never. Had mine stolen once, and I'll never forget how painful it was. I could never do that to someone else.
    Amen!!! And just had a married man approach me, and he was totally okay with it. Told him no way I could be with a married man. The sad part is, he saw nothing wrong with cheating on his wife. And, he was so full of himself that he couldn't believe that I turned him down!!!
  • Jazzart
    Jazzart Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, He didn't appreciate what he had, I did.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I've been stolen from.
    I was in HS. My bf and I were together for over a year. He wanted sex eventually, I wasn't ready just yet.
    Then one day I found one of my good friends sitting on his lap, totally flirting with him, and he was flirting too.
    Needless to say i wasn't happy. We broke up really soon after and found out one of my good guy friends told me that had been going on for at least a week before I found out.

    Needless to say not even 24 hours after we broke up, they started dating, they had 2 Saturdays later, and the next day she broke up with him. :drinker: :drinker:
  • When I was young, silly, and immature... oh and selfish... but you never keep the ones you steal... you find they are too easily wavered and not worth standing beside a strong woman... you want someone stronger than the tempatations of excitement! :brokenheart: