Women 200lb+, Let's Have a Magical May!!!



  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    Ok will do this again..had typed out everything and then accidentally turned my phone or something and it all disappeared...

    Went to the doctor's office yesterday and showed him my log of blood pressure readings I've taken at home. He decided to change my medication to one that's a little stronger and did some blood work. I have to keep a log of my blood pressure for the next week and take them to the office next week and do some more blood work.

    It's leg week this week in martial arts class so we did a lot of work on kicks and exercises to work the leg muscles...squats, leg extensions, etc. Was sore this morning so did a yoga video focused on stretching the hamstrings and lower back. Also went and got a pedicure...the hot rock massage felt so good.

    Thought I would throw in another breakfast pic....breakfast this morning, Blueberry protein pancakes with cut up strawberries and sugar free syrup.


    HW: 289
    SW: 282.4 (March 2022)
    CW: 243.2
  • sandramarshall200
    sandramarshall200 Posts: 106 Member
    @kelliward thank you, don’t think we have that saying in England . You will of course now tell me you are from London or something! I thought it was that everyone at a secret signal was extra strict with themselves!
  • ojade9800
    ojade9800 Posts: 14 Member
    Evening ladies,

    I started this in 2021 but had a lot of drama happen in life so now I'm back and feeling better for it!

    This time around im being more realistic about things (sticking with 1980 cal per day, eating much better)

    My SW: 124.4KG (274lbs)
    My GW: 75KG (165lbs)

    So far it's going good,

    As of last week I was 122.7KG (270lbs) but over a couple weeks I'm happy with that.

    My goals for May!
    Continue eating better, maybe refine some of the fats in my diet.
    Walk 6000 steps per day.
    Cycle with my partner more to build cardio.
    Drink 2 litres of water per day!

    Happy May ladies and TY for reading xx
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.6 (still!) this morning.

    I'm having a crazy week, and this weekend I'm out of town, so I'm popping in to say I've read all your stuff, welcome to our newbies, and I'll see you on Monday (probably!) Also @kelliward1 I do love a pancake that's just a little burned, can't explain it, wonderful.

    Have a great FRIDAY and a great weekend, everyone!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Somehow life got insane again. I keep promising myself that it won't..... but then my calendar is full again. With the events this week I did not stay in my boundaries. Two days in a row I was around 2500 calories in a day. At least I logged them best I could and kept track. It wasn't pretty but acknowleging when I'm having a hard time staying the course seems to help.

    I have lunch out with a friend today and I'm going to try and make myself pick a healthier option. The place is called Buffalo Cornbread and I live in the south. Even the salad comes in cornbread and there are no light dressings on the menu, so this is a challenge. Since I went to a work party (they did a Cinco de Mayo party a day early) at a local sports bar last night, and it was all the free food and 2 free drinks, I didn't make the best choices. I started with salad and fruit but then had wings, fries, tots..... you get the picture.

    I can make better choices today.

    Also, I heard that myfitnesspal is sending emails to some people asking for input and focusing a lot on the community boards. If they decide to get rid of the community like fitbit did I'm going to lose my mind. I need all of you! Seriously, accountability and checking in makes such a big difference.

    @kelliward1 That looks amazing!

    @ojade9800 Welcome and I love your goals.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Have a great trip!!!!!
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    @pamperedlinny I had not thought of that! I got one of those emails and I will make sure to stress that the boards are what keeps me around! I would have fallen so hard these past few weeks without you all calling me back.

    I'm working my way back. I swear I've been eating a little under maintenance (though not as far under as I want) but I'm still gaining/trying to gain. it's frustrating at a time I really don't need more issues, but I'm determined not to go back into that last decade. I've been out for six months!
  • coffeeandtruecrime
    coffeeandtruecrime Posts: 20 Member
    SW 284
    CW 268
    GW 150

    *I haven't weigh in yet, will do that on the 15th. I personally don't like stepping on the scale or measuring myself because all it does is upset me and make me want to binge, so I only do it every 1 1/2 months to 2 months. I will post soon-ish after the weigh in. The 15th is the 100th day I login into mfp and been on the calorie counting part of this heath journey, I started eating healthy a little over a week beforehand.

