Women 200lb+, Let's Fly High This July!!!

🌈Hello, ladies, and Happy July!!!

🌈We're halfway through 2023. How has it been treating you?

🌈What have you accomplished so far this season? What are you still hoping to acheive?

🌈Do you have any upcoming plans that you're excited about? Or anything looming that's concerning you?

🔴If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM!, you're one of us.

🟠In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🟡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🟢Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🔵Let's aim super high this July!!!🟣


  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning and happy July, everyone!
    🌈We're halfway through 2023. How has it been treating you?
    It turns out, I'm doing a lot this year, career-wise. I'm as surprised as anyone, but I took on an additional big project at work, joined the women's program at work, *and* I'm going up for management whenever that happens, which might be later this year.

    As for family-wise, N's got 2-3 therapy sessions a week, the girls have 1-2 gymnastics classes at night a week, N's got summer school, and J's got gymnastics camp, as well. Oof. It's so much, we're always so busy. But this much therapy is important for N. And I think for next school year, we'll only sign up for 1 night of gymnastics a week, haha.

    Literally just yesterday, after weeks of pain in my feet right after I woke up, I realized I probably had plantar fasciitis, so I got an insert for my slippers for me to wear around the house, and I got some compression socks to wear at night. It's only been one night, but it seemed to be better this morning than it has been lately. I'm getting to the point in my adulthood where I can't just wear any old shoe, haha.

    Gym-wise, I got the OK to move up to the second level poles class, and my first one is today!

    AND me and my extended family agreed on a beach house for next year! Beach week 2024!
    🌈What have you accomplished so far this season? What are you still hoping to acheive?
    Not a whole lot, still working on logging every single thing again, and recently MacroFactor has started increasing my calories because it realizes 1400 was too low. Not that I was following 1400, mind, I absolutely was not, I was eating around maintenance most days, but if I have a realistic deficit number, I'm going to be more likely to keep to it, whereas if I'm shooting for 1400 I'm so hungry I'm saying "forget it."
    🌈Do you have any upcoming plans that you're excited about? Or anything looming that's concerning you?
    This weekend is a long weekend for me, which is going to be fabulous. And then in the first week of August, my parents are taking the kids for a week, which is going to be a nice break.

    Goals/ Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 174.6 (173.9 average)

    🌈 July Goals! 🌈

    🌈 July GW (average): 173

    🔴Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week
    🟣Log everything in grams
    🔵 Shut down the house every night


    Let's see her move toward the beach again. Now I have a legitimate beach week to look forward to, gotta get it together!!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2023
    I have been watching this group for a few months and would like to join. Thank you @RavenStCloud for this group and maintaining it!

    My name is Kelly. I am 52 years old and I currently watch all of my grandkids during the week. I have 6 grands and one on the way. I started my weight loss (this time) on January 2 and have lost 85 lbs to date. I have done this before but this time I want to be a successful maintainer. I really feel like that takes accountability and community. So this time I am using the community to make use of those opportunities.

    My starting weight Jan 2 was 262. I just reached 75% of my goal by losing 85 lbs. So this year has been good. I have set goals and slowly met and increased them. I am at the point I don't want to increase any goals except weight loss. I am happy with my exercise and logging. What I want to achieve is my final weight loss goal and maintaining that for the rest of my life.

    I am looking forward to my 7th grand baby being born. That means another baby for me to watch. I want to be as healthy as I can be to be the best grandma I can be.

    I weigh in weekly.


    Log daily
    Walk- at least a 30 minute walk (6 days a week)
    Total steps for day at least 10K (6 days a week)

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
  • coffeeandtruecrime
    coffeeandtruecrime Posts: 20 Member
    • SW 284
    • CW 249
    • GW 150

    I'm not weighing myself until the 15th of the month.

    Goals for this month
    • Work out most days (successful so far)
    • Continue my tarot study, and keeping doing my daily pulls with both decks. Start my lenormand study, and keep reading my oracle cards. (started being successful so far)
    • Write more fanfiction and start working on two fandom fest. (in progress/literally just started)

    The finale of Miraculous Ladybug aired the other night T_T, I don't want to wait another year for season 6. It was so good though. The year is good, I don't like this weather tho, and I hate the sun. I feel like accomplished a lot, but there is always more I want to do, especially with things I like to study and hobbies, like more art, graphics, and writing. No plans until fall. Be back in about two weeks lol.
  • bswolfe8847
    bswolfe8847 Posts: 7 Member
    Happy 4th all! Let us remember what we are celebrating. I'm new to the group. Have never joined a group before but looking for ongoing accountability and encouragement. Look forward to your posts.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi! Summer months are extra busy for most people, so I'm guessing that's why it's so quiet here. I hope everyone is enjoying time doing fun things with friends and family. I come and go here, but I resolve to be more supportive this month.

