JUST FOR TODAY... One day at a time .. Daily Commitment for 2023!



  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,644 Member
    πŸ’ No more than 1800 calories βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ Drink at least 72oz water βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ Walk at least 6000 steps (this needs to work back up to 8,000-10,000 eventually) βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ No coffee until 8am βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ No food until 10am βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ No food after 8pm βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ Try to fit in a quick workout (even if it's only a 15 minute one) βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ 9 year old supposed to make dinner - be on hand to help! βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ Make time to read a chapter of book βœ”οΈ
    πŸ’ Organize info for meeting tomorrow morning βœ”οΈ

    I feel accomplished!!! I actually checked everything off from yesterday. My fasting blood sugar is nearly back to normal. I don't know if I'll do as well today since I have online meetings, my daughter has an event at the library where I'll have to work remote, and then I promised her and a friend Chick-Fil-A for dinner while they have a petting zoo set up in the parking lot tonight. Meetings and running from place to place, and fast food dinner make for hard days when I have my goals. I'm hoping that even if I miss the short workout I can make everything else work.

    πŸ’ No more than 1800 calories
    πŸ’ Drink at least 72oz water
    πŸ’ Walk at least 6000 steps (this needs to work back up to 8,000-10,000 eventually)
    πŸ’ No coffee until 8am
    πŸ’ No food until 10am
    πŸ’ No food after 8pm
    πŸ’ Be sure to speak up at meeting when needed
    πŸ’ Try to fit in a quick workout (even if it's only a 15 minute one)
    πŸ’ Library - pick up books on hold and take kids to Lego Club
    πŸ’ Make time to read a chapter of book
    πŸ’ Chick-Fil-A for dinner - Make Good Choices!!!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    JFT for 6/22/2023 (today)βœ”οΈ
    1) No dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 6/22
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/8)
    11) Can have lunch early due to lunch meeting.

    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member

    JFT Wednesday
    - Up by 7:30 :smiley:
    - Work by 8:00 :smiley: 8:03 is close enough
    - meetings
    - Protein bar for breakfast :smiley:
    - More meetings :smiley:
    - cereal for lunch (ran out of protein bars) :smiley:
    - Home by 4:30 :smiley:
    - Shower :smiley:
    - Dinner :smiley:
    - Trivia :smiley:
    - Limit alcohol to stay within calories :(
    - Home by 10:00 :smiley:
    - Bed by 10:30 :smiley:

    Have a great day y'all!

    Totally blew it last night. Friend showed up near the end of trivia and bought a bucket of beer. I had 2 more than my plan. From there it went downhill to an Oreo McFlurry. It was yummy. Back on track today with minimal damage. Just work stuff today and maybe laundry.

    JFT Thursday
    - Up by 7:30 :smiley:
    - Work by 8:10 :smiley:
    - Prep for meeting with legal :smiley:
    - Prep for staff :smiley:
    - Prep complaint summary :smiley:
    - Lite breakfast/lunch/snack
    - Dinner at home - turkey tacos
    - Laundry
    - Bed by 10:30
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 5 pm. Can still have my dose of metamusal. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    edited June 2023
    Recap 6/21 W
    1) Maybe spaghetti with spinach for supper :smiley: used up box of fettucine = yum! / net calories zero / 72 oz. water :neutral: net cals -218, sodium green so I'm happy, a bit short on water at 64 oz.
    2) Walk dog :sunglasses: 4.0 miles & dog got 2 treats, one from new lady on side street with shade, and usual from Wed garbage truck driver
    3) PT exercises no, but I did them the day before :D
    4) Ta-da list ~ got lots done, including scheduling my next annual physical, with openings currently early January! I'm on a wait list, but I'm not concerned about anything, so maybe I have more time to get my weight back down LOL / declutter 15 min. / city band concert 7p.m. & sat with Lin who I haven't seen in a while... hubby said we talked the whole concert :smiley: good day
    5) Floss / retainers / pray / alarm for beat the heat dog walk

