

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    You are not going to get real results by lifting 8 lbs. Think of all the things you lift in a day's time that weigh 5 to 10 lbs. If you could get lean from that, you'd already be lean. If you get some kind of kick out of lifting tiny weights a bazillion times, then knock yourself out. But it's pointless for getting lean. I find that people who lose weight while lifting small weights are also doing a lot of cardio, and that is where the weight loss is coming from. If your goal is not just to lose weight but to CHANGE YOUR BODY COMPOSITION, you have to lift, and you have to lift really heavy things.

    For best results, lift very heavy weights in big movements that utilize mutliple muscle groups, like deadlifts, squats, rows, get-ups, etc. I also work out with kettlebells. Swings, high pulls, and snatches are great for fat loss because they're quick, explosive movements (with power generated from the hips) using a heavy weight.

    But keep in mind that form is absolutely critical with any kind of heavy weight lifting. Bad form is not only less effective than work done with good form, but it also makes you far more susceptible to injury. It is better to do 1 or 2 reps with perfect form than 10 reps with crappy form. In the beginning, do a few reps of each exercise with the best form you can muster. When you've mastered form, you can add more reps and sets. So patience is key.

    Rest is also very important. Your muscles gain strength during the repair and recovery process, not while you're actually working out. So if you don't get proper rest, you will be hindering your progress.

    Finally, if it seems easy, you're doing it wrong. If you're lifting with the proper intensity, you will be wiped out at the end of a workout. If you aren't, then think about what you could be doing wrong, e.g. not lifting with enough weight, taking too much rest between sets, etc.
  • unicornassassin
    unicornassassin Posts: 141 Member
    What really upsets me sometimes is that I know that the key to really toned and sculpted body is weights. I'm so mad that I don't have the equipment. If anyone has any ideas on how to mimic the effects of lifting without having the proper equipment, please share!

    Tell your friends you're always willing to help them move. Tell them to tell their friends and have those friends tell their friends... Great workouts and you'll help people. I tried that, but my friends stopped moving haha.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Well have fun with the barbie weights LOL People want results for the time they put in. They best way to have the bang for your buck it is to lift heavy. Why waste you time doing something that is not efficient?

    yanicka - I don't consider it wasted time, and how I choose to spend my time isn't really anyone else's concern. I'm patient. I don't need immediate results.

    if you can have results you want in 1 month instead of 6 without any negative impact, why would you not go for it? I am not being snarky, I just do not get it.

    yanicka, Balance is very important to me, in both physical and mental health. I'm very fortunate in that I enjoy good physical health and participate in many activities such as yoga, sailing, dancing, gardening, bike riding and so on, so a weight lifting practice needs to add to my lifestyle. Most importantly, it needs to complement my yoga practice. The sense of joy and peace of mind I gain from my personal yoga practice and helping others as a yoga therapist is my top priority. I am doing something I whole-heartedly believe in and love.

    The negative impact? Well, my flexibility suffers, but I can work around that. It's more about the stress I put on my body. My body works hard for me, so I like to ensure it gets a lot of rest and recovery. Rejuvenation and all that. :wink:

    Like I said, I'm patient. I'm slowly working in some weights - yes, 8 pound dumbbells. I also do many arm balances and powerful positions in yoga daily that use my entire bodyweight. I don't do well on a very regimented approach to diet and fitness, I'd rather relax, enjoy the process, and let it happen.
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I lift when I can afford a gym membership. My 3 lb hand weights just don't cut it but are great for aerobic videos that require them and well 30 Day Shred too, haven't done that one in a while though due to health issues that are finally getting solved some.

