Ideas for a One-derland reward?



  • jvand65
    jvand65 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats! I am 9 lbs shy of onederland and I feel you!! I am doing rewards that are not food related ad it is tough. For my 50lbs, I bought my self a coach purse. For my 75lb I had pearls from our 10 year anniversary trip to Maui, I am having them turned into earrings. So when I hit 100lbs I am purchasing a really nice waffle robe. Basically find something that makes you proud of your accomplishment and each time you see that item or have that memory of why you have it you will feel the same excitement of reaching the goal.

    Keep up the great work!!
  • kristennoel20
    kristennoel20 Posts: 5 Member
    but I also see some potential hassles of childcare standing in my way too - my MIL who I live 5 minutes from can't usually watch my kids (I'm getting a sinking feeling that she isn't overly fond of me or her grandkids but she loves her other grandkids and is willing to watch them all the time....) and working around my husband's work schedule is a pain because he doesn't want to watch the kids when he gets home from work, and I have zero friends near me who could watch them and I don't trust babysitters lol. So...I feel like I have to figure out this hurdle before I can actually crank my fitness into high gear.
    Do any of the gyms near you offer childcare? I know that amenity might increase the cost, but it makes things a bit easier for parents.
  • avatiach
    avatiach Posts: 295 Member
    I love adding in all the self-care stuff! Yes to massage! Yes to mani-pedis! Yes to a tattoo if you want one (you can really get a good idea of the work of various tattoo artists in advance).

    I just got a fitbit watch and I do like it, it is more accurate than my phone since I don't always have my phone with me.

    If you join a gym...I belong to my local Y and guess what? They have free childcare, up to 2 hours a day, for while you use the gym. My kids are grown now but I did use it when they were young. So maybe see if your Y has a "childwatch" too.
  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    Do any of the gyms near you offer childcare? I know that amenity might increase the cost, but it makes things a bit easier for parents.

    I live in a very rural area. My closest gym is 30 minutes away. I'm unsure if it offers childcare or not, but it might. I'll have to see. I have very limited options when it comes to things in my daily life.

    I miss living in a city. So much.

  • melissaaridgeway
    melissaaridgeway Posts: 278 Member
    I appreciate everyone's responses! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and suggestions.

    Several of you have suggested a new pair of running shoes which would be a nice things, but I have a pair I bought about 9 months ago and the tread on them is still very good. I usually wear running shoes for about 4 or 5 years before the bald tread gets to me and I have to upgrade lol. So it's a good suggestion, but it'll be another 3 years or so before I need a new pair.

    A fitness device might be the best option for me for this milestone, as it would be nice to get back into measuring my steps and my workouts again. Also, I miss having a watch lol.
  • jbowatkinz
    jbowatkinz Posts: 1 Member
    Amazing job, what a milestone! I'm working on a similar goal myself so this is truly encouraging!
    I second what others have said about the gym membership - get one, but not as a reward, as maintenance (furthermore what exercise do you ENJOY? Maybe a yoga studio is more your hype, or a kickboxing gym? Keep it FUN). What are some self care habits you wish you did more of - what feels really indulgent without going over budget? Maybe a deluxe mani/pedi, or a cute new outfit you've always wanted but never felt ready to buy? Do something to show yourself off, you deserve it!
  • betseyj1009
    betseyj1009 Posts: 1 Member
    My plan, when I get to Onederland, is to buy myself a beautiful shiny bracelet. I love silver jewelry and it's been a long time since I have bought myself anything nice like that. I will wear it every single day as a reminder of how beautiful and shiny the 'new me' is -- at least every day until I get used to being in Onederland. When I get halfway to my goal, I'll buy earrings or a necklace, and then the other at goal.
  • Great_Mazinga
    Great_Mazinga Posts: 214 Member

    I think you should aim at something that is a bit of a stretch to treat yourself with, not just something routine you might have done anyway.

    I am a middle age male, so what is a treat for me will likely be much different. However, I set intermittent treats for every 10 pounds lost after the first 20. For me, this was a new and nice watch ($35-$500), but nothing extravagant for each reward. I chose these because I like a variety of watches already. My original starting goal was to lose 190lbs. Upon hitting the goal, my last reward was going to be a gold ring I wanted for a long time. I could have easily just bought any of these awards, but I wanted to make them mean something. I bought 2 watch boxes that held 8 each for a total of 16 so I could virtually “watch” my progress grow on my valet. I’m down 160 so far, so getting really close to goal, now. I haven’t bought all awards yet. 3 slots still have IOUs in them so I can take my time to enjoy shopping for what I really want. Since I’m so close, I decided to set another stretch for me to reach another 10 down. If I hit this goal and maintain for a year, I’m buying myself a luxury watch to fill the last slot. I said all that to say I used something I'm already really into and rationed them into milestones I could look forward to. The empty slots in the boxes make me want to stay consistent so I can fill them via the rules I set up. It’s really been fun. When I am done, I’ll have a displayable set I can look at to remember and celebrate the victories.

    For you, it sounds like experiences and pampering are both things you enjoy. You seem less motivated by material items, and that’s probably better for you. Maybe you can document your awards, like travel or pampering as they happen and make a photo album you flip through to remember the experiences enjoy the victories all over. You can do this physically or online, or both. Flip through with friends and family and tell them your stories. You may motivate others to follow through to their own best selves.

    Congratulations on your progress, and get ready to celebrate!

  • AmyDahlTorres
    AmyDahlTorres Posts: 271 Member
    Your question really made me think. A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes) shocked me out of my inertia a year ago. I hired a registered dietician to guide me through my diet overhaul. (Note: my diagnoses are now under control with my dietary, movement, and medication changes.)

