Drab to Fab (new group for people overcoming mental health i

So I would love to create a group for anybody that is looking to go from "Drab to Fab".

Purpose: To encourage, support, inspire and motivate other people with self-esteem problems, weight loss, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues on their journey to self-love and health in mind, body and soul!

I would like to keep this group to a number of around 20 people, that way we can be a tight knit group that can easily support all members in their individual journeys. *If there is an overwhelming response of people that would like to join, we can make groups of people and have different team leaders that can coordinate their groups. If you are willing to be a team leader, please say so in your comment to this topic (this doesn't guarantee you will become one).

Intentions: My personal intention is to inspire and to be inspired by anybody else who is changing their life to adopt healthy habits. For myself, I am recovering from depression, learning to overcome anxiety and borderline personality disorder and am also a recovering (over a year injury free!) self-injurer. Being obese has only made these things worse and I've finally gotten to the point where I am no longer allowing my life to be controlled by my poor habits and bad thoughts. I would love to walk down this road with other people who are taking the steps to make a serious change in their mind, body and souls.

If you're in recovery from an ED, if you struggle with depression or the like and would like a group of people to support your serious attempt at changing yourself for the better, this is the group for you! (Note: I'm not a doctor or health professional and you should be in some sort of therapy or counselling to truly help and overcome your personal battles.) So if you're interested, please post a comment and we shall go from there. If you'd like to add me and the others before you that have commented that will be great too.

So let's do this! Let's turn our lives around and go from drab to fab!


  • GrannyCynth
    GrannyCynth Posts: 34 Member
    I would love to be in your group. I am suffering from depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    I wouldnt mind being in your group. I dont know if I qualify. All I know is I started this site at 321.4 (highest is 355) and I am currently at 258. The sad thing is most of the time when I look in the mirror I still see 355 pounds staring back at me even though I am almost 100 pounds down.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I wouldnt mind being in your group. I dont know if I qualify. All I know is I started this site at 321.4 (highest is 355) and I am currently at 258. The sad thing is most of the time when I look in the mirror I still see 355 pounds staring back at me even though I am almost 100 pounds down.

    If you are trying to better yourself, you definitey qualify :)
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    This sounds amazing and inspiring. I have OCD and paranoia and suffer from depression and anxiety because of it. Its really hard to find people that understand. so keep me updated please.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I've come through depression and post-traumatic stress disorder after 6 years of hard work in therapy. More than happy to be in the group and encourage people. You can overcome and get better.
  • nikki_1979
    I'd love to join. I struggle with bi-polar (major depression more than mania) and a binge eating disorder.
  • tantekty
    I would be honored to join a group of people looking forward in a positive way despite the rough road we have travelled. I have had a binge eating disorder for the last 25+ years and am finally ready to say goodbye.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Awesome group of people so far :)
  • mstankowski
    mstankowski Posts: 32 Member
    I think joining this group could help me!
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I think joining this group could help me!

    I think we can definitely all help each other :)
  • someonelikemyself
    wow... this is JUST what i need right now at this stage of my life... i am currently depressed/ have a low self esteem ... i don't know how to see myself in the mirror it's a veryy odd feeling ( not knowing how you look in the mirror) around a week and a half ago i started binge eating like crazy... my calorie goal is 1200 and i'm eating around 2300 + sometimes... I REALLLLYYY want to stop that i can't find inspiration like it would come for a while and diminish but i'm not determined although ii realllllyyy want to i mean i just want to lose 17 kgs maximummm maximummm!! i would die to lose 5 kg if not 17!!!! but i just can't seem to lose the weight although MANY PPL LOSE 100 POUNDS and i can't even lose 10 !!!!!!!
    IT'S SUPER devastating i wish i can treat my mental issues and achieve something as simple as weight loss. I feel like such a failure
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    I would like to join. I think.

    My diagnosis? There are lots.

    I have a very hard time opening up but will try.

    I previously sought treatment but I've not had insurance for many years so I had to stop.

    Trying to lose weight but its hard. There are days I don't even want to get out of bed... let alone hop around my living room feeling my fat jiggle. Still trying yo figure out how to work past that to just do what I need to do to lose weight
    Not sure weight loss will even make me happy.

    I think going this keeps me distracted more than anything. I have something to focus on. Not sure what I'd do if I hit my goal weight.
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    This is turning out swimmingly!
  • tantekty
    Just wanted to add further to my previous post. I am a recovering alcholic (5.5 years), have binge eating disorder and am on medication for anxiety. I'm 51 have a husband of 11 years, 2 bio kids 26 and 29, 2 step kids 27 and 31, 4 year old granddaughter, 1 on the way, a cat, a 2.5 year old 85 pound yellow lab and an 84 year old MIL that I do alot for. I am the center of most of it, need coming from all directions, not enough hours in the day and learning to put up boundries.

    Within the last 6 months I have realized that I am terrified of giving up my ED. The unknown keeps me constantly fighting. Afraid of what my future holds with no more "issues" to fall back on. Having to be my authentic self scares me tremendously as I'm not sure I know who I am and what my life purpose is.

    Looking forward to learning your journeys and coping skills. One day at a time and usually one hour at a time. I deserve to let go and welcome peace and joy into my life.
  • sarham101
    I'm in recovery from ED with depression and anxiety
    i want more than anything to feel comfortable enough to love my body and lose weight at the same time. sounds awesome to me!
  • lynche06
    lynche06 Posts: 4 Member
    Would love to join if still room. Dealing with a whole lot right now! Thanks!
  • tantekty
    Morning everyone. Off to a great start today and holding out hope for the strength to live today in a healthy and conscious way. Sending positive out to the universe for everyone to grab hold of. Today is the priority, not tomorrow or next week or a month from now. Best wishes to all.
  • jaimieht
    I would like to join this group if there's still space. I battle an anxiety disorder coupled with PMDD and am winning with the help of support and medication - and I am recovering by beating down my inner (and outer) fat chick. :)
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    Morning everyone. Off to a great start today and holding out hope for the strength to live today in a healthy and conscious way. Sending positive out to the universe for everyone to grab hold of. Today is the priority, not tomorrow or next week or a month from now. Best wishes to all.

    Love the positivity and optimism! I'm having a hard day today due to the drama stirred up from my grandpas funeral yesterday. I'm trying to forget everything my mom has told me and remember him how I knew him but it's hard right now :(
    Still eating good and can't wait to exercise tonight and tomorrow when I finally have a day off :)

    How is everybody else?
  • tantekty
    I'm having a hard day today due to the drama stirred up from my grandpas funeral yesterday. I'm trying to forget everything my mom has told me and remember him how I knew him but it's hard right now :(
    Still eating good and can't wait to exercise tonight and tomorrow when I finally have a day off :)

    Sorry to hear you're having a hard time. You deserve kudos for eating well and looking forward to exerciise. Remember your grandpa the way you want to and do your best to ignore the voices in your head. I believe in you