i think i need some advice on fueling for a half marathon

godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
how often do you fuel, where at in the run do you do it and what do you use?


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I only drink G2 -- I take Chomps one every mile starting at mile 2.5 or so. I take salt tabs every somewhere around mile 4-6 depending on the heat and how much I am sweating.

    Yesterday I ran 10 ... did Grape G2, Chomps every mile after 2.5 (except forgot after mile 8) and salt tab at mile 5 and mile 8
  • no refuelling needed...just keep hydrated
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Usually twice with a pack of GU. Once around mile 6 and again around mile 9 (which is usually where they have GU or shot block stations).

    When training, I only need to fuel once around mile 7, but the intensity level of a race is much higher then regular training.
  • TorridCutie
    TorridCutie Posts: 84 Member
    The goal is to digest 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour after the first 30 minutes for workouts longer than 75 minutes. You can choose how to get those carbs. Sports drinks are one way. You can also choose gels which come in 100 calorie (25 g carb) packs. There are also chews, which are my favorite. Gels and chews need to be taken with some fluid. Some people like to get their calories from real food. I have friends who chew on gummy bears or eat fig newtons. You need to try different options and see what you like the most. You cannot go wrong as long as you get the suggested amount of carbs.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    For me, a lot of it depends on the weather - temp especially. If it's really, really hot, I'll walk through each stop drinking water for the first few stops. Then, after 3 or 4 miles I'll drink water and their energy drink - Powerade or Gatorade. I'm not too keen on Heed, so if that's all that's offered I'll skip it for a couple more miles. Again, depending on the temp of the day, if they offer a gel at mile 10 more often than not I'll take it. It seems to help me with the last 5k. I wouldn't do anything race day that I hadn't trained with though. Finishing a race with cramps is no fun. No fun at all.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    no refuelling needed...just keep hydrated

    I disagree with this. The majority of runs unless super trained distance runners when running a half marathon will need some refueling because your glycogen stores are depleted and the body is unable to conitnue. To suggest otherwise is not fair to the OP!
  • sherab69
    sherab69 Posts: 20 Member
    you store enough glycogen in your muscles to take you through the first 30-45 min of the race. I usually start feeling the need to refuel at about 45 min into my race. Then you should need about 100 cals of whichever you choose, gel packs, gummies, or sports drinks every 30 to 45 min after that. ( I like the gel packs). Water is vital for Glycogen storage and use so make sure you start the race adequatly hydrated and stop and grab water at every water station.
    Good luck on your next race!
  • larisadixon
    larisadixon Posts: 201 Member
    i ran this morning and fueled with powerbar gummies at mile 4 and 1/3 clif bar at mile 9 . I run with water so I can hydrate along the way. temp has a lot to do with it. i live in the humid south, so water is a huge factor in my runs.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I like the Extreme Sports Beans, I'm weird about textures and can't eat most of the gu things. I fuel every 3 miles but only 3 beans. I eat lower carbs than I should for the type of race training I do, so I'm probably not the norm. I drink about 1 oz of Altima water every mile, as it's still been fairly warm.
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Learn your body during your training runs and pay attention to when you are struggling and learn to refuel before that happens. You should be using your practice long runs to learn what works for you. There are several products and not all of them work the same on everyone. Some people cant stand GU and some prefer chomps or even snickers. I've even heard of some say skittles works for them. Just try and find what works for your body.

    For me - if I'm doing a hilly long run I take a Gu pack shortly before I get to the hill. On flat runs, I "try" to get some Gatorade (G2)in me about mile 2 and a GU pack before mile 3 because for some reason I hit a small wall around that point. Then about every 20-30 mins I'm taking a GU or Gatorade to fuel up. Gatorade and Gu's are my fuels. After mile 3 I get in a great zone and seem to do well from there on out but I try and remember to keep fueling through out.

    I carry with me about 6 Gu packs for a Half Marathon and my full marathon I squeezed in what would fit in my pouch, probably just a few more than 6. Yes Its a lot but I dont care..I need what works for ME. Most of the time after I am done I still have Gu's left over that I didnt use but I'd rather have plenty on me than not enough.

    Just learn what works for you now before your race. Good luck!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Everyone is different and so is the weather you'll be running in.

    In moderate weather, I will alternate between water and gatorade every 20 minutes and will start in on the GU Chomps or sports beans after 30 minutes. I'll eat a few every mile or so to sustain my energy levels.

    What works well for me is to "prehydrate" immediately before the race with half a bottle of gatorade and also a banana.

    Obviously the intake increases with the temperature.

    When I finish the race its straight for the Banana and Chocolate milk (and sometimes a bagel with PB).

    One little rule that I have seen people break and pay for (hello pepto bismol???)... don't try anything new within a few days of a race. Incorporate this into your training and use your training to determine what does and doesn't work for you.

    Good Luck!
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    bump =)
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    When I ran my first half I only used about 6 Sports Beans at mile 7 (3 beans) and mile 10 (3 beans). I had too much energy and adrenaline I guess stored up.
    For my long runs (10+ miles) I typically take a few beans or a Honey Stinger chew around mile 7,9, 11. I stay hydrated with Nuun.

    I think it just depends on the person. I've talked to some people that don't refuel during the race at all. Just try different methods during your training and see what works best for you. Do not try anything new on race day though.
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