    Just yesterday I had a treat day and it coincidentally happened after I hit my 50 pounds loss mini-goal. I invited my bff and kids to join me at Eataly in LA, which not only has fabulous restaurants, but also amazing Italian food for sale. I "window shopped" at the fresh pasta counter, pizza counter, meat and fish counters, etc. But what I BOUGHT was produce that I can't find at home like sea beans and chanterelle mushrooms. In the past I've brought home ramps (wild leeks) and fiddlehead ferns.

    This is what motivates me. Finding fresh produce and then finding recipes to enjoy them. Variety is the spice in my life, and having something to look forward to makes me happy. Best of luck to you in your journey!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Do you own your house? If so buy a treadmill instead of going to the gym. It’s easier doing at night when kids are asleep. If your renting maybe buy a skipping rope or weights, resistance band or something

    Unfortunately I live in option #3: a camper. I have zero room for anything else (I don't even have an oven for goodness sakes....I feel like an oven is a basic human necessity lol). We will eventually build a house on our 67 acres we live on, but that's going to be at least a year down the road before we even start. In the meantime I do some running around our property and around our "neighborhood" (though last time I went out I was chased by a territorial Chihuahua and almost bitten so that was fun) but in addition to cardio, I would like to add some weighted workouts and have access to workout equipment I don't have. Also, not being chased by dogs or evil bugs the size of dogs would be a plus (I'll never get used to country life. I think I saw a horsefly the size of a Chihuahua the other day.)

    If the idea of exercise toys appeals at all, there are some very compact options that would maybe be camper-friendly, like a nice set of resistance bands or even a hanging TRX travel setup.

    Another option in that range would be self-massage tools. A foam roller is nice but a little bulky, but another option is massage roller sticks, the bumpy-ball foot massagers, and other things of that nature. (I love my self-massage tools.)

    On the clothes front, if it would be a boost to have some things that fit better, there are certain styles that are size-change friendly, could be bought to just fit now, but still work for quite a while. One example that carried me through a fair period of loss was some loose-leg linen pants that have an elastic-plus-drawstring waist. They're nice enough for casual office or similar not-super-casual events, as well as for casual wear - the top and accessories make a huge difference. I found some at Costco at just the right time (very affordable) so bought them in navy, black, and natural linen colors. If you wear dresses or tunic tops, the ones with a tie at the back, or a self-tie belt, are quite size-flexible, too.

    I like the professional massage/spa day kind of options, too. Concert tickets or a play or other performance might be an option, too, if you like that sort of thing.

    I heard wolfman's comment about a new bike at goal (upthread here, but mentioned before) , and realized I'd missed my chance to self-justify a new boat at goal weight (I'm an avid rower, sometime canoeist/kayaker). Oh, well! ;)
  • onhaltn
    onhaltn Posts: 28 Member
    I hit onederland recently after losing 75 pounds and treated myself to a show at a local, classy theater and a day spa facial, with plans for a day spa massage next to round out the celebration. Treats for mind and body. Once I lose the next 60 pounds, I plan to do a whole weekend at a spa resort. I’m using the savings I have accrued by walking more (less gas and mileage on car) and eating less meat and processed food and restaurant meals (which cost more than the new diet, with dairy and veggies I substituted, even with the added seafood I now buy).
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    You're in South about a weekend at the beach? The beach is my happy place!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Congratulations on Onederland!!!! Everyone has such wonderful ideas! When I hit Onederland, that fabulous place that I never thought I would get but did, I took pictures. Because when you are a 5'3" woman who was 277 for a couple decades and you get to 199, pictures are an amazing treat to see what you used to look like and what you like now. I am now 130 pounds down, and I am grateful that I took pictures. I also started up some more fitness activities. Which are mostly walking around, and walking and sometimes jogging in place. No equipment needed, and I don't have to leave the house. Which can be a thing here since I don't have a car, and sometimes it is too hot to actually walk unless I get up a couple hours before sunrise (yes I have done it, and yes my neighbors have done the same because it is June and already 110 degrees here).

    I also stopped and made some definite plans based on my past success. This was actually very very very important. Because I didn't think I could do it, then I did it, then I was like - what worked? What doesn't work? So while you reward yourself, give yourself some space and grace to reflect and think about your wonderful progress!!

    I was in no hurry (I started June 2013). I will still probably lose 10 more pounds but I am giving myself time to do it, and concentrating on maintenance until I have some health issues more sorted.
  • Wattyz
    Wattyz Posts: 91 Member
    edited June 2023
    Way to go on the weight loss! I kind of skimmed over the ideas posted, and honestly I'd do something you consider a splurge. I'm 10 lbs away myself and said I'd go get my hair colored professionally (I usually do the coloring/bleaching/etc myself) or finally get a family portrait done. (My kids are 19 and 27 and we've NEVER had one done)

    Maybe put a wish list of items you'd like to do/have done/to purchase and put them in a random number generator or cut them up and put them in a bowl, then pick one for every time you hit a goal?

    Ex for me,

    199 haircut and color
    190 gym membership/new fitness tracker/weight set (or whatever you want?)
    180 new bag or jewelry item
    170 new tattoo or get family portrait taken
    160 Cruise!
  • LonnieCaiafo
    LonnieCaiafo Posts: 2 Member
    How about a spa day? Get a massage or facial!
  • lornamarie57
    lornamarie57 Posts: 32 Member
    Maybe now's a good time to think about what you might have been unable to do at a heavier weight. For an upcoming milestone I plan to go horseback riding. On my last milestone I did a float pod. It was something frivolous I wanted to try but didn't want to spend the money on. To me, that makes it a reward. Clothes are something I'm going to buy at some point regardless. The first milestone I hit was just logging for 90 days in a row. I bought a puzzle ring on etsy. Again, just something I wanted but it wasn't needed so I wouldn't normally buy.
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