
I was 3 lbs from wonderland in December when I was diagnosed with Stage 2 colon cancer. Thru the chemo treatments, I ate what I could. Not the best. Along with steroids, I gained 14 lbs. I have gotten very weak and have lost muscle. I will continue radiation/oral chemo in the next 8 weeks, but I'm determined to eat well for healing and get stronger so when it is time for surgeries (October), I will be strong! Love to add friends that hop on daily. I'll be here to support others along the way.


  • Mariezimmerman
    Mariezimmerman Posts: 19 Member
    I'm not sure how to add friends, but I'll be glad to be your friend. 🙂 I've tied MyFitnessPal a few times over the years, but never got into the community aspect. I think that would be helpful! 🙂 Prayers for your cancer journey
  • dannycarneiro
    dannycarneiro Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, Lisa. Here for a similar cause, I have the genetic mutation for Familial Polyposis, which exacerbates.the risk of colon cancer. Had to lose weight for my surgery last year, and it didn't go as well as I had hoped, but I thought I could keep the weight I did lose off. This year, I'm starting over, and making sure I keep it off. My advice for you, if they do the colectomy, drink a lot of water, especially when it's hot out. You'll dehydrate faster without the colon. Praying for a great recovery and a successful journey.