    I'm Rita and and making my 7th decade of life as good as the last one (which was my all-time favorite)!
    SW - around 249 several times in my life
    CW - 231.7
    UGW - around 160 would be amazing.
    May 1- 237.4
    June 1-234.1
    July 1 -230.3

    2023 has been great! We went to so many softball games I've lost count. One granddaughter has had over 60 games so far but I've only gone to about 1/2 of them. The rest I watched on YouTube. Next week we're going to the national softball tournament in Des Moines for 4 days and, with the exception of 1 MVP game, that will wrap up this year. Another granddaughter played also, but had only a few games. Two boys in karate kept up going as well. We did a trip to Big Bend, Texas, in Feb with my sister, another to Corpus Christi in March to watch my daughter's dogs so she could go to the NCAA tournament (her husband is a coach for one of the teams that played), and another trip to Corpus Christi in June to hang out with my daughter. The highlight was seeing the sea turtle hatchling release on Padre Island on my birthday:) Being retired has opened so many doors for me and I'm making the most of it.

    It is so hard for me to lose weight because I can't seem to change my mindset the way I'd like. I keep going to old habits that once served me emotionally, and I stick to them just because it's hard to make changes. I lost 5 pounds when I stayed with my daughter in June. There is little food in her house and it's mostly healthy so I was often hungry. I realized that I won't die if I get hungry now and then (LOL)! I gained a couple pounds back since coming home and now am turning things around again. My husband does all the cooking and he makes huge quantities for the two of us. I'm learning to stop at one serving. My biggest downfall is late night snacking. I think the answer to that problem is to be in bed no later than 11:00 so that is one of my July goals.

    My focus for this month is tracking protein and trying to get at least 20 grams per meal/snack. If I start a meal or snack with protein, I'm much more satisfied and can stop thinking about what I can find to eat next. Sugar is my enemy. If I eat too much, my feet swell up and the scale shows it, so I've really cut back on anything sugary.

    Welcome to the new folks. Looks like you have some good goals for July. There's usually a lot more activity so keep coming back.

    @CupcakeCrusoe I hope your feet are feeling better. I know it's hard to find time to rest with your busy life, but try to take it when you can. Congrats on moving up with the poles! You're crushing it! How was the first class?
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    Hello, I'm completely new to the site and just looking for support while I try and lose some of this weight.

    I'm Jen. I'm a 46yo SAHM to five kids and one grandkid living in the Pacific Northwest. My older three kids are adults in their early twenties and my younger two are teens. My grandson just turned 4 and I watch him usually Wed-Fri while my daughter works, sometimes Saturday nights and sometimes on Mon-Tues (when his dad can't find care for him).

    I've struggled with my weight my entire life and am a compulsive overeater and carb-junkie. After having five kids in a short amount of time, my weight sort of steadied at around 250lbs for most of my adult life until the last few years. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue in 2020 and it's ruined my life. I'm exhausted all of the time--getting out of bed was sometimes more than I could handle. It's gotten a little better in the last year or so, but I still don't have the energy I used to have. I mostly just sit here so the weight keeps adding up.

    Then last year my provider switched me to a new med for my bipolar. It really helped me sleep for the first time in years and stabilized my mood, but one of the side effects is weight gain. And, boy, have I gained. I kept off the scale for a long time because I didn't want to know how bad it was. Then on the 4th, I finally weighed myself and nearly cried to see 294lbs--the heaviest I've ever been.

    It was at least a wake-up call. I'll be telling my provider I need to get off this med when I talk to her next week. In the meantime, I'm cutting back everything I eat and trying to exercise more.

    * get walking every day
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose any amount of weight

    SW: 294
    CW: 293.6 (7/5)
    GW (short term): 275
    GW (long term): 250

    If I get back down to 250, I'll be happy.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 174.6 (173.9 average)
    CW 7/8: 173 (174 average)

    🌈 July Goals! 🌈

    🌈 July GW (average): 173

    🔴Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🟣Log everything in grams ✅
    🔵 Shut down the house every night✅

    So, logging everything, just can't be bothered to stay at 1500 every day, but that might be too low for me to really stick with. We'll see. Added to that, shark week was messing with my weigh ins. It's fine, I'm not out of control, I'm just... coasting. Which is a choice I'm making, at the moment.