    Goals for this month
    • Work out most days (I got sick for 1 week and a half so I didn't workout during that time) (I aim for 5-6 days)
    • Eat more veggies (I've been eating them, I just feel like I should eat more of them.)
    • Continue my tarot study, and keeping doing my daily pulls with both decks. Start my lenormand study, and keep reading my oracle cards.
    • Draw and write a fanfiction for my friend for her birthday <3

    Looking forward to

    At the end of the month I'm going to start watching my friend's 2 kids and 2 nsiblings that they are raising. I like the kids, and I got 2 of them into reading and some cartoons I am into, they got me into some cartoons they like too :D

    Next week I'm going to visit my grandma, the one I like. I get to watch the kids all summer, last summer I wasn't able to since for 3 weeks (I'm not mad/upset about it, it's just a thing) since I last minute flew to be with twin and took care of twin after surgery. I got approved for TSA precheck, it only took 26 hours for the approval and to get my ktn. I was told it was probably because I already had an extensive government background check since I am a military vet.

    Anything else I am looking forward to is in the fall :)

    What I want to remind myself/others

    If I feel bad or sick it's okay to go over your set amount, I go over by about 50 calories daily, the amount is more of suggestion and not a hard rule. I had a horrible headache a few weeks ago and felt really tried bc I didn't sleep more and that resulted in me eating about 300 calories more than I would want. I didn't feel bad or guilty about it either, it made me feel better so I obviously needed it.


    I never had issues sleeping before I started loosing weight, and I carry most of my weight in my butt, stomach, and thighs, so I've been losing it on my arms, shoulders, rib areas, back, neck, etc. All places that I am not that big at. So, I feel my bones in those area when I tried to sleep and while falling asleep is fine since I've never had issues falling asleep it's just painful when getting into bed, and waking up.

    I've started already seeing loose skin on my arms and inner thighs and I hate it. I also feel overly critical of my body in a way I wasn't before I started this. I'm trying really hard to stay body positive but it is hard.


    I noticed a lot of people on Reddit in various weight loss, diet, health journey, etc. subreddits all say when they are sick they are hungry all the time and overeat. Which isn't my experience when I'm sick with cold/flu/allergies/sinus/stomach issues/etc. I never feel hungry and have to force myself to eat, sometimes I can tell I need to eat bc I start getting headaches. Is this normal for anyone else?

    I was told since I started losing weight I stopped snoring, which is crazy bc I don't snore. :P I've stopped drinking coffee (it was decaf, since regular was putting me to sleep), because I just haven't wanted to drink it and it was starting to make me tried as well. Does anyone else not eat fruit that much? I just don't love fruit like that, I prefer veggies. Maybe because I have never been into sweet stuff, idk. The only fruit I eat regular is lemon with salt, but lemon is one of my favorite foods.

    I can't keep chips in the house or I will eat the whole bag, so 2 weeks ago I got a single serving of potato chips and it was only 160 calories, and tasted great. :) I find I can still treat myself I just can't keep it in the house in large amounts as I have no self control. My workouts have been the exercise bike, turbo jam DVDs, and a knock off infinity hoop.

    I like the infinity hoop the least, but it's good for easy days, and doesn't hurt my bum knee. I love the turbo jam DVD, but I do have to modify for low impact (which they have on there), and more so on certain exercises for my knee, and wear my knee brace. However, it is high energy, super fun, and I enjoy doing it. I don't enjoy having to move the table, and stuff to do it lol. I really like my exercise bike, and it's nice that I am not using it only to hold things in my room.

    One of my meals that I enjoyed before the journey started was a vegan version of that TikTok Salmon/Rice/Mayo/Avocado meal. I would make 3 dry cups of rice and eat half of that, eat half a block of tofu, about 1/3 cup of vegan mayo, a lot of soy sauce, a whole large avocado, and sriracha sauce which would be about 1700 calories in one meal. I stayed away from that for a while until this week and I made it in much smaller amounts and no avocado (I didn't have any), and portioned everything, so one meal came out to be 478 calories which was 2 cups in volume. I a bit more in calories than I normally like but I think it's good bc I can still enjoy what I like and not go overboard, and it was super filling which was surprising to me. :)

    Family and I went out to eat for my grandma's birthday, and I was successful there. I ate a garden salad without cheese, croutons, or dressing and grilled veggies (they weren't actually grilled but sautéed in oil.) I used a lemon wedge as the dressing, and added some salt. I think it's helpful to me that, what I ate was the only thing vegan on the meal anyways besides a plain baked potato but I could ate that at home. I'm from the south and everything else had animal fats on it, and was covered with cheese so it made my choice really easy lol.