    When I lift at the gym I lift a lot bigger than 3 lbs. LOL I should arrange to go with my mom to her apartments' gym a few mornings a week but that would eat through my gas allowance.
  • charly_80
    I love lifting weights and if I do it at least 3 times a week I find it helps me over my plateaus. I never knew what I was doing before but I invested in some Jari Love DVD's and now I try to get at least 3 weight workouts per week in.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Posts that assume that because something has worked for them everyone should do it the same way drive me crazy. I have lost 24 pounds by cutting calories, running and yoga and I LOVE my body now. I have muscle definition in my arms, shoulders, back and stomach. Some women do gain muscle quickly - if I even think about biking I swear to god my quads get bigger let alone lift my legs.
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I'm not afraid to lift heavy, I just don't want to. I don't enjoy it and I don't like the look it gives. Whether bulky or not, I don't like to have a lot of visible muscle. I just like to be firm (not flabby) but not muscley. If I could be firm without any strength training like I could when I was younger, I would. Pushups, squats, lunges, weights. Ugh!! It's just not fun to me.
    Unless you are lifting 6 hours a day and have zero body fat, you won't get the look of a bodybuilder. Muscle is important to your overall health, and building muscle - lean, toned muscle helps with weight loss. I read this comment and know that you have done zero research and reading into the benefits of strength training. You would be wise to educate yourself . I'm not trying to put you down, it just appears ignorant and rather naive to me when I read statements such as this.

    Here is another thread for women serious about strength training.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    For those who are looking for a program to follow, "The Firm" has some awesome videos. They combine weights and aerobics in the same video, so you get the best of both worlds. I have 3, 5, & 10lb dumbells. If I want 8lbs, I hold the 5 & 3 at the same time. They are great for beginner to intermediate excercisers. They do have a few dvds that are more for advanced excercisers which I love too. You can get their dvds at Wal-mart, Target, Amazon, etc. for like $9 ea.

    That is not lifting heavy. I use nothing less then 25 pounds dumbbells.
    Hey good for you for being that strong already but for some of us it takes starting much lower. Your comment seemed very rude like you were soooo much better than everyone. Think before you post.

    I am sorry that you feel this way. Really, you are stronger then you think. If you want to lose inches, tone up, boost your metabolism and see results, it is important to challenge your muscles with low rep, high weights lifting.
    Yes I know this and I don't just lift 3 pounds but started with 5 and 8 for some exercises and now up to 10-15 with slow reps concentrating on form. I'm saying most people can't just jump in to 25. I will get there, hopefully soon but don't make it seem like people are weak if they aren't using 25 lb dumbbells yet.
  • saugustin07
    saugustin07 Posts: 28 Member
    I love weightlifting always feel like my workout was well worth it the day of and after! I'm not against cardio because I still do it just not as much. What I notice was that after my cardio workouts I would always eat everything in sight after working out with weight lifting all eat is a egg and fruit and I'm good til lunch. I see a difference in how I feel and look and I love it!
  • mosprott
    mosprott Posts: 6 Member
  • amy1810
    amy1810 Posts: 18 Member
    I love my weights classes!
    It's not only a fantastic work out but it definitely tones and has made me so much stronger which is such a good thing with 2 little boys!
    I think all women should be doing some sort of strength training, you definitely feel better for it! =)
    I know men who have ALOT of muscle but they work soooooo hard for that! There is no way me doing 60 minutes of weights 3 times a week could build muscle like that!!!!!........ but it does help get rid of those flabby arms! =)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    The reason I do cardio over strength training is because the cardio is easy, walk... bike... etc, not much thought and planning there. I don't understand the strength stuff and trying to research it all online was just too overwhelming for me. I'm fairly sure that I would be able to borrow a barbell and dumbbells that go up to 25 lbs or so (I think), but I really wouldn't know where to start with them.

    I'm not good at following workout videos, I get bored too easily. :(
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I love the idea of this but wouldn't know where to start.
  • tina2222
    i love lifting! i look smaller than i am and have noticed a huge difference in toning my arms and legs! *like* lol
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Anybody have any advice for a beginner? I'm in the UK.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Posts that assume that because something has worked for them everyone should do it the same way drive me crazy.

    I've been thinking the same thing when reading all these replies. Some people can get the same results with 5 - 10 lbs weights as others get with 25 lb weights. And some will get results that others can never get no matter how heavy or long they lift. When it comes to body composition we are not all created equal.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I love the idea of this but wouldn't know where to start.

    Try, there is a section by Jamie Eason, I think it's called "Live Fit"?, it's a 12 week plan. There are also many good books, "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" is one, another I just picked up from the library is "Muscle & Fitness Hers 101 Workouts for Women". I'm really liking this one, it has many exercises for working out at home, variations using an exercise ball, or resistance bands.
    You don't have to start with heavy weights, but don't start with weights that you can lift with no effort at all. You want to challenge your muscles to make them grow.
    Hope this was helpful, Good luck to you!!