    I did rediscover how great popcorn freshly air-popped is last night, so that's a good tool back in my arsenal. And the girls love to watch the popcorn come out of the popper- I admit that I do, too.

    Today at the gym, it's a hip hop dance class, a variety workout class, and splits class. For dinner tonight, I think I'm making pasta, but we'll see when the time comes.

    Tag party time!
    @buckeyebabe717 you've made such great progress, and so many grandkids! A blessing. Looking forward to hearing more about your/their exploits, haha.

    @coffeeandtruecrime I love the boundaries you're setting for yourself. Some people can weigh every day, some people go crazy with it, and it's so handy to know which type of person you are.

    @bswolfe8847 welcome! Can't wait to hear more about you!

    @nebslp man, do I ever hear the "sticking to my habits because they work for me emotionally," haha. Hit me right square in the eyes. I definitely do some of that. Mostly the boredom eating at work, which I need to get a handle on.

    I bought special shoes on top of the insert/compression socks for night, and all of those together seem to be helping a lot. It's an adjustment wearing shoes all the time, as I used to go barefoot as much as physically possible. With all this changing around my gait/feet, my back is also bothering me, so we're playing whack-a-mole with my body and it's aches at the moment, :lol:

    Poles 2 was amazing! I did more than I thought I could, hung onto that pole with only my underarms and the insides of my thighs and successfully hung there in a position called "sad girl"
    It's harder than it looks, and it hurts a lot!

    @justanotherjen13 I knew another justanotherjen, you don't happen to go on Ravelry, do you? Anyway...
    All you've got going on sounds super stressful, and hectic. I hope you and your provider can find a med that works for you AND doesn't cause you all this stress with weight gain. In the meantime, you have the right idea- exercise, and being aware of what you're eating.

    I'm probably preaching to the choir, but in case I'm not: you don't have to cut out on food you love, just be aware of portions and trade-offs. Like, every Friday Whatsisface and I eat pizza and drink a beer together. For me to participate, I get thin crust pizza, and if I want a fancy beer, I realize that I shouldn't have that dessert because I'm using the calories for fancy beer, you know? Priorities based on what I like to do. Some Fridays, I forego something earlier in the day to make sure I have the calories for a dessert as well, depending on what I want/need that day.

    Anyway! Welcome!

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I do have a Ravelry and go by justanotherjen most places.

    I definitely don't plan to cut out my favorite foods, just cut back on them. Next Friday is my son's birthday and he's requested homemade pizza (one of my main weaknesses) and I will be having some. It's going to be my first cheat day and I'll deal with the fallout after, lol. There's no way I could spend all those hours making pizzas and not eat any.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Hi! The weather here is incredible! Nighttime lows in the 50's...highs in the 70's for a day or two. That means absolutely 0 excuses for not getting out and getting some more war with the weeds done in my flowerbeds. My main area is huge and so are some of the weedy areas that get ignored. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the ones in the front. Also have 2 lilac bushes that need pruning (I know I'm late with that but oh well)! My husband has a little power saw I'll try out. This year my hands wouldn't appreciate all of the clipping I usually do so I'll try something new.

    I've been listening to some podcasts on relationship styles and think I've figured out just what the heck has been going on in my life for the past 50 years! Fingers crossed this will help me resolve some of my food issues. One discovery leads to another, so I'm going to keep digging.

    I'm doing pretty well with the eating except for late night. Again, the problem is with staying up too late. Easy solution, right??!!

    I need to up my exercise game. I don't have an organized plan (not a good excuse?!) I feel like most of my life is in disarray and I need to get organized. I look around and things are not neat and tidy like I want. In fact, they're downright messy and a little dirty in spots!! Another easy solution... Commit to cleaning it up a little every day...EVERY day!!

    @CupcakeCrusoe Wow! What a beautiful picture!! I could never do that, but it does inspire me to do other things that I can. I know how hard you've worked to achieve that pose, so kudos to you!