    Other stuffs

    I think I am going to take another break from Days of our lives, as I am sad that Camila is leaving as she is my favorite, and some of the choices they are making. I am happy that there is a new episode of Miraculous Ladybug tomorrow. <3 Maybe it is my age, but as someone who is childfree why do people think I am automatically losing weight to get pregnant, and their last guess is for health. :/


    @pamperedlinny I love pasta, and I like adding veggies to it to make it more filling with only 1 serving of pasta. I made a vegan white sauce out of silken tofu with some hummus in it and added broccoli, baby bok choy, scallions, cherry tomatoes, and artichoke hearts. It was too the point there was more veggies than pasta :D

    Hopefully, someone will make a new community, or a reddit sub if mfp does remove the community, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. However, if anyone wants the subreddit names of the places I go to let me know and I will link them.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Oh thank lord almighty and all his fuzzy socks, the spring semester finished without too much disaster and fanfare. All that's left is three committee meetings and some faculty development. And my summer course didn't have enough enrollment, so I don't have that this summer.

    It was rainy and cold all week, so I was kind of stuck in the house or the office. But it cleared up today, and I went for a walk with my best mile split time in at least four years.

    Also tried another new recipe from my pile o' cookbooks. This one is "Naked Persian Turkey Burgers" from the first Skinnytaste cookbook. ~300cal for the plate.


    SW: 271.4
    CW: 228 (-1)
    GW: 150ish

    get 7,000 steps a day: 2/5, not starting off well this month
    get all 25 g of fiber a day: 3/5
    stretch goal: get 9000 steps a day: 0/5
    stretch goal: get 85g of protein a day: 2/5 I made the protein goal a little more reasonable.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    goodness, no posts yesterday? Is MFP having issues?

    Checking in. I seem to have at least stopped the backslide. I hope this med kicks in soon--or at least that the tired goes away just a bit more. I *think* it's been a little less each day, but that might also be wishful thinking.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I know I was silent over the weekend. I always have issues with checking in on the boards over the weekends. I don’t usually open my computer at all and I hate trying to navigate them from my phone. So it just doesn’t happen very often.

    Lately I’ve been staying on track until the last hour or so that I eat. Then I’ve been deciding to get snacks that I know I don’t have enough calories for and eating that anyway. I don’t know why. It’s just been like a lack of self control in the evenings. I need to fix that.

    I have my lab work tomorrow morning and then my 6 month appointment the following week. We’ll see how my A1C and weight look at her office. I’m sincerely hoping my bad month of April and my snacking when I know better lately haven’t completely messed up my numbers. A1C is a 2 to 3 month average so if I have 5 weeks of not quite eating to plan that can throw a big wrench in the number.

    I don’t know what we’re eating for dinner yet today. Anyone have anything good on the menu???

    @sargemarcori You’ve got this. Keep checking in. The accountability really does help.

    @coffeeandtruecrime I sometimes think too much about the scale. I like that you aren’t weighing constantly and are just keeping the course. I hate when I feel bones too. I am constantly annoyed if I have an itch over my collarbone because it isn’t smooth and flat. I don’t know why it bugs me so much. I should be happy I can feel it now… but instead it bugs me so much.

    @badnoodle I love Skinnytaste! She has great recipes. I haven’t made that particular one yet but those burgers look pretty good.

    @kelliward1 Congrats on the trophies!!!!! That’s exciting. I’m a fan of ordering kids plates when it’s allowed as well. I wish dine in restaurants didn’t all have an age limit on them. On the occasions I can easily order a kids plate I do that as well. Panda Express is a great one for a kids meal!

  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    It's unfortunate that so many places have really terrible children's meals. Like hot dogs and chicken nuggets instead of a much smaller portion of pulled pork or pad thai or lasagna or whatever the adult menu looks like.