    JFT 6/22 R
    1) Walked dog 4.14 mi :sunglasses: I'm not enjoying getting up early solely to beat the heat, but happy dog
    2) Boxed dinner ordered & pre-logged best guess / net calories zero / 72+ oz. water
    3) Water rosemary plant before I forget / declutter 15 min. / boil eggs / organize for concert (can cozies, cash, chapstick, phone, bug spray, maybe golf umbrella for shade?) / GBBG concert 6:00 & only one adult beverage / ta-da list ~ so far, contacted ins. agent's office per voice mail & found out we qualified for updated homeowners plan that takes into account our (excellent) credit scores and lack of claims to save almost $250 on annual premium & better coverage = yay! Also with hubby's assist, reordered supplements that we're low on, and Kitty's prescription dry food order has been approved by vet, s/b here in a few days.
    4) Floss / retainers / pray / alarm for early dog walk & beat the heat

    Hubby has recovered from his snit, and all is well. LOL

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    65 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2023 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be satisfied if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ 1.31.23 ack! 2.28.23 not better but not worse
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes now that I have the time
      January: parsnip/potato mash; St. Louis gooey butter cake (Mom's bday) = :smiley::smiley:
      February: creamy bacon corn chowder (slow cooker); banana bread (using applesauce & oil); braised lamb shanks with lentils (slow cooker); apple cake (with buttermilk) = :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
      March / April ???
      May: raisin overnight oats; banana overnight oats = :smile: :smile:
      June: orange choc chip bread = :smiley:
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x)
    January 1x6 days, 1x5 days, 2x4 days = :smiley:
    February 1x6 days, 2x5 days, 1x4 days = :smiley:
    March 2x6 days, 3x5 days = :smiley:
    April 1x3 days, 2X5 days, 1 week not feeling well = :neutral:
    May 2x3 days, 1x4 days, 2x5 days = :)
    June 1x5 days
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Continue PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
    4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,023km challenge started on Jan. 1
    January 48.14 miles
    February 55.79 miles YTD 103.93 miles
    March 73.47 miles YTD 177.40 miles
    April 49.52 miles YTD 226.92 miles
    May 71.75 miles YTD 298.67 miles
    • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km. Not the full challenge, but with knee issues early in year, I was happy to get this far.
    5) At least 7,500 steps per day
    • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps = :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
    6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
    • Registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.4.23 ~ skipped 2023 due to frigid temps with wind chill around 0F... didn't want a repeat of overuse injury from last winter. In 2022, I had to cancel race due to inflammation in knees from overuse & arthritis (medico advised) from walking in another frigid 5K.
    • Registered for Bellin 10K on 6.10.23 ~ 1:39:19 ave. pace 15:59 split time 50:07 age group 24/40
    • Registered for Packers 5K on 7.22.23
    • register for Bellin Women's 5K ~ date 10.14.23 (1,000+ for all races in 2022)
    • watch for other events to possibly add ~ learned of Pi Day race, but did not enter
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    • Excellent goal previous years, to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in mid to late 80s and live 90 miles away
    • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others in town, now that I'm retired
      1.12.23 lunch w/ CH
      2.11.23 ART Nite w/ PZ (supper, gallery, bar w/ live music)
      March busy with weekly soup suppers for Lent
      4.26.23 met up with former co-worker Ted, sold him my Honda Civic & re-met his wife
      4.28.23 helped friends PZ & BH move to new condo
      5.7.23 visited/picnic at SIL's house (in town) with numerous in-laws
      5.14.23 visited my aunt & uncle (90 mile drive) since my folks under the weather on Mother's Day
      5.20.23 visited/lunch at BIL's house (30 mile drive) with niece on break from law school in Boston
      5.30.23 coffee & lunch with DE
      6.9.23 lunch w/ Ted (Kim had to cancel)
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
    • Made great progress on first floor of house in 2022, keep going
    Word for 2022-23: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Wed June 21
    1.5L of water - πŸ‘Ώ
    Log all food - πŸ™‚
    15 minutes of movement - πŸ™‚

    JFT - Thurs June 22
    1.5L of water
    Log all food
    15 minutes of movement

    @jennysweet58 - how frustrating the lifeguard didn’t show. I need to get back to the pool.
    I haven’t been since I took my last set of lessons in 2019. I’m fearful now, I’ll have forgotten how again.

    More I wanted to comment on, but trying to stay off my phone for a bit longer than normal today. I have spent way too many hours on it since I’ve been off.