    A note of encouragement: I had plantar Fasciitis about 10 years ago and had to wear shoes every minute of the day for a year or so. Eventually it was totally resolved and now I go barefoot in the house most of the time without issue. I do have arthritis in my right foot and it flares up once in awhile. Then I wear shoes more often. My daughter had the same PF issue and recently walked a 5K with no problem. So don't get discouraged if you have to wear shoes nonstop for awhile to clear it up. It can and will get better in time.

    @justanotherjen13 It's frustrating to watch the number on the scale go up, especially when it's meds that are helping in one way, but hurting in another. I hope you can get this figured out with your doctor. Be proud that you haven't given up with this setback and are ready to take back your health.

    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Lucky you with having those grandkids:) and for having them close by. You are making special memories that you will always treasure, I'm sure. I have 4 of my own and they just light up my life! We give so much of ourselves to our families, sometimes we lose ourselves. It's wonderful that you are taking care of yourself while taking care of them as well. Congrats on your weight loss and best of luck with the remaining 25%.

    I've gotta get busy. To everyone, have a good day and I hope your weather is as awesome as mine is wherever you may be.

  • ragtopmama2781
    ragtopmama2781 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello. I'm a 72 yo female who has struggled with my weight my entire life. I have probably lost 500 pounds over the years. I want to lose it for good this time. I'm retired so you'd think I'd have all the time in the world to be active but it's hard to find the motivation to move. My main form of movement is walking.

    SW: 252
    UGW: 190

    Thanks for listening.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I do have a Ravelry and go by justanotherjen most places..

    Nice! I'm wroughtinfire over there, pretty sure we've been in a couple of the same threads.
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    edited July 2023
    My name is Kelly. I am 52 years old and I currently watch all of my grandkids during the week. I have 6 grands and one on the way. I started my weight loss (this time) on January 2. I have done this before but this time I want to be a successful maintainer. I really feel like that takes accountability and community. So this time I am using the community to make use of those opportunities.

    I am looking forward to my 7th grand baby being born. That means another baby for me to watch. I want to be as healthy as I can be to be the best grandma I can be.

    I weigh in weekly.

    July SW:177
    July GW:167

    Log daily
    Walk- at least a 30 minute walk (6 days a week)
    Total steps for day at least 10K (6 days a week)

    1. Logged, rest day
    2. Walked, logged, 15k+
    3. Walked, logged, 10k+
    4. Walked, logged, 14k+
    5. Walked, logged, 18k+
    6. Walked, logged, 21k+
    7. Walked, logged, 24k+
    8. Walked, logged, 13k+, weight 173 😊

    Thanks for the encouragement and welcome @nebslp and @CupcakeCrusoe (and anyone else I missed)!
  • Cathy_54321
    Cathy_54321 Posts: 576 Member
    Patting myself on the back for being willing to start again. Gain weight very readily; Have been able to lose weight very slowly when doing the right things. Currently having extra challenges with portion control and uncontrolled eating episodes. Trying to look within at what is really going on. Current goals are: Be honest and record everything. Do an enjoyable physical activity every day.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Hey everyone, I've been AWOL the past few weeks traveling and then catching up from spending 28 days away from home, but I've been reading everyone's posts. Y'all are awesome. :smile:

    I'm badnoodle from West Virginia. T2 diabetic, low carber, occasional kayaker.

    SW: 271.4
    CW: 203
    GW: 150ish

    While traveling, I did OK. The front half of the trip, I was very careful with food and portions. And I walked a lot. But when I got to DC and Baltimore, there was just so many food options I can't get at home that there was definitely some unwarranted indulgence. We shall not discuss what happened at the French patisserie, but I'm pretty sure that one day gave me hyperglycemia for a week.

    But I'm back home, and back on plan not all that much the worse for wear. I enrolled in a month's worth of unlimited yoga, but I find that I can't do an hour of hot vinyasa every day. Maybe by the end of the month I'll have some more stamina and flexibility. My goal for this month is to keep on top of fiber and meds and walk 7000 steps a day, and to go through my closet again to get rid of the shirts that have mysteriously become tents overnight. I'm trying not to notice how close I am to Onederland, but that would be great to hit before the start of August.

    @CupcakeCrusoe that is an impressive pole accomplishment! You go!
  • Buckeyebabe7l7
    Buckeyebabe7l7 Posts: 603 Member
    Poles 2 was amazing! I did more than I thought I could, hung onto that pole with only my underarms and the insides of my thighs and successfully hung there in a position called "sad girl"
    It's harder than it looks, and it hurts a lot!

