247 calories left...what to eat for dinner?

I have 247 calories left for dinner...any suggestions for what to cook for dinner?


  • lucylou9701
    Chicken :) its only like 150 calories for a boneless skinless chicken breast (3-4oz) and some vegetables :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Get a good calorie burn and eat almost anything you want. I just finished my second workout for the day. Beer Bratwurst for dinner!
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    2-3 cups raw spinach (only a few calories)
    2 slices turkey bacon (trader joe's version would total 60 calories)
    2 tbsp fat free balsamic vinaigrette (25 calories)

    and add any other fruits/veggies to your salad to make it filling enough (cucumber is only a few calories too!)

    Pair it with a piece of whole fruit, and have a small cup of greek yogurt with honey and vanilla extract for dessert!
  • betsyweltha
    betsyweltha Posts: 17 Member
  • GaiaGirl1992
    GaiaGirl1992 Posts: 459 Member
    big old salad! if you make a smallish one, you can add nuts and crasins and hard boiled eggs and stuff and make it really nummy =)
  • tritepoet
    tritepoet Posts: 119 Member
    chicken over salad with low fat dressing

    fish and vegetables

    soup and salad
  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    Yogurt and a banana. It's healthy, quick, and easy! :)
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Blah, that's not enough. Go for a half hour walk and get an extra 150 calories in there. Then you can pretty much have a good dinner.
  • DarkOctoberNight
    DarkOctoberNight Posts: 111 Member
    Well so far it's a toss up between Chicken, soup or go for a walk and eat whatever I want lol Thanks all!
  • lilmissemmylou
    lilmissemmylou Posts: 11 Member
    I vote go for a walk too :)

    I was near my calorie limit today and had some chocolate which pushed me over, my only choice was to do a 45 min walk lol.

    You will feel better for it too as well as fuller by eating more. Soup is a GREAT option when low on calories though :D