    I know you can always just eat half of an order, but it's food and money waste if you can't keep/use that other portion because you're not where you can refrigerate or reheat it.
  • bonniemcc4
    bonniemcc4 Posts: 129 Member
    SW: 288.8 (February 2022)
    CW: 211.2

    5/1- 211.2
    5/8- 212.8 (+1.6)

    Goals for May:
    ⬇️ lose 2-3 pounds
    💪 do PT exercises 3 times a week
    📚 read 3+ books
    📖 keep up with daily Bible reading
    🚶‍♀️ continue taking small walks outside

    I’m guessing I have some water retention going on because I stayed on plan for the past week and not sure where that pound and a half came from otherwise. I took another 10 minute walk outside on Friday and it was nice.

    I just had a follow up about my hand at my primary doctor. She’s sending me for PT for it. And I also need to get x-rays for my shoulders so that I can see what’s going on with them because I’ve had bad issues with shoulders for a couple years. Then she’ll likely send me for PT for them too.

    My stepdad isn’t doing great mentally as is of course expected when someone is in that type of situation. He has a couple of weeks and then he’ll likely be sent to a nursing home with rehab services. I feel helpless all I can do is call or text him which I try to call daily but he isn’t answering lately due to being down, so I have to text. It’s hard for me to get out to visit him but I’m going to try this weekend if I’m able to.

    I am doing better about not impulsively eating sweets. So I feel better about making better choices with that.
  • ojade9800
    ojade9800 Posts: 14 Member
    Evening ladies, I did my weekly weigh in today and over the past few days I've been dreading it a little. I stated eating better and working out 3ish weeks ago but tracking from 2 and I haven't seen any difference since. I know its a long ball game but I dont want to discourage myself.

    SW: 124.4KG (274LBS)
    GW:75KG (165LBS)
    Last weigh: 122.7KG (270)
    This weigh: 122.2KG (269)

    I was disappointed because I did put a little more effort in over the past week in regards to exercise, but im glad I'm still losing at least. Just need to crack down a bit more and maybe take another look at my lunches and crush down on fats a bit more.

    Thanks for reading :)

    @pamperedlinny bless you, I completely understand about eating beyond calories. I've started getting rid of a majority of the unhealthy choice and having ice lollies or ice pops. They're relatively low calories and I still have the sweet kick. Might be worth looking into but it's just a case of loking for alternatives 😊
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all!
    I normally check in before working in the morning but today just didn't go that way.

    I'm actively worrying about my labs. I got my blood tests all done this morning for my every 6 month appointment. My appointment with the doctor is next week but I'm hoping the electronic results show up by tomorrow. I hate waiting for my blood work and A1C. I'm always anxious about it, even when I haven't been too horrible. Anyone who has been on the thread for the past year knows this will only be my second appointment with the new doctor.... who is soooo much better than my previous one. I'm back and forth between excited to have her see my new weight and anxious because I worry that she won't be as amazing as I remember. That doctor who did nothing but criticize and try to put me on more medication seriously messed me up.

    In other news, the kid is finished school on June 1 so I'm just on countdown to when I'll stop waking up at 5:40am to pack lunches and check school bags for all the things. Stop fighting people to get up in the morning. Stop being annoyed before having coffee. I know that by the end of summer I'll be so ready to be alone at home to work for the day but right now I'm ready to change my alarm to 7am.

    @bonniemcc4 I'm sorry about your stepdad. I hope the rehab helps with everything. I know you've said you have chronic pain. I hope the PT can help with the hand and shoulders. I know it has to be hard having that pain every day.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    172.2 this morning, I've been eating closer to maintenance, so it makes sense I'm hovering between 174 and 172.

    How are things so busy, it's wild right now. I mean, I know how they're so busy, I had a great weekend and that took away my ability to prep for the week, so now I'm paying for it, haha. Looking forward to a normal weekend around here!

    I've written this post three times in the last three days, I'm just gonna post it without tags. But tags are coming soon!
  • kelliward1
    kelliward1 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning everyone (or afternoon, evening)...

    Been a busy day today already. I got up this morning and did a 25 minute yoga video from YouTube. Always feels good to get the stretching in thr morning after martial arts classes. Then quickly made breakfast and changed clothes. Had to bring my breakfast with me and dropped my daughter off at her job. I ate breakfast in the parking lot and ran some errands. Then to the grocery store to pick up a few things and some good deals they are having. Then back home. Now to throw dinner in the crockpot.

