❓❓❓What hints do you have to not quit?

Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
edited July 2023 in Success Stories
I've LOVE to hear your comments on what keeps you from quitting when things get hard. Be it an argument with a loved one, your boss, a bad day at work, a chronic illness, oh so many things!! INCLUDING when we gain and gain.

One of my hints is to have support!! I NEED SUPPORT!!! I've lost 117 lbs, but even with that I STILL need support. I do belong to the 2023 Summer 5% Challenge (new and returning members can join any time they'd like). Here is what its about: This is a team/group I get so much support from. But, still all of us struggle your suggestions can help not only me, but others.

Plz join and have fun as we lose 5% of our weight, improve our health and make new friends. Race to Fascinating Places for 8 Weeks. Now you can write your own success story! Have a chat or post questions in the Airport Lounge Discussion. Your friends are welcome too. Start date July 8th.


If you'd like to have this support please click on the MFP link above AFTER YOU DO PLEASE sign up by going to the feed
💺Need a Seat on a Team? Post ONLY Here!

Here's that link: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10891482/need-a-seat-on-a-team-post-only-here/p1


  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    LOVING THESE COMMENTS!! WOW!! So happy I asked, and I am SURE others will let us know what helps them. ALL of you have put things I'd not thought of! TY TY TY Let's keep them coming! The 5% Challenge helps so many. Let's stay MOTIVATED!!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    @Socajam and @Springlering62 Please do join us on the 2023 Summer 5% Challenge.

    @Socajam since you've increased your exercise, have you adjusted your calories? I was so SCARED to do that!! But, as with you I was gaining, when I finally did increase my calories (I did it at first by 50 a day, that was NO help, then I did 100 days (I can't work up a great sweat) that DID IT for me and I started to lose again. Using healthier foods (though I DO have some "junk" food daily it's portion control) I lost again. You are very motivated, you'd do well with our support also!
    @Springlering62, OH MAN Gerd is HORRIBLE!! As with you, as I lost the weight I was able to get OFF the meds!! I am also able to eat what I want and also WOOHOO on the portions I wish. I am on congestive heart failure so I need to be very careful about sodium. I make many of my own spice combos. YUMMY!!! We'd love to have you also with us!

    Here's the link: After you HIT JOIN Please be SURE you ask for seat by clicking on the discussion feed titled User: "kaliswalker"
    💺Need a Seat on a Team? Post ONLY Here!

    The LINK for the
    💺Need a Seat on a Team? Post ONLY Here!

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    What do you achieve by quitting? You don't improve. You don't build self confidence. You don't reach goals.
    The hardship of something helps to define you in character and builds inner strength. Successful people fail along the way on many goals, but they don't quit because of it or they wouldn't be successful.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Jacq_qui
    Jacq_qui Posts: 431 Member
    socajam wrote: »
    If you quit, nothing changes. It's that simple. You won't get healthier, lose fat, or achieve whatever goal you have in mind.

    Thank you for this. I really need it at this time.
    I lost 24 lbs a couple of years ago, never felt happier and lighter, but guess what, got too comfortable and here I am back again.
    I am going to take one day at a time. Ideally I would like to lose 5% of my body weight by end August. I started July 1st, and have felt heavier, not sure if its the weight training, but it sure is depressing to see the scale moving upwards, now that I am exercising every day.
    Well, there nothing I can do but keeping on doing something every day.

    Hey I always find when I start lifting after a break that the scales go up. I think this is quite common. I am 4weeks into a new programme - add me as a friend as I could always do with more people who lift in my news feed :)
  • amyrob117
    amyrob117 Posts: 89 Member
    I have not stopped this journey even though my failures previously have outnumbered my successes. I know eventually this will turn around to be more successes than failures. I can already see the turn towards success happening. It is a slow ship to turn but it is turning in the right direction. It is my tenacity that keeps me going. I refuse to stay down. I just keep getting back up and learn something new from my past failures. Listening to other people's stories and struggles inspire me and I love the community we have on here. Now I am trying intermittent fasting to see if this will help jump start my metabolism. I think accountability through talking to others about your journey and being a part of a community like the 5% Challenge group is great way to keep the motivation and hope of a better tomorrow. Since I have joined this community, my positives have outnumbered the negatives and I am starting to see better results.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    @ninerbuff ,,, I have a friend who we can't get to see this, by her always quitting she never improves. She actually told me "ITS YOUR FAULT I LOOK SO BAD!!" Huh? Of course I asked her why "YOU'VE LOST WEIGHT NOW I AM THE FATTEST PERSON (in our group)." I WAS STUNNED!! I encouraged her to lose.
    YOu are very correct I've gained back my self confidence and respect. That person is no longer a friend, I see her when we are in group, but we are not friends.
    @Jacq_qui ,, Have you joined the 5% Challenge? If not, if you do please let me know. A member on our team (more than one, but I am specifically thinking of her) and you would be able to exchange quite a bit of encouragement.
    @RedMiataAZ ,, THANKS!
    @Amyrob117 ,, we are SO DELIGHTED to have you with us!! I know I can't talk to all members, but I've noticed you and know you are striving so well!! LOVE That you are seeing better results. TY TY TY TY for posting on the 5% on various feeds!! We are going to have such a GREAT Challenge!!
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I allow myself dessert once a month. MFP tracking calories every day. The more exercise I do, the better. And eating protein-currently I have two boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • MitaRad
    MitaRad Posts: 1 Member
    One of the most important things to keep doing something is to engrain it into your personality. More or less, make it so that fitness and overall training becomes a part of you, of course not to the point you become the gymcel/bro. I know it sounds really abstract, but believe me, when it comes to the point that it feels weird for you not to train a specific day, that's when the habit has been engrained in you. Just keep showing up, and bit by bit you'll get accustomed to it! Also, don't go like the typical gymbro the whole week, or just resting on Sunday, because truly who wants to waste the time that can be used for studies, work or overall life. I recommend that you do a split of training that consists of 4/3 workouts per week, or easier to understand a PPL split. It is quite effective if you can take it to the intensity needed for muscle growth, as that is when you'll reach growth that is unprecedented normally. Hope this helps you! :3 Good luck on future efforts!
  • christineflee44
    christineflee44 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2023
    When you want to quit, it's your sign to double down. Wanting to quit means you are not committed enough. It will always be worse if you give up..
  • JigsnReelz
    JigsnReelz Posts: 179 Member
    edited July 2023
    My tip can be a hard one to develop, but if you journal, or you have a mirror with sticky notes on it, or another way of triggering yourself to call it to mind, then do this: Stop and remember what it felt like to be in your prior state, be it unhealthy, overweight, depressed, or whatever was that one moment that caused you to change. Remember things like: I couldn't get behind the wheel of my car without my belly touching the steering wheel. I couldn't walk up the stairs without feeling my heart thump. Then ask the question: do you really think that quitting your program is going to solve that? Face your emotions: is eating going to help? Hint: probably not. What's your go-to when you want to eat and it's not on your list? For me: honey-flavored hard candy. High-protein hot chocolate. If you have to eat 100 calories, eat it. You're only human, and 100 calories is NOT going to knock you off your goal.

    It only takes about 10 minutes to change your mood. Then, CONGRATULATE YOURSELF and go back to your life.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    My tip is. .when you want to quit if you push through and go through the motions.. you suddenly gain strength and becone a stronger "dieter" for a lack of a better term. But staying on plan gets easier each time you refuse to give up.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,599 Member
    Oooh I LOVE THESE!!! WOW!! TY TY TY TY TY!!! I love what @JigsnReelz added about Remember where we were, I personally DO NOT WANT to go back to that!!

  • DawnLindley00
    DawnLindley00 Posts: 15 Member
    Two hints come to my mind. First, I know I have to weigh-in in front of someone. Even though I've been doing this for about year now, I know myself well enough that if I commit to a weigh-in, I'll stick with it. (I have an arrangement with my doctor.) The second one is for me to set a goal for something I really want to do by a specific date. My current motivator is to go on a group hike in December, one that I know I cannot do at this time. I've signed up and am working on it, but on days that I don't feel like moving -- I think about how if I don't improve, I'll definitely be the pokey puppy of the group. Past motivators have been to join a swim class, go on a cruise, and the one that started all this -- total knee replacement surgery! :)
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