I’m new! Just a few of my thoughts

Hey guys! I’m really really struggling I compare myself to people daily and I don’t know if I’m making progress or not. I’m doing 100 push-ups daily for charity and doing a body weight workout from YouTube at least 3 days a week. My goal is to be lean. I need to learn how to get more protein in my diet.


  • BrightEyedAgain
    BrightEyedAgain Posts: 249 Member
    1.) Are you taking progress photos? Do you have any "before" shots? It's amazing what games our minds will play during this journey. Seeing photos can really help you realize how far you've come.

    2.) Related---try taking your measurements every few weeks. Things will show up there that you can't see with the naked eye. It can be very encouraging to see your muscles building even when the scale doesn't budge.

    3.) Do you read the NSV thread? It's in the Success Stories section of the forums. It's helped me start to notice all the little ways my body is improving, and that helps me shut down the negative voices in my head that want to compare. Reading that thread and looking for your own NSV's to post might help keep you in a better head space.

    4.) Protein---greek yogurt and protein shakes that contain a ton of vitamins are my go-to foods.