Back to Health ❤️

Hi! My name is Amanda and I’m trying to get my health back. Before the pandemic, I successfully lost almost 100 pounds. I got pregnant with my third baby and suffered really bad postpartum depression, causing me to gain 70 pounds back. I’m ready to get my health back ❤️ any tips and recommendations are appreciated! Maybe we can help motivate each other! 😊


  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    Isn't it so frustrating when we have to do it all over again?! Welcome back. I'm just now getting back on track as well after a surgery. I'd love an accountability partner!
  • diony26
    diony26 Posts: 3 Member
    welcome back amanda, enjoy your change and remember.. You can do it
  • amandasweightlossjourney62
    cyn_love wrote: »
    Isn't it so frustrating when we have to do it all over again?! Welcome back. I'm just now getting back on track as well after a surgery. I'd love an accountability partner!

    It is very frustrating! I had such a good mindset before and it’s like it disappeared in thin air. I’ll send you a friend request 😊
  • amandasweightlossjourney62
    diony26 wrote: »
    welcome back amanda, enjoy your change and remember.. You can do it

    Thank you!

  • jec7724
    jec7724 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome. Hope you have much success.
  • amandasweightlossjourney62
    jec7724 wrote: »
    Welcome. Hope you have much success.

    Thank you!