Playstation Move

Hi Guys,

Have recently got the move for the PS3, just wondering if anyone can recommend any good exercise games for it? Am thinking of getting the Zumba game but have heard mixed reviews of it.


  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    I like the zumba game. I'm not coordinated at all so zumba is difficult for me anyway. But it seems like no matter what I do, I can't get the instructor green! (Turns yellow if you *almost* get the move and turns red when you get it) I can pretty much get her to stay yellow but then the problem with that is sometimes the movements blend together when she's yellow so it can be hard to decipher the moves she is doing. The more you do it, the easier it gets because you learn the moves so watching her becomes less of a big deal. Overall, I recommend it. The workouts are fun and you can earn PlayStation trophies and unlock other locations which makes it feel like more of a game than exercise. :)
  • hanface1984
    Thats brilliant, i do love going to Zumba. The thing i was worried about was that some people say its not really a workout and the instructor doesnt really pick up whether you are doing the moves right!

    Lol my theory is as long as you are moving around and sweating it doesnt matter if the moves arent perfect :smile:
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    As I said, I'm not coordinated at all. LOL so I'm sure I do a lot of the moves wrong. I do a 20 minute beginner session along with a one hour Richard Simmons DVD when I do use my ps3. I find I typically sweat more doing the zumba. :) might be from over exerting by trying too hard to do the moves. Haha! You can look up the game on YouTube to get a better idea of the actual gameplay too. :)
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I just got Zumba for the PS3 and I burn just about the same as I would with the normal DVDs. It takes some getting used to, having the controller on your hip, but it works!

    I've used it twice, and it seems to be "working" so far. Good luck!