    Just wanted to say, WOW!, that is impressive! I laugh when I think about my old body trying to do something so athletic. Kudos!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,382 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday weigh in day!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 7/1: 174.6 (173.9 average)
    7/8: 173 (174 average)
    7/15: 173 (173.9 average)

    🌈 July Goals! 🌈

    🌈 July GW (average): 173

    🔴Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ❌
    🟣Log everything in grams ✅
    🔵 Shut down the house every night✅

    Coasting still, but closer to my goals, haha.

    This week has been.... a lot. My lower back got so bad all the time finally this week that I saw the doc, who referred me to PT to see what's up. So I'm looking forward to what PT has to say about strengthening exercises and what makes me... like this, lol. I'm interested to see whether PT will be awesome or judgy about my choice of gym stuff.

    My feet are much better, thankfully. Still wearing shoes all the time, but it's better.

    And I got sick! Something is going around, but I'm just now recovering, so no gym this week for me :( probably best for my back that way, the gym is a lot of back extension stuff that I should probably have laid off on anyway.

    Last night was pizza and beer night, and instead of taking a singular piece of domino's with the rest of the fam, I made a pita pizza with some homemade tomato sauce from our cherokee tomatoes and some leftover meatballs. Much better, and for about the same calories as 1 piece of pizza.
    I need to remember this, haha. And, of course, gotta have some popcorn- I had some with some good dutch butter, :yum:

    Our anniversary is on 7/11, so we went for slurpees for the first time since the panini:

    And iykyk, we'll be doing our recursive anniversary photo next weekend, when we're going to the fallout boy concert! I need to print that picture out to use....

    Since I haven't been at the gym, I've been doing a lot of Crafting, and I'm currently making an african flower sheep for battle of the bands week at my yarn store.

    I think that's everything... it's a lot, haha. I think dinner tonight will be cheeseburgers and a good summery beer, because those fresh tomatoes make a cheeseburger so good. I'll probably skip the bun, maybe only have half a patty, we'll see what I'm working with for calories, and have popcorn on the side.

    Tag party time!
    @justanotherjen13 happy birthday to your son! I hope it was great.

    @nebslp thanks for all the encouragement. I'm getting used to the idea that I have to provide my fleshy human body with an external suspension system, lol. I love listening to podcasts! What ones are you listening to that you find helpful?

    @ragtopmama2781 welcome! It's all about making changes that fit your lifestyle. If you love a particular part of your eating routine now, incorporate that into how you're losing weight. One example: I love waking up with a cup of cold brew coffee and having a little treat. So I work that little treat into my calories for the day, and if I know that I'm going to need more calories later, I try to make myself super busy in the morning with my coffee so I skip it and don't miss my little coffee treat, does that make sense?

    @Buckeyebabe717 it's never too late to try new things! There's a lady in my class who's in her 60's and she's trying it!

    @Cathy_54321 those are great goals. Welcome!

    @badnoodle I know, DC is so great for food! Oh, I love going there. And it didn't hurt your progress too much, so I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. :smiley:

    Alright, I think that's everything, have a great day, everyone!
  • coffeeandtruecrime
    coffeeandtruecrime Posts: 20 Member
    edited July 2023
    SW 284
    CW 235
    GW 150

    I've lost 14lbs since the last weigh in, that is a total of 49lbs. I've lost a total 14 inches around my waist, 9 inches around my hips, & 2 inches on my neck. My bodyfat was orginally 72% which is considered super morbidly obese, now I'm at 55% I'm still in cat 3 obesity but progress, and my bmi went from 51 to 41.

    Goals for this month
    • Work out most days (successful so far)
    • Continue my tarot study, and keeping doing my daily pulls with both decks. Start my lenormand study, and keep reading my oracle cards. (started being successful so far and bought a course for my lenormand studies)
    • Write more fanfiction and start working on twothree fandom fest. (in progress/literally just started lol I joined another one :P)

    I still hate the sun lol. I get sunburned really easy so I don't like to go outside, which is crazy because my dad and a lot of his dad's (rip papa) family are very tan and tan super easily with having dark complexions, hair, and eyes (it's the Irish in them it's crazy!) which is something I researched looking into my, twin's, and dad's dna, and family tree and such. Point is, I am so white I glow in the dark, and it's odd how genetics works. Looking into this is also how I found out that twin and me aren't fraternal, we are identical lol.

