My first 5k run/ walk

I just sighned up for my first 5k run/walk. I'm sure I will be walking it. It's next saturday. I've never had any desire but a friend posted it in our fb group and the more I thought about it the more I thought why not. Just go ahead and at least check out the web site. So I did and before I knew it I had registered me and my husband. It probably helped that the place it's at is out in the country on a vineyard and positively beautiful! I can't wait!


  • nomorefatbitch
    Good for you!!!!! :)

    I walked my first 5K in June and really enjoy it. I did one on September 11th and actually ran a little bit here and there. (Nothing to write home about!)

    Be proud of yourself and I can't wait to hear about it when you are done.

    Good luck!

  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    That sounds like a great place for your first one. I am going to do my first one in November. I am so excited. Good Luck!
  • RealMeSomeday
    Good for you! The locale sounds wonderful!
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    I just signed up for my first 5k too. It's October 29th so I still have a little time, but I have never been a runner. Just joined this site today too. Good luck!
  • yellow1951
    yellow1951 Posts: 3 Member
    You all are doing very good and I am so happy that you are proud of your efforts. My issue is I need to be more disciplined when it comes to eating. I want to lose 10 pounds and it has been so hard. I walk 3 miles most mornings and believe my body has gotten the hang of walking.

    Are there any suggestions or recommendations out there. I do not cook hardly ever, but I love soups. Any good soup recipes (meatless) beef, chicken or pork.

  • bluangelz
    bluangelz Posts: 33 Member
    You will love it. Make sure you train for it. In May I signed my husband and my self for a half marathon. WOW 13.1 miles I must be crazy. Well we decided to start doing a couple 5K's. We just finished one on Sept 11th. I had a blast. I even came in 3rd place for my age group. I am 52.

    Anyway you will love it. :happy:
  • CHOOCHperez
    That's a great first step you'll be running the Tough Mudder with me in the near future just stay positive and you'll reach your goals!!

    PS. I lost a total of 80 pounds in less than a year!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I just did my first 5K a week ago. My 13yo daughter walked it with me and we had a very nice time and we beat our practice time too. We ended up coming in 3rd in our respective age categories and got a little medal. We didn't expect that at all but it was a nice surprise. Good memories were made to boot !! We said that same day that we would do the same one again next year. Next time we are thinking of doing some jogging & walking. Will have to train for that. It is a goal though.
    It is a good feeling to have accomplished it. Have the t-shirt, pics, and even the medal to prove it too - lol. I was nervous and didn't want to come in last. I found out that I didn't have to worry, we were doing great and everyone was nice and supportive and we ended up more in the middle of the pack.
    Good luck and just have fun and I hope the weather cooperates for you...( it rained on us ).
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    It wouldn't happen to be Wine at the Line, would it? I wanted to sign up for that one but my doctor hasn't given me the ok to go back to running yet and probably won't until Friday. Boo hoo!
  • CHOOCHperez
    I would try staying away from soup cause it's loaded with sodium and to much sodium breaks down cells in your body and retains lots of unwanted water weight that can lead to health complications in the future also you don't want to cut out meat I would stay with lean turkey meat cause it'll help maintain the muscle you have so when you shred the lbs you'll look nice and fit not skinny and sick!!
  • rabbit99_47203
    That's a great first step you'll be running the Tough Mudder with me in the near future just stay positive and you'll reach your goals!!

    PS. I lost a total of 80 pounds in less than a year!

    The tough mudder comes around here next November and my husband wants to do it and I said if you can well than I can too. lol. We both have a lot of work to do till than but he used to be a marine so I'm sure he will be able to get back to it quickly. And we will make a great team. I did some calculations and if I keep up losing at the same pace by new year's eve I will lose almost 63lbs. and even if I'm not there by than I'm still making a great start to a healthier life! Me and my BF are hopefully going to be able to do a half marathon in Disney Feb. 2013. Thanks for the support!
  • rabbit99_47203
    It wouldn't happen to be Wine at the Line, would it? I wanted to sign up for that one but my doctor hasn't given me the ok to go back to running yet and probably won't until Friday. Boo hoo!
    It is the same one.
  • rabbit99_47203
    I just did my first 5K a week ago. My 13yo daughter walked it with me and we had a very nice time and we beat our practice time too. We ended up coming in 3rd in our respective age categories and got a little medal. We didn't expect that at all but it was a nice surprise. Good memories were made to boot !! We said that same day that we would do the same one again next year. Next time we are thinking of doing some jogging & walking. Will have to train for that. It is a goal though.
    It is a good feeling to have accomplished it. Have the t-shirt, pics, and even the medal to prove it too - lol. I was nervous and didn't want to come in last. I found out that I didn't have to worry, we were doing great and everyone was nice and supportive and we ended up more in the middle of the pack.
    Good luck and just have fun and I hope the weather cooperates for you...( it rained on us ).
    That's a great way to get your kids involved! I'm worried about the rain too. Though also thinking about how a new rain jacket and some rain boots will make it better. lol. Congratulations on doing your first. Yup, I don't care if I'm the last one or if I finish late just as long as I finish. Although not being last or late would be great.
  • broadsword7
    broadsword7 Posts: 411 Member
    I just sighned up for my first 5k run/walk. I'm sure I will be walking it. It's next saturday. I've never had any desire but a friend posted it in our fb group and the more I thought about it the more I thought why not. Just go ahead and at least check out the web site. So I did and before I knew it I had registered me and my husband. It probably helped that the place it's at is out in the country on a vineyard and positively beautiful! I can't wait!

    Congratulations! I know you will have a blast!
  • agugino
    agugino Posts: 119
    OOOOH! And after you walk, you'll have extra calories to burn, so you can have some wine! So jealous. A bottle of wine would motivate me. ;-) lol
  • Kaesize6
    You can do it! That will be a great way to send off those unwanted pounds. I am actually signing up for a 5k in that actually takes place next Saturday. I am so excited! My plan is to sign up for as many 5K's as I can and knock them out. Its a good time to absorb the beautiful weather outside, nice way to donate and walk for many great causes, while you are exercising and reaching your goals! I cannot wait until I reach 10k! That will be exciting!
  • rabbit99_47203
    OOOOH! And after you walk, you'll have extra calories to burn, so you can have some wine! So jealous. A bottle of wine would motivate me. ;-) lol
    They do have a wine tasting afterwards and gourmet sandwiches, but I don't like wine so I might taste a little but probably will not do much.
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    I finished my first run/walk on September 18th and was so energized by it that I've been doing it twice a week for the last couple weeks. The last time i can remember running in anything was when i was still in Junior high. I'm only at 4 minutes running and 1 minute walking but they say that for weight loss, that it's the way to go. Get your heart rate up and then slow it down, you will tap into fat cells within 15-20 minutes. If you run at a steady pace the whole way through, it will take 40-45 minutes to tap into them. Also, i found if you have a running partner or partners, it will keep you motivated to keep going! Good luck
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    It all starts somewhere!!
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I applaud anyone who does a 5K .. either run or walk. I did my first one in May. I started training the previous February and used C25K. I was definitely ready with a year and 2 months time. I wound up running it faster than I was on the treadmill. My sister and two good friends are running one with me on Sat. They are nervous, but if you do try running it, just put on earbuds and get into a zone. Your body will do the rest. I find them to be relaxing. The problem for me now is that I live in a rather hilly area, there's no consistent straight path to run like how the course is. So my times have been horrible and not close to what they should be during practice runs. One thing that helps me is I run every other day and then do weights, yoga, kickboxing and zumba on other days (all videos.. can't afford a gym right now).

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