  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - oh I don't SWIM at the pool, ha ha - it's in a gym, and the highest it goes is 4 feet. I mean you CAN swim, but I jog, walk, jump & do strength work. I absolutely love it, it feels so freeing to be so weightless, and no worry of injury with all my arthritis/joint/foot issues. If you can find a gym with one of these pools I would highly recommend it!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    edited June 2023
    JFT for 6/22/2023 (today)βœ”οΈ
    1) No dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.βœ”οΈ
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).βœ”οΈ
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)v
    4) Don't weigh again until Thursday 6/22βœ”οΈ
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.βœ”οΈ
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)βœ”οΈ
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.βœ”οΈ
    8) No beef jerky today.βœ”οΈ
    9) No chicken Vienna sausage today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)βœ”οΈ
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/8)βœ”οΈ
    11) Can have lunch early due to lunch meeting.βœ”οΈ
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.

    JFT for 6/23/2023 (tomorrow)βœ”οΈ
    1) No dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 6/26
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) Chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/22)
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • jennysweet58
    jennysweet58 Posts: 234 Member
    Made my goals for yesterday...pool is temporarily closed but found a new Youtube channel I really like, called "Burpee Girl." No talking (hooray) just real music and visuals, very simple and clear, plus she has a lot of non-impact & knee-friendly videos...so that is my plan. Still staying strong!

    no eating till 1pm
    stay within calories
    100 oz water
    exercise video plus yoga stretch
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member

    JFT Thursday
    - Up by 7:30 :smiley:
    - Work by 8:10 :smiley:
    - Prep for meeting with legal :smiley:
    - Prep for staff :smiley:
    - Prep complaint summary :smiley:
    - Lite breakfast/lunch/snack :smiley:
    - Dinner at home - turkey tacos :smiley:
    - Laundry :(
    - Bed by 10:30 :smiley:

    Everything but laundry yesterday. I can live with that!

    I've managed to string together 4 out of 5 days this week in the green. That fits right into the 80/20 rule. I always want 100/0, but when I can't maintain it I slip back to 20/80. I'm learning that perfection in short term doesn't compare to progress in the long run. I've known this for a long time, but execution has been a problem. Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I just let go of the bad day and went on with my healthier lifestyle. Feels good.

    JFT Friday
    - Work by 8:00 :( 8:12 missed my 10 minute window by a bit
    - Work stuff
    - Protein bar for breakfast
    - Cereal for lunch
    - log food
    - stay green
    - More water than soda
    - no alcohol
    - make new playlist for spin class tomorrow
    - walk if it isn't raining
    - bed by 10:30
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Thurs June 22
    1.5L of water - πŸ‘Ώ
    Log all food - πŸ™‚
    15 minutes of movement - πŸ™‚

    JFT - Fri June 23
    1.5L of water
    Log all food
    15 minutes of movement

    @jennysweet58 - Our pool does have Aquasize, and a shallower pool. I should try that.

    @pridesabtch - I just started logging again this week. I need to get into the green which may be next weeks goal.

    One of my biggest issues over the last few months is I have been keeping Coke and chips in the house. I have all of it gone now and I’m going to go back to my old rule of only buying a can of I want one and one small bag of chips. These are my downfall and I know it.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    JFT for 6/23/2023 (today)βœ”οΈ
    1) No dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 6/26
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) Chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/22)
    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until after 12 pm.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:


  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    Recap 6/22 R
    1) Walked dog 4.14 mi :sunglasses: I'm not enjoying getting up early solely to beat the heat, but happy dog
    2) Boxed dinner ordered & pre-logged best guess / net calories zero / 72+ oz. water :( a bit sad, water low again, only 56 oz. and really had to guesstimate for boxed dinner, maybe net cals -212, sodium?
    3) Water rosemary plant before I forget / declutter 15 min. / boil eggs / organize for concert (can cozies, cash, chapstick, phone, bug spray, maybe golf umbrella for shade?) / GBBG concert 6:00 & only one adult beverage / ta-da list ~ so far, contacted ins. agent's office per voice mail & found out we qualified for updated homeowners plan that takes into account our (excellent) credit scores and lack of claims to save almost $250 on annual premium & better coverage = yay! Also with hubby's assist, reordered supplements that we're low on, and Kitty's prescription dry food order has been approved by vet, s/b here in a few days. :smiley: Good day
    4) Floss / retainers / pray / alarm for early dog walk & beat the heat