    I was super upset with my weight loss tbh this time, even though I did fine, but talking with my dad he reminded me that weight loss isn't linear, and that I've still accomplished so much. Which is one of the reasons I don't do this more often because I can easily get upset about the number, even though I logically know it isn't about that. If I did this more often I think that it would backtrack me, you know what I mean.

    I want fries, lol.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Thanks so much! That pool dancing looks so fun, and you look amazing doing it! :) I also 100% agree with your advice about cutting out food. Good luck with the PT, and I hope you feel better soon! I love that idea for pizza, I previous done it with flour tortillas (and the low cal ones but it's not as good), and I made it into what I call a pizzadilla because it's folded like quesadilla and it makes it a bit easier to eat. Also, you are so pretty! I love your yard work, my twin does knitting and crocheting :)

    @justanotherjen13 Enjoy your son's birthday!

    @nebslp That is how I approach cleaning, one little thing daily or most days. Tbh, I don't know how most people clean a ton daily and weekly tbh, that is just too much.

    @ragtopmama2781 Progress is progress, and motivation isn't the biggest thing right now; it more about making yourself even when you don't want to. That is basically me every time I go to workout, even though I know how good I will feel after. I've also been doing this since the end of January, and I still feel the same because motivation can only get so much; the rest is just you doing it. I started out on the exercise bike doing 15 minutes, and now I am up to 45 minutes; starting with walking is great, and walking is a great form of exercise; if you don't want to do more than that, don't. I think people underestimate how good walking is. You're doing great!

    @Buckeyebabe7l7 Congrats on your progress and your upcoming grandchild. Do you watch all six at once?

    @badnoodle It sounds like you enjoyed your trip though! That is some of what I kind of fear when I go to San Diego and Portland for two weeks in September/October, which is keeping myself in control. Like I live in a southern rural town, and I am vegan, so I have to make everything so. Not having options is so helpful when it comes to controlling myself, if that makes sense, and I know the options that SD has, and I know Portland is considered the vegan capital of the US and so it sounds great and like a challenge at the same time.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get walking every day
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make better food choices
    * no snacking on unhealthy foods
    * lose any amount of weight

    SW: 294
    CW: 287.0 (7/15)
    GW (short term): 275
    GW (long term): 250

    7/15 update: Things have been going pretty good since I started on July 5. I'm down 7lbs which is probably a lot of water weight since my legs/feet aren't quite so fat anymore. I did get down to 286.2 on the 13th but then there was my son's birthday and I ate my fill of pizza and had a slice of carrot cake so went over a bit on calories and stuff last night. I was up .8lbs so not even a big deal and well worth it for the pizza and cake. And my son had a great day. He got a new 32" TV and an Xbox along with the pizza so he felt like he was dreaming all day. I also got to see my oldest son today. He stopped by for a bit with his puppy and then took the two kids still here out to do some shopping which includes getting the youngest something for his birthday.

    I'm proud that I've managed to go walking every day for the last week and a half even on days I really didn't want to because my legs were so sore. I'm learning what works best for my out-of-shape body because pushing too hard just makes me sore and depressed because I'm in pain and can't walk like I used to when I didn't weigh so much (like, duh, of course that makes total sense when you think about it). I've also been struggling with the elevation changes on my way home because it's all uphill and I'm already tired by the time I start coming back up. I tried a different route today that felt a lot flatter which equaled about 1 mile and might work better while I take it slow and recover from last week.
  • WeeTurtle85
    WeeTurtle85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello 😀

    I have been gradually changing part of my nutrition and exercise to become healthier this year. I love seeing how my weight loss is helping my mobility and ability to do get out and be active with my son. Bit nerve wracking coming on here but love the vibes this group has ❤️

    Starting weight: 294
    Where I am: 267.4
    Next goal: 237.4

    Non weight goals
    Swimming: in pool and sea
    Walking 30 mins a day
    Self care 😌

    For July my main goal is good sleep pattern and hydration 😀
  • ShelleyMJ46
    ShelleyMJ46 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello! I am restarting my fitness journey for the millionth time …ugh! I am 56 and the highest weight that I have ever been 219…how does this happen?!?!! I am looking for a great group of supportive ladies and was wondering if it’s too late to join your party? Let me know and I will post more details and try to help everyone along their journey as well 😁