hi i am new here

i have lost 27 lbs. reached a stand still can anyone give me ideas how to start losing again


  • MaudeBeige
    It would help if we could see your diary and exercise patterns.
    Well done on loosing the 27lbs!
  • meversusfatty
    I've hit that rut (particularly when doing Atkins) and I find a couple of things help:

    1. If you're eating the same thing over and over, switch it up - your body has gotten used to it. Same thing with eating times.

    2. If you're exercising at the same resistance level or if you're doing the same exercises over and over, increase the length of time that you do them or the resistance.

    3. You may not have hit a standstill, you may still be losing but also gaining muscle. Tracking your measurements in addition to weight loss can let you know if this is the case.

    4. Make sure you're getting at least 6 glasses of water a day to flush out all of the toxins and beef up your metabolic rate. Also, watch your salt intake.

    5. Make sure to eat your last meal at least 4 hours (5 is ideal) before bedtime so that you're not sleeping on food/ empty calories.

    4. If #1-5 don't work, try eating more that your calorie allotment for a few days. It seems counter-intuitive but your body needs a weight loss reboot.

    Hope that helps.:happy: