Anyone Lost Over 30 and kept it off for more than 5 years, who doesn't work in the fitness industry



  • mollydespondent
    mollydespondent Posts: 3 Member
    Lost 90lbs cycling. Have kept it off 3 years. Cycling.
  • memeq2
    memeq2 Posts: 69 Member
    I went from 170 to below 140 years ago. My weight now goes between 125 and 135 now. I'm trying to keep my weight below 130 going forward. The good news is that I've been able to maintain a size 6 even though my weight doesn't stay below 130 all the time.
  • goldenguymsw
    goldenguymsw Posts: 191 Member
    I lost 50 and have kept it off for 11 years.
  • Nephelys
    Nephelys Posts: 27 Member
    I lost 60lbs 7 years ago and have never regained the weight. My weight fluctuates from time to time by about 5/8lbs but never more.
    And honestly , it's not that hard to achieve that ... just a bit of discipline, commitment and self-control.
    But if you've lost your weight in a healthy way (no stupid miracle diets) you should have naturally switched to a healthier lifestyle and a healthier diet, so you just need to maintain that.

    Well, when I say it's not that hard, I don't mean there's nothing to do. I'm working to keep my weight down (I'm controlling what I eat and as I've got a job where I sit all day, I get there by bike, which already means 40 minutes of cycling, as well as four 2-hour sessions at the gym a week). Everyone will have to adapt their new lifestyle to their own needs, but we're clearly in the realms of the achievable, if we have a bit of willpower.
    The hardest thing for me is to get below 15% body fat and add muscle, and that requires a lot of effort for me, so the maintaining a healthy weight part is clearly not the problem anymore.

    I don't really understand where this belief that you have to be in the fitness industry to keep the weight off comes from. The majority of people who were overweight or obese certainly didn't come from the fitness industry to begin with ...
  • TheOlderTheBetter
    TheOlderTheBetter Posts: 9 Member
    I lost 30+ish pounds 10 years ago and have mostly kept it off, but not without backslides and effort. I will abandon MFY logging for a while, thinking "I got this" and the starts weight creeps back. For me, using MFP as a nutrition/meal planner and exercising on a schedule, even while at my target weight, is the only proven way to keep it off. I'm mid-sixties and working at desk job. You don't have to be in the fitness industry, but it helps to be immersed in a fitness oriented social setting. This is hard to get in corporate America! Without a wellness niche, you'll have to fight harder just have to keep your health at the top of your mindset. Good luck.
  • Snipsa
    Snipsa Posts: 172 Member
    I feel like I mostly fall into this category but not fully. I do not think I fall in the fitness industry as OP meant it, but full disclosure I am a Physiotherapist - qualified when I was at my highest weight so make of that what you want.

    I originally lost almost 70 pounds (200ish to 130ish) in 2016 at age 30. I have since then been on a bit of a yo-yo ride, gaining back up to 152 and losing some of it again, rinse repeat. Have not weighed more than 152 since 2016 and hope to keep it that way - have thus always been able to keep at least 45 of those original pounds off since the original weight loss journey. Currently at 147 and hoping to get back into the 130s soon.
    This time is the first that I have also started to see a dietician as, even though CICO totally works, I want to learn how to eat healthier and not just less... Have had some health difficulties and as such want to lose weight mostly by being healthier in terms of diet and not just by still eating the same crap as always, only less, as I did in the past.
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited June 2023
    I lost 45 pounds in 2017 - down to 205. Have been as low as 188 and I need to get back there.

    Regardless, I have stayed below 210 - a 40 pound loss - for 5 years. I work as a building inspector - light physical activity.
  • MaddawgMadsen
    MaddawgMadsen Posts: 258 Member
    I did. I lost almost 50lbs. Kept it off for about five years, but then suffered an injury. 10 years after the injury, I'm starting over.
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