    JFT 6/23 F
    1) PT exercises
    2) Leftovers for supper / net calories zero / 72 oz. water
    3) Call Mom & Dad and arrange next visit / wash dishes / declutter 15 min. / anything else?
    4) Floss / retainers / pray / alarm for farmers market

    When my early alarm for dog walk went off, I just couldn't. We already have walked 15.6 miles Mon. - Thurs., and my body told me to rest. So I listened. Tomorrow, dog walk unlikely as I hit the Sat. farmers market as early as possible, then it may be too hot when I get home. Next few days, rain is forecast. I don't mind, we really need the rain, especially the farmers as we're in moderate drought conditions. We've been emptying the rain barrels to water all our planters on a regular basis.

    Today we learned a second house on our one block cul de sac is for sale. Both homes are owned by people that were here when we moved in in 2004. So only two other houses haven't changed ownership since we've been here. We aren't great friends but everyone's friendly, they're good neighbors and it makes me sad. But I totally get the downsizing thing.

    About me:
    I'm Carmela
    This is my lifestyle. It's. Not. A. Diet.
    Height 5'4"
    65 yrs old
    Reside in Green Bay, WI, USA

    2023 Goals:
    1) Ultimate goal weight 150#... I'll be satisfied if I can get back down to 160# this year
    • Post weekly weigh-in on MFP for accountability. Saturday a.m. is my "official" weigh-in day, and I track daily on a separate app (for the visual). My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale.
    • Take measurements & log on MFP every month end ~ 1.31.23 ack! 2.28.23 not better but not worse
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    • Try new recipes now that I have the time
      January: parsnip/potato mash; St. Louis gooey butter cake (Mom's bday) = :smiley::smiley:
      February: creamy bacon corn chowder (slow cooker); banana bread (using applesauce & oil); braised lamb shanks with lentils (slow cooker); apple cake (with buttermilk) = :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
      March / April ???
      May: raisin overnight oats; banana overnight oats = :smile: :smile:
      June: orange choc chip bread = :smiley:
    3) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x)
    January 1x6 days, 1x5 days, 2x4 days = :smiley:
    February 1x6 days, 2x5 days, 1x4 days = :smiley:
    March 2x6 days, 3x5 days = :smiley:
    April 1x3 days, 2X5 days, 1 week not feeling well = :neutral:
    May 2x3 days, 1x4 days, 2x5 days = :)
    June 1x5 days
    • Walk dog 3-4 miles, treadmill when necessary in winter, weights/my home version of circuit & other x-training
    • Continue PT (physical therapy) exercises to strengthen arthritic knees & hip flexor
    4) MapMyWalk app You Vs. the Year 1,023km challenge started on Jan. 1
    January 48.14 miles
    February 55.79 miles YTD 103.93 miles
    March 73.47 miles YTD 177.40 miles
    April 49.52 miles YTD 226.92 miles
    May 71.75 miles YTD 298.67 miles
    • In 2022 I logged 500.4 miles, or 805km. Not the full challenge, but with knee issues early in year, I was happy to get this far.
    5) At least 7,500 steps per day
    • I can earn $10 every month on my Medicare Advantage Plan with 10+ days of 7,500 steps = :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:
    6) Participate in my favorite area races ~ I walk, I do not run
    • Registered for Seroogy's Valentine 5K on 2.4.23 ~ skipped 2023 due to frigid temps with wind chill around 0F... didn't want a repeat of overuse injury from last winter. In 2022, I had to cancel race due to inflammation in knees from overuse & arthritis (medico advised) from walking in another frigid 5K.
    • Registered for Bellin 10K on 6.10.23 ~ 1:39:19 ave. pace 15:59 split time 50:07 age group 24/40
    • Registered for Packers 5K on 7.22.23
    • register for Bellin Women's 5K ~ date 10.14.23 (1,000+ for all races in 2022)
    • watch for other events to possibly add ~ learned of Pi Day race, but did not enter
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    • Excellent goal previous years, to be continued
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    • Visit parents 1-2 times each month, phone calls in between ~ they're in mid to late 80s and live 90 miles away
    • Monthly contact with former colleagues/others in town, now that I'm retired
      1.12.23 lunch w/ CH
      2.11.23 ART Nite w/ PZ (supper, gallery, bar w/ live music)
      March busy with weekly soup suppers for Lent
      4.26.23 met up with former co-worker Ted, sold him my Honda Civic & re-met his wife
      4.28.23 helped friends PZ & BH move to new condo
      5.7.23 visited/picnic at SIL's house (in town) with numerous in-laws
      5.14.23 visited my aunt & uncle (90 mile drive) since my folks under the weather on Mother's Day
      5.20.23 visited/lunch at BIL's house (30 mile drive) with niece on break from law school in Boston
      5.30.23 coffee & lunch with DE
      6.9.23 lunch w/ Ted (Kim had to cancel)
    9) Continue to declutter bedroom, home office, basement, books in living room
    • Made great progress on first floor of house in 2022, keep going
    Word for 2022-23: Tenacity ~ persistent determination; the mental strength to resist opposition, danger or hardship
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - After I have my 2 eggs and light mayonnaise, I won't eat again until after 5 pm. None of the same foods at dinner as at lunch. Can still have my dose of metamusal.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    πŸ¦‹πŸžπŸ’Ž JFT: June 2023 πŸ’ŽπŸžπŸ¦‹
    June focus: continue to regaining fitness after op.
    Little by little!!!
    πŸ“Focus: improve fitness level.
    πŸ“Adhere to Solid Habits