    I did weigh in this morning and now at 242 lbs...down 40 lbs from my weight when I started working on losing it in March 2022! 1/3 of the way to my end goal!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    It is high spring here, and when it's sunny outside it is absolutely gorgeous. I just have been finishing up big end of the year work projects and haven't been able to move around as much as I would like. But on a NSV, I can finally wear a ring of my great-grandmother's that I never could before. And more importantly, my A1C for this quarter was in the normal range! Blood sugar management has been even more important to me than scale loss. I've lived my whole life being fat, but I would like to keep my toes and vision as long as possible. @pamperedlinny I totally feel you on the bloodwork anxiety. I didn't even want to look, so I hope your doctor is as nice as you remember.

    SW: 271.4
    CW: 223 (-6)
    GW: 150ish

    get 7,000 steps a day: 5/9, let's do better now that I'm not chained to my desk.
    get all 25 g of fiber a day: 7/9 👍
    stretch goal: get 9000 steps a day: 0/5 😒
    stretch goal: get 85g of protein a day: 4/9.

    @kelliward0310 Great milestone to hit!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Good morning!

    I got my lab results back. It looks pretty good. My A1C is the lowest it’s ever been and nearly everything was in normal range. The couple things that weren’t aren’t big deal things…. Like my good cholesterol is a bit high but my bad cholesterol is really good. I was really stressing about it until the results came through. Now I feel like I can relax a bit more.

    Today I have a bunch of emails for work that I haven’t finished combing through yet. Not that it is anything new but some days you just aren’t feeling it. I think I’m going to need some extra caffeine to push through today. Then the library has Lego Club this afternoon. Which is really just a bunch of Legos spread over a bunch of tables and the kids get to build whatever they want. Sometimes they work together. Often they work separately but all bunched close together so they can talk to each other. It’s fun and free and social so I try to take my daughter pretty often.

    I did a dumbbell workout on YouTube 2 days ago. I had done videos from this creator once before during one of the Hogwarts Weight Loss Challenges and really liked her. It didn’t feel like I couldn’t do it or had to modify a lot. I’ve noticed a ton of dumbbell workouts assume you are already able to incorporate a bunch of stuff to do them. However, because it is a full body standing dumbbell workout my thighs have been sore for 2 days. Yet, I plan to do more of her videos once my thighs cooperate again. The videos are at www.youtube.com/@fitbymik

    Also, I finally got my newest blog up yesterday morning. I’m behind. Instead of having written most of it last week, tweaking it, then posting it for Tuesday morning, I wrote it all yesterday morning and posted it. Hopefully I won’t be behind for 2 weeks from now. I think I’m up to a whopping 12 subscribers so it’s not like people are really relying on me to post anything but I’ve been finding it does make me more accountable and keeps me on course when I’m actively posting and working on it. This time I made an Asian inspired Beef Broccoli casserole. www.healthyeatingwithlinda.com/post/easy-asian-beef-broccoli-rice-casserole

    @kelliward1 Congrats on being 1/3 to your goal! That’s a huge accomplishment!

    @badnoodle I love your NSV! That’s an excellent one. Also, congrats on the blood sugar!!!! Mine is in normal range too now. I know I’ll have to keep working to keep it there but it’s such a relief to see that number. It’s something tangible showing I’m doing things right for my body.
  • mdmcmillon
    mdmcmillon Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, I was typing in the April thread for some reason. I was thinking that everyone was too busy to post. :D I am happy to see Everyone is doing well. I am too tired to address everyone tonight. I just wanted to say hello. I am exhausted from my 12-hour night, seven-day stretch. It takes me a couple of days to bounce back. @kelliward1, I am a pediatric nurse too. I work on the step-down unit/palliative care. —@pamperedlinny- Great job on your A1C. @badnoodle is down 6 pounds. That is awesome! @bonniemcc4- We will be doing PT together. I am working, and my hand gets so tired. My hand is tender, and I wonder if I need a different job. It gets me down, but PT gives me hope. My right shoulder clicks, so I understand where you are coming from. I am sad about your bonus, Dad. I hope they can treat his depression. I hope PT works for you too.@ojade9800- welcome back! I am new here. I understand entirely about working out and waiting to see a significant drop. What we need to do is celebrate the little dips in weight. Don't be hard on yourself. @CupcakeCrusoe- I am happy you had a great weekend. We all need to get away and reset, so good for you.