Skinny Mini Challenge WEEK FOUR (Closed Group)



  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Ok. we need another team challenge where we must post something daily! I miss you guys, I had a great Thursday. Jogged for 3.1 miles, ran in the rain for 8 minutes at an incredibly fast speed and walked the dog... now it's time for 30 DS and some challenge workouts... hope to "hear" from you ladies soon...

    Awesome Job Buddy!!!! I am so sorry I was not here for you 'virtually for the past two days', but hopefully after today everything will start to slow down!!! But I hope everyone is hanging in there!! I am actually doing great.. beside my challenge I think I overdid it with my squats yesterday and am having a hard time walking up the stairs.. (It really looks like someone stuck something up 'there' LOL) But other than that I am fine!!! How is everyone else doing?!!!
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    YES!!! agreed! what happened to everyone posting! DO NOT GIVE UP ON ME!!!!! I know things get in the way and it's super hard but do what you can!!! Work with what you have! If you can't finish the challenges one day don't give up on the whole week!!!! KEEP PUSHING!!!! love y'all!!!! :)
  • I've had a couple of crazy weeks (death in the family, business growing faster than I know how to keep up with, and preparing for a move next week). I've stayed under my calorie goals every day. I haven't been keeping up with the challenges though. I'll be honest, sometimes after teaching 6 or 7 hours of dance, I just don't feel like working out. I've still been losing weight, but I really want to do a better job of getting these workouts in.
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Sorry for the death in your family Shelley. I'll be praying for you and your family.

    I've completed some of the challenges for this week but not all. My scale says it needs a new battery so I'll have to take care of that soon to see where I'm at. Next week will be a better week. I hope you all have a great Friday!
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello ladies!

    So this week has been quite trying to say the very least! I started off bad because Saturday and Sunday I went to visit a friend out of town and got roped into delicious things like splitting a giant cupcake and eating street food. And while I did this in moderation, I still feel like I failed and I know I had to be over in calories. I did however go hiking last Saturday!

    I felt sick almost all week. I broke out in rashy hives on my calves last Friday night. I actually think it is exercise related :/ It is either a bad reaction to sweat or I was looking up some stuff and it might be the actual increase in activity after living a sedentary lifestyle so long! Apparently your body can have issues with blood circulation or what not... No matter what the cause, my legs itch and are still disgusting. Has anyone had issues with this or itching in the thighs from walking? At first I thought it was chaffing but it's also in areas with no clothes/contact.

    So now that I have shared TMI... I also fell off the wagon on a day when I was particularly homesick and wiped out half a (small) jar of Nutella by itself... I really need to pull it together!! Does anyone else seem to self sabotage after a couple of weeks? I know I do this and so I hope that being in this group will help me get past this hurdle that has made me stumble so many times before.

    I hope everyone else has been having a better go at it :)

  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Hey all! I hope you're having a good start to your weekend. I was up at 6AM doing my workout and now I have to hit the books and get my homework done! Then I have a wedding to go to later. It never ends.

    Don't beat yourselves up for things that are out of your control. Make the best of the situation and find healthy ways to relieve stress. Have a great weekend!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone, Just got home with my daughter.. She had a fever of 103.6. Her body was so hot. I was so emotional over it which I hate (That TOM) My hubby and I rushed her to the emergency room! Excercises out the window! Just being honest! I will be working out tomorrow... and get back on track!
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone, Just got home with my daughter.. She had a fever of 103.6. Her body was so hot. I was so emotional over it which I hate (That TOM) My hubby and I rushed her to the emergency room! Excercises out the window! Just being honest! I will be working out tomorrow... and get back on track!

    Hope your daughter is feeling better!!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone, Just got home with my daughter.. She had a fever of 103.6. Her body was so hot. I was so emotional over it which I hate (That TOM) My hubby and I rushed her to the emergency room! Excercises out the window! Just being honest! I will be working out tomorrow... and get back on track!

    Hope your daughter is feeling better!!
    Thanks Tiffany. Yeah we just got home... She is eating soup right now. I am just glad she is eating.. Working in the hospital ER I see parents all the time come in with their children and they don't leave with them.. :( I am just glad that she is home now and that we got her there before her body seized or anything... So I didn't go to church today (my parents are pastors and my husband and I are musicians). I am home monitoring her.. Luckily her temperature dropped and she is even asking me to color.... Still a little tired but that is to be expected after the day we had yesterday.. Thanks everyone for your support. Side Bar: I am not going to weigh myself this Monday. i am going to wait until next Monday... its that TOM and I don't want to get on the scale and get discouraged... Cause although I have been under my calories they haven't been the best type of calories.. :( (i.e. 100 calorie striped fudge cookies, Skinny cow chocolate ice cream, hershey kisses ... sigh... So Tiff I understand about the every couple of weeks self sabbotage thing! I think they call it a PERIOD!!! LOL
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Ladies! First, kuddos to you for finding the strength to keep us posted of all the events going on with you. I love participating in a group n really feeling that we can be here for each other n offer support as needed. Im here for you, and yes life and the curveballs that come with it, we'll always be there. So keep your head up, maintain positive, n let's not lose track of our goals :) hugs to you n your families!! N may we continue to be blessed in our journey to reaching a healthier lifestyle !
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Completed all of the challenges for this week. Did 500 crunches/situps this week, but I'll probably do more today. I'll post if I do :)
  • Finished all of the challenges for this week, finally :) This week has by far been the craziest for me...Looking forward to a fresh start with a new week!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I'm looking forward to week 5! The last couple weeks have been kinda down for me with various family things going on and with school work. Plus, I will be getting my period this week and the week before is always tough for me with feeling blah and I get lots of cravings. I haven't lost any weight recently but I have positive feelings about this week. I will be making more time in the mornings to get the challenges done, plus I have Wednesday off of work and plan to do a huge workout that day. Even if I don't reach my goal weight by the end of the month, I am getting closer to my final goal (which I plan on reaching by the end of December). I wish all you ladies the best with this last week of the Skinny Mini Challenge!
  • Hi everyone !
    I am sorry I have been quiet on this post last week. It was a long week for me working full time during the day and part time at night. I was also out of town during the week end. I did all the challenge for each day, but I did not use the computer a lot, I was too tired. I did aroud 550 crunches/situps last week. I am looking foward for next week challenge !!