Love my heavy leg day....

But the water retention for the next 48 hours is unreal, breaking out the baggy sweats. :D Anyone else get ridiculous water retention immediately after certain work out days? (I drink a ton of water... :O)


  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thus far any long run of over 10 miles = 3 pounds weight gain over the next 2 days followed be a diuresis day 2 days later and a huge loss by Wed-Thurs... its my cycle I guess!
  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    Yeah - long runs and heavy strength training days do it for me. I did a bike ride yesterday and some of the riders who do 150+ rides told me that using a roller would help push it out sooner... not sure if that's true but I thought maybe i"d try it.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Yep, I'm real bad with this and I drink tons of water and usually don't get crazy with salt. Abs are the least pleasant/attractive...
  • Ebbsies
    Ohhh!! I've been wanting a roller for a long time but don't know where in my city to buy them from, I'm on the hunt now that you've mentioned this, always looking for more tools to add to the fitness arsenal. Yeah anything from the belly button down after long runs/legs day tend to make me up 3-4+, tough on the psyche but so worth it a few days later, lol.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Oh, like a foam roller? Just about any sporting goods store should have them for around $20. I use them at the gym to try and get knots out of IT bands. It hurts, lol.
  • Ebbsies
    Thanks! I'll be looking for one this week. :D
  • lauradickinson11
    Would you mind sharing some of your favorite leg workouts? I love leg days, but I don't vary my routine too often. I mainly do barbell squats, deadlifts, lunges, and the sled... What do you do?
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Laura, it sounds like you are doing pretty awesome to me. I sometimes use the press or extension machines, but that's mainly only because I'm not yet cleared to do all of the stuff you are doing.
  • Ebbsies
    Bar bell squats, dead lifts, lunges, used to do hack squats but there isn't a machine at my gym, I keep it pretty simple, I don't like machines much either anymore. But deads are my fave for heavy day. I usually do a weight that I can just get to 12 at and push real hard by 15, for 4 sets of each exercise, by the 4th set I usually only get into the 8-12 range for reps. I also do a barre style leg workout (DVD, can't remember the name but man I'm so happy I found out about barre!) and that kills me when I'm not heavy training certain weeks, it's unreal how bad it burns, lol.