Can't tell you how many times I attempted to keep at this only to "fail", binge eat and then just give up. I'd lose 2-4 pounds then gain 5. So frustrating.
Finally I have stuck to it for a month and I am 4 pounds away from my first goal!
I am working out a lot more, and I stick to a much better diet than before without trying to restrict things. I've turned down the office pizza and candy offers and even passed up CAKE for a little bowl of fruit!
I still have a ways to go until I get where I want to be, but I wanted to share that this can work! Just keep at it - its worth it:)


  • jadeblue14
    jadeblue14 Posts: 182 Member
    That's awesome! It can be really hard to break bad habits, and it sounds like you've got yourself on a good track. Congrats!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    Wow, you are proof xxx I had a bad day last night! I am not even going to count the calories!! But that was then!

    Looking forward to hearing how you get on, sounds like you are very determined xx
  • AmyBlu12
    AmyBlu12 Posts: 23 Member
    Awesome! At work, I always tell myself ... think of how proud you'll be of yourself later if you don't have that cake. It works every time. You and I are so much a like. Good luck and stick with it!!!!
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    regaining some will power is often the hardest step and it sounds like you've conquered that - well done :)
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