I will never put a diet pill in my mouth again

I have a confession and i promise i will never ever do it again. so i started this journey in July and because the scale wasnt moving enough I started taking OXY ELITE PRO. the worst decision i have ever made. I was in the hospital for two days my stomach is hurting like hell. Now i am on a special liquid diet. I may have poisson my kidney. I dont know why I choose the easy way out. but I did and I promise I will never ever put a diet pill in my mouth again...


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am glad you are okay and even more happy that you learned your lesson.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    smart decision and best of luck!!!
  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Very glad that you caught it and will be ok ... So many of those pills promise this and that but in the end make us sick. I did that a few years back and had to stop because i had the shakes and major heart palpitations .. change of lifestyle and exercise I have finally realized is the best way ! If you need any support please add me ! :)
  • Those are so dangerous. I wish they were outlawed. I took some several years ago and I felt like my heart was going to explode. Glad you're okay and best of luck to you.:smile:
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Just curious if you took the dose recommended on the bottle? Did you drink a lot of water with it or eat prior to taking it? I'm not a fan of them either. I took STACKER 3 for a while and developed a heart dysrythmia. I loved the results but it's not worth the problems to look good in a casket!
  • i'm glad you are ok! hope you feel better soon.

    thanks for sharing about this dangerous pill!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I hope you will fully recover - quickly. I'm sorry you are going through this.

    Drugs are powerful and we all react differently. I react badly to most any, so just don't take any med that isn't vital to my survival. Luckily none are for me at this point in my life. Those who normally don't react badly, don't know. Don't beat yourself up!! You didn't know.

    But now you know and you are making good decisions. Take care of yourself, and then lose weight the healthy way. You can do this!
  • Chastityx
    Chastityx Posts: 192 Member
    Get better, stay away from drinks like Monsters, they destroy your liver. Afriend that is healthy and eats very healthy had to have a liver transplant from those drinks ,and he only had one a day. They need to make it an item that you can only buy 18 and up. I see kids drinking 4 a day sometimes. Be healthy!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I'm so sorry this happened to you. Thank you for sharing. Those things are so scary and people take them like they are nothing.
  • malouina
    malouina Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you guys. Yes I did follow the instructions. Trust me I dont know why I choose the coward way out I know the formula of losing weight yet I did it. Its so not worth the chest pain and the stress I had over the weekend. I learn my lesson and I will never ever put any drugs in my mouth
  • No its not the coward way and don't sell yourself short. Everyone makes mistakes in life, specially us who want to look good and have that great body and such. It's a normal stage when we get tired of not loosing weight fast enough and we are willing to do whatever it takes to get there, even if it means putting ourselves in risk. Yeah you knew the formula, so what this weight issue have us not thinking straight. In one point or another we "Myself" been there tried everything, just to look better and have better confidence. I'm glad your OK and make a full recovery. You shouldn't be surprise how many people I know who still do this "My wife" and I tell her don't just do it the right way. She was doing the lemon diet. The one she only drinks a lemonade don't know the name of it but I was scared because she was not eating anything only that lemonade. After a couple of days with no food I had to intervene and made some delicious Cheese, Chicken, and meat Enchiladas that she gave in. I felt bad to ruin her diet but I prefer her to be how she is than not to have her at all.

    Thank You for sharing your experience
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    check with your doctor and/or a holistic nutritionist and ask about what kinds of foods you should eat to regenerate health to your kidneys. The body is sometimes surprisingly durable, so see what you can do to be proactive :)
  • malouina
    malouina Posts: 15 Member
    I am glad you intervene for your wife I hid the pills so no one knew about them I had to diclose them at the hospital because i was dying so no choice. I am going to see a doctor to help with food and recovery. I want a burger so bad now that I cant have it its not even funny lol... i am trying to get my stomach back to where it was first though.... PS i havent had a burger in yrs I just want it bc I know my stomach cant handle it lol...
  • I am glad you intervene for your wife I hid the pills so no one knew about them I had to diclose them at the hospital because i was dying so no choice. I am going to see a doctor to help with food and recovery. I want a burger so bad now that I cant have it its not even funny lol... i am trying to get my stomach back to where it was first though.... PS i havent had a burger in yrs I just want it bc I know my stomach cant handle it lol...
    Malouina I would eat a burger if I was at the Hospital, even if I had to take a flu shot that would be my excuse :laugh: ..Also remember what Morpheus said " To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human". :wink: Get back to normal once you feel normal you can start your fitness plan again but this time it will be nice and slow
  • malouina
    malouina Posts: 15 Member
    seriously cant wait for this pain to go away
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Yes we all have made mistakes and the good thing is when we learn from them and move on. I tried Fastins last year - the over the counter ones, they were working and I was losing weight but then when I wouldn't take any the weight came back on and then some. So in the end it wasnt worth it..better to do it on my own and not go through that again.

    Get fully well again and just move forward a wiser person.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Don't beat yourself up, we've all made mistakes, and you've learned a valuable lesson-- and thank you for sharing it with us! You're in my thoughts, I hope you have a quick road to recovery.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Please don't beat yourself up. You don't deserve it and it will get in the way of your recovery. Please heal well. That's most important.

    After you've taken care of you through this crisis, would you share your experience on the many threads started each week where someone talks about doing something unhealthy to lose weight? Everyone thinks it can't happen til it does..
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    The truth is, MFP is the easy way... Just look around you. Stay here, track and cap your calories, and you WILL successfully lose weight. It's very simple and very, very effective. Good luck!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Interesting. I took Oxy Elite Pro and never had a problem. Only had an issue one day when I didn't drink enough water. I absolutely believe (as a health care professional) that you need to be aware of your sensitivities prior to commencing any medication (over the counter or otherwise). Oxy Elite worked well for me (but I don't have an issue with caffeine etc) but again, it's very personal. I wouldn't consider myself a coward for taking it either, many MFPer's see it as beneficial. I'm sorry you had an adverse outcome.