Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.

Please have our current weight & how much we've lost since starting on the front page of the app!

It drives me nuts that I click on 'weight' in the AM to enter it but there's nowhere to see on the app my total weight lost. Occasionally if it hits a milestone it'll pop up as congrats, otherwise I have to literally scroll down to day one and subtract today from then. Would be AWESOME to have that option in the settings for those like me who want it and find it super motivating! Thanks!

PS - speaking of settings, a customizable dashboard would be great so we only have to see what we're interested in seeing...
2 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 733 MFP Staff
    Hi there! If you click on your profile photo in the top left corner of the Dashboard page, it will bring you to your Profile, which shows your weight loss progress. Another way to locate this page is by going to the app's "More" (or Menu), and then seeing that same weight loss number at the top.

    Also, you can now edit your goals right from the Dashboard, and Premium subscribers can track two additional nutrients. Well consider more customizations for a future update. Please send us an email to for further help.