Looking for some support!

i'm relatively new to this, and some experienced people who would be willing ot be my friend on here would be lovely. and please post any tips, tools of the trade, best advice you've gotten, anything! thanks!


  • Musicgrl4life

    advice I have is to watch your sodium. Don't drink a lot of soda (even if it's diet). Allow yourself a free day once a week or once every other week or so to avoid binge eating. Drink water. Also, take it a day at a time!

    Good luck to you on your weight loss! :smile:
  • sarahemily72
    Log in daily....Keep things fun and find a buddy! Never give up....You will have your ups and downs but keep pressing on!
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    you can add me...i would be happy to support you!:smile:
  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome! My suggestion is to log your food (even your bad days). I have found that as I have logged good food choices and bad, I am more aware. Being more aware of what I am eating helps me to avoid real bad choices. My other suggestion is do not deprive your body of anything you crave. If you want chocolate, then have it. The key is to have only 1 serving. I still eat pretty much anything I want. I have just started to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and I do not buy frozen dinners anymore as they are loaded with sodium. Good luck in your journey!
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    you can add me as well!
  • hahnstein
    Just stay active. I find the toughest thing about staying fit is making yourself a priority and making the time to do it. Find out what you like to do and do more of it. Its a lifestyle change and your biggest foes are lethargy and complacency. What do you have available? Is there a workout room in your apartment building. Do you have access to a fitness club, or is it just a dvd player and Jillian Michaels? Add me if you like. I will try my best to be a positive influence. :smile: