
Has anyone used this? My doctor actually recommended it for me and I'm not sure this is the way I want to go... any input?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Find another doctor.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Find another doctor.

    What koos said..definitely..SMH
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Doctors often get kickbacks from drug companies. Find a doctor that prescribes a nutritionist, not speed.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    you are wise to listen to your little voice....
  • redhead91
    My mom has used it great success, but gets a little crazy when she's on it. She has successfully kept off 60 lbs for 3 years. I would recommend trying without medications first, but I don't judge those who use them. A lot of people on here will hate you for even suggesting weight loss meds so expect some flack. Ultimately it's your choice what you do with your body. Just make yourself completely aware of all the side effects both positive and negative.
  • skinnny1day
    I took it before. HATED it. I was so jittery, unable to sleep, & my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. It was scary!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Your doctor is nuts! Do some research. Any doctor that would prescribe a narcotic with a high potential for addiction that has been proven to cause heart problems has a problem. If you want to lose weight do it the old fashioned less, exercise more!
  • RebeccaJeanFogle
    I wouldnt do it. It would be so amazing, and healthier if you do it on your own. I dont know any thing about the drug, but Im sure like any thing else it has side affects. Although I am no stranger to drugs. I spent the first half of my life 128 lbs , and adicted to narcotics. I have gotten my life back, but not without gaining about 50 lbs. I am now trying to get in shape, and be healthy about it. I just think you will have a better chance of keeping the weight off. If you do it with out the help of prescription drugs, but thats just my opinion. :smile:
  • Maid4richie
    Maid4richie Posts: 78 Member
    I know a few people who have lost alot of weight on it so i tried it and let me tell you i hated the way it made me feel . i felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest and i just felt aweful. I will always tell people not even bothering making my mistake (it took me 2 weeks to feel normal agian) but everyone is different :)
  • Erneliz
    Erneliz Posts: 30 Member
    I tried them, and get anxiety and eat more...effects can vary, insomia was my biggest
  • loripeters1961
    Years ago I took phentermine as part of the phen/fen regime. It was awesome....I was never energy level was awesome....I did not sleep much, but I did nat care....I was on legal speed!!

    I lost about 75 lbs. Unfortunately, the weight did not stay off unless I was taking the medicaiton and in fact the doctor I was going to at the time said he would keep me on a lower dose of the rest of my life to maintain... we all know what happened to phen/fen....thankfully I did not damage my heart.

    A couple of years later, I tried just the phentermine and my blood pressure shot up to 210/100.

    I would not recommend that route if you have other choices.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    If you do go that route, stay in close contact with your doctor and keep your blood pressure checked. I would suggest looking up the drug up on webmd. That site gives good info about possible side effects, what to watch for and so on. Some people can take it with no problems and others can not. Even if you do take it, I hope you keep using MFP. It has taught me so much that I just can't quit raving about it!
  • butterfliblu
    butterfliblu Posts: 36 Member
    Took it in my early twenties (I am 31 now) to help me over a plateau. It DID curb the appetite, but, as with most medications, you become tolerant and have to up the dose to get the same effect. I also felt spacey, jittery and "not myself" when I first started taking it,.

    My advice? Don't take it. Keep on keeping on with the tracking, calorie control and working out. It's really not worth the expense or side effects.
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    My advice (as a soon-to-be pharmacist) is don't take it, for most of the reasons listed above. :) However, that said, it does work for many people and as long as you are appropriately monitored and on it for a short time IN COMBO with a good diet and exercise, you will probably see some results. Hopefully without side effects.

    I doubt there are kickbacks involved, since phentermine has been generic for a while though.
  • Reneda
    Reneda Posts: 140
    Thanks to everyone for your response. I prefer to lose it the right way.. :-) i will definitely stay on MFP. I still trust my doctor given that she is taking every precaution she can think of before giving me the prescription. She also limits the timeframe that you can take the drug (no more than three months). She stresses healthy eating and exercise while on the drug and also weekly check-ins (for weigh-in and blood pressure check). She will only prescribe it to those that are seriously overweight and has had success with the few that have actually done it.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I take phentermine the first week I was jittery and didn't want to eat called dr and adjusted dose. From then wasn't jittery and helped take the edge off of the food cravings. I have a coule weeks left and have been tapering the pill off so I will be off of it. I have put in place good habits and a good diet along the way. I was 379 pounds when I started on aug. 1st 2011, this morning I weighed in at 311.

    If you take it start forming good habits! I wouldn't avoid it and instantly disregard it unless you are the type of person who gets addicted easily. I don't think it's nearly as addicting as people make it out to be, I think it's got a bad rap. I was worried at first kept an open dialog with my dr and formed good habits. Phentermine has been a good jump start to my diet. I will say they say you be on it up to 3 months I grew a tolerance pretty fast about 1 month in, that's why this last month I've been weaning off. I started at 37mg pills I think it was and I'm now taking 12mg to taper off and next week I am suppose to cut the pills in half then be done.

    If you are obese and you need a little push phentermine for me hasn't been the evil demon people make it out to be. It gave me just enough push to jump start my lifestyle change and do something that diets and countless other tries could do, that is me sticking with it.

    Side note, my dr. Made me come in every 2 weeks to check blood pressure and heart. He also said to put someone on it they had to be morbidly obese. I dont know how much you weigh and etc but he was always pretty clear you had to be pretty big to go on it.