    Improve fitness level.
    I am gradually increasing the intensity of my formal exercise

    Current Solid Habits

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    It’s my birthday today - seems like as good a day as any to recommit to getting my weight back to a healthy level. One day at a time. Going to really focus on water today, and get at least one serving of fruit and one serving of veggies
    Belated πŸŽ‰ Birthday πŸŽ‰ Wishes
    I hope you had a good day.

    @mytime6630 πŸ₯°the quilts. What a wonderful idea.
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    Hour commitment - Going to have most of my dinner at 5, but can still have some chicken when it's done around 7 pm.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,445 Member
    Went to the bar with hubby. Ordered shrimp and diet soda. No fries. No beer. Calling it a win. Stayed under calorie goal! Yay me!
  • more_freggies76
    more_freggies76 Posts: 3,040 Member
    edited June 2023
    JFT for 6/23/2023 (today)βœ”οΈ
    1) No dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.βœ”οΈ
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).βœ”οΈ
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)βœ”οΈ
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 6/26βœ”οΈ
    5) No hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.βœ”οΈ
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)βœ”οΈ
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.βœ”οΈ
    8) No beef jerky today.βœ”οΈ
    9) Chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)βœ”οΈDidn't eat today.
    10) No sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/22)βœ”οΈ
    JFT for 6/24/2023 (tomorrow)βœ”οΈ
    1) Can have dessert today (last 6/18), but can have sugar free or no sugar added.
    2) None of DH's stash today (including candy, ice cream, bagels, frozen cookies).
    3) No peanut butter today, 2.5 to 3 T (last 6/21)
    4) Don't weigh again until Monday 6/26
    5) Up to 2.0 oz hard cheese today (trying not to have cheese everyday) (last 6/20). Note: some grated parmigiana cheese has always been allowed and doesn't count towards hard cheese. Hard cheese at restaurant ok. Can have cheese with restaurant meals.
    6) No honey today(1-3 Tbsp.). (last 6/21) (a little in honey mustard ok)
    7) Nuts ok (22-30 g) or 12-14 in-the-shell nuts, but none of Gary's canned nuts.
    8) No beef jerky today.
    9) Chicken Vienna sausage ok today (trying not to have higher sodium stuff everyday)(last 5/23)
    10) Sweet potato and/or pumpkin ok today. (last 6/22)

    Hour commitment - I won't eat again until tomorrow.
    ================== 4DW started =============
    Since MFP is going to close the blogs soon, I have to move my 4DWs (4 Day Wins) here.
    Now in shared file:
