Need help with stiff/sore hips

adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
I've been working out either walking or the elliptical and some weight training about 5x/wk for a few months. I'm not overdoing it. Yet my hips are always stiff and sore, and I don't know how to loosen them up. I wake up and they hurt, I can barely move (3 mos old mattress, too, shouldn't be that! Was fine the first month!) and they get worse after a workout, even though I stretch and do all the things I'm supposed to do.

Help! Any suggestions?


  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    I've been working out either walking or the elliptical and some weight training about 5x/wk for a few months. I'm not overdoing it. Yet my hips are always stiff and sore, and I don't know how to loosen them up. I wake up and they hurt, I can barely move (3 mos old mattress, too, shouldn't be that! Was fine the first month!) and they get worse after a workout, even though I stretch and do all the things I'm supposed to do.

    Help! Any suggestions?
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I've been working out either walking or the elliptical and some weight training about 5x/wk for a few months. I'm not overdoing it. Yet my hips are always stiff and sore, and I don't know how to loosen them up. I wake up and they hurt, I can barely move (3 mos old mattress, too, shouldn't be that! Was fine the first month!) and they get worse after a workout, even though I stretch and do all the things I'm supposed to do.

    Help! Any suggestions?

    I would try stretching more and breathing through your stretching- Try doing some yoga- also Im sure as you lose more the pain should ease up.

    hope i helped in a little- but if it didn't help take some Aleve it is great for joint pains and stuff and talk to your doctor

    Keep up the good work- on your weight loss
  • kittybellenir
    kittybellenir Posts: 128 Member
    Take the next three days and do yoga, I have bad hips and this is what I do every time and on the fourth day I feel fine. Also after you walk make sure you are stretching your hips before and after, works for me and I hope this helps you.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    when ever someone starts training with me I tell them weight training 3 days a week cardo 4 to 5 days a week Streching 7 days a week.
  • tomyhealth
    tomyhealth Posts: 181
    I have always had issues with my hips mainly my right hip. I tried yoga, stretching, and even icy/hot cream and still had problems. When my Dr. told me I was low on Potassium and put me on potassium supplements I noticed after a month my hip didn't bother me as much. I'm not sure if this is why my hip stopped bothering me or maybe it was just that I worked it out. I still take the supplements just in case.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I woke up this morning with a sore hip! My left one, it's really bad, I walked funny all day and couldn't do my workout. I hope it's feeling better tomorrow, I have no idea what I did to it!
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    I started getting hip pain a couple months ago where it would on my left hip at the top where my groin and quad met. I took some time off but every time i would excercise ( I play soccer) it would get to the point where after practice every day I would be limping. I went to an athletic trainer and they told me that it was a hip flexor strain which is like a tear in the muscle and told me to stay off it for 3-4 weeks but I can not do that, seeing as I don't want to lose my starting spot on the team. Maybe you should contact your doctor because It could easily be a stress fracture of a strain and could get worse. Hope this helps! Feel better!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this. My right hip has been killing me ever since I started the couch to 5K program. I do all sorts of stretching after I work out, but nothing seems to make it feel better, and it is worse after I work out.

    I checked my multi-vitamin and no potassium - surprised.. I am adding a banana a day for a while. I hope it makes it better..

    Thanks, Jane
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    If you lay on the floor, bend one knee, take that knee to the opposite side towards the floor. This can help many a sore behind.

    For stretches, I need more info:
    Is it the front or back of the hip? Is it towards the side or the center? Is there pain from all the way from front to back? Is it at the top of the thigh? If it's at the back, is it closer to the thigh or lower back?
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Depending on where it hurts, I found that a foam roller has helped considerably. Lay on it on the side and roll back and forth. Also, I bought a couple of rubber balls and put them under my hips on the floor, while I'm on my back, and roll around a bit. It's marvelous relief.

    BTW, I dance ballet about 10 hours a week plus do gym about 5 hours a week, so I am quite familiar with hip pain!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    I've been working out either walking or the elliptical and some weight training about 5x/wk for a few months. I'm not overdoing it. Yet my hips are always stiff and sore, and I don't know how to loosen them up. I wake up and they hurt, I can barely move (3 mos old mattress, too, shouldn't be that! Was fine the first month!) and they get worse after a workout, even though I stretch and do all the things I'm supposed to do.

    Help! Any suggestions?

    after working out do you take a hot shower or sit in the hot tub?? I have only been doing it for a month but I try to go it the hot shower or the hot tub after I work out.. That seems to really help me...

    Good Luck with the pain hope it goes away for you...
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'm always tight in my hips...even when I was a teenager. My athletic trainer used to and still tells me that I have the tightest hip flexors he's ever dealt with.

    I lay on the floor on my back and pull on knee up to my chest and hug it tight...with the other leg laying flat against the floor. Then, I take that same leg, push the knee to the outside (bringing the heel/foot in). Then do the same with the other leg.

    Remember to hold your stretch for a good while. Not 1,2,3 switch.

    This yoga pose helps my groin, hips, and lower back. I love it.

  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    better life through chemistry baby! Take some tylenol or advil to ease you through the beginning soreness.

    when I started running, I was miserable every day. drugs (OTC) got me through it, and now, just a month/so later, I don't need them.
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I'm always tight in my hips...even when I was a teenager. My athletic trainer used to and still tells me that I have the tightest hip flexors he's ever dealt with.

    I lay on the floor on my back and pull on knee up to my chest and hug it tight...with the other leg laying flat against the floor. Then, I take that same leg, push the knee to the outside (bringing the heel/foot in). Then do the same with the other leg.

    Remember to hold your stretch for a good while. Not 1,2,3 switch.

    This yoga pose helps my groin, hips, and lower back. I love it.

    looks like she POO*ed out the name:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    I have problems with my hips as well, but I have bursitis. I have to be very careful about how much walking and running I do for this reason. The thing that helps me the most is a good old fashioned heating pad! I also make sure I stretch very well before and after exercising and I also take a hot shower, or soak in a hot tub. If the pain doesn't get any better, I'd definitely get in with your doc to have it checked out.
  • Chabruins
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    If the problem is as chronic as it sounds, you really need to get checked out. By not looking into it and consistently putting yourself though the same pain, you could be exacerbating the problem, leading to permanent damage.

    It could be a strain, bursitis, tendonitis, or a whole slew of other problems. Don't keep working out if every single time you feel pain... please see a doctor.

    If seeking medical attention is not an option, you should lay off the activity for at least a week and see if you notice improvement. Many injuries heal themselves with ample rest. You could look into a lower impact activity to do while resting (like swimming). (A week is the minimum amount of rest you should take, 2 or 3 weeks would be better...)
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    If you lay on the floor, bend one knee, take that knee to the opposite side towards the floor. This can help many a sore behind.

    For stretches, I need more info:
    Is it the front or back of the hip? Is it towards the side or the center? Is there pain from all the way from front to back? Is it at the top of the thigh? If it's at the back, is it closer to the thigh or lower back?

    It is along the back, top of the buttocks, around to the sides, like a line.

    The trainer gave me one thing to do - stand on one leg, bend the other, lift it out to the side, back in and down (but not touching the floor)... but when they're stiff I can't do this! I can't lift my leg high enough to get a bend in my knee!
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    If the problem is as chronic as it sounds, you really need to get checked out. By not looking into it and consistently putting yourself though the same pain, you could be exacerbating the problem, leading to permanent damage.

    It could be a strain, bursitis, tendonitis, or a whole slew of other problems. Don't keep working out if every single time you feel pain... please see a doctor.

    If seeking medical attention is not an option, you should lay off the activity for at least a week and see if you notice improvement. Many injuries heal themselves with ample rest. You could look into a lower impact activity to do while resting (like swimming). (A week is the minimum amount of rest you should take, 2 or 3 weeks would be better...)

    I've had it when I didn't exercise, so laying off exercise probably won't change anything.. it's one of the things that pushed me into exercise, to make it go away.

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions... and I do have an appt with my dr and I'm going to do some research on that hip flexor too...
  • snowbune27
    snowbune27 Posts: 75 Member
    I had, a few years ago, bursitis (sp?) in my hips that made is too painful to even walk.... I went to physical therapy and they had me doing abductors, and adductors on a machine that has you stand while you do them- one leg at a time.

    if you have this machine, I suggest doing it... if you do not have this machine, maybe you have the ones that let you sit while you do them- I wonder if this will be as effective.