30-Something Moms - Wk 2 Weigh In for Halloween Challenge CL



  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Wlg. 10#
    LTD. 0.7
    WAA. 30
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    WLG: 5
    LTD: 1.4
    WAA: 13.5

    Sorry so late!! =)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    This week has been another week where i plateaued so nothing has changed.

    WLG -5
    LTD -2
    WAA Miles - not keeping track b/c i don't walk, i do circuit training

    Are you doing anything like mixing it up as far as calories go?

    Not sure how long you have been on a Plateau but,

    When I did WW i plateaued for 3 months Then one weekend I pretty much binged all weekend and I finally started losing again. I am not saying to binge but maybe just go over a couple days or something like that. Or change your "settings" everyday for a week to change it up like for example..

    Mon : Lose 2
    tues: Lose 1/2
    Wed : Gain
    Thursday: Maintain

    Good Luck and keep on tracking :)

    yeah, i did do something with calories and alternating or zig zagging. the thing is, i know why i am plateauing this week. it's that week of the month. i was zigzagging this past week and lost 2 lb but now since it is that partcular week of the month i am not going to zig zag until i see if the plateau breaks after this week is up. but thanks for the support. i just need to focus on getting through this week and then see where i'm at.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I guess if we are saying about 500 calories for 5 miles then i have done about 15 miles this week and 15 last week for a total of 30 miles.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA! Last week was a CRAZY week for me! Monday I took my band to the State Fair and marched in the parade then walked the fair grounds. Wednesday was teacher inservice (yea?). Saturday I took my band to Kansas State University's Band Day where we marched in their parade, and performed during half time with the other 2000 band members there! So here's my (approximate) totals for the last two weeks:

    Goal: 5 pounds
    Lost: 2 pounds
    Walked: 6 miles (approximately, some of that was up and down stadium steps, @ the fair, etc.)
    Water: I actually made my water goal! There was one day I didn't hit it, but I did really well the rest of the week.

    My hubby and I are struggling right now. We've been at this 2+ years, and over the summer we seriously slacked off. We are trying to get it back together, but it seems to be so much harder right now than it was when we first started! If any of you have quick, easy, low sodium, dinner ideas, I would really appreciate them! We got stuck in a cycle of only fixing about 6 different dishes and I think we got bored. So I'm trying to liven up the menu a bit and could really use some ideas!

  • LadyFriday
    Now ya'll see why I put this up on Sundays. I couldn't even get on here yesterday.

    WLG -15
    LTD -8
    WAA Miles - 21
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member

    My hubby and I are struggling right now. We've been at this 2+ years, and over the summer we seriously slacked off. We are trying to get it back together, but it seems to be so much harder right now than it was when we first started! If any of you have quick, easy, low sodium, dinner ideas, I would really appreciate them! We got stuck in a cycle of only fixing about 6 different dishes and I think we got bored. So I'm trying to liven up the menu a bit and could really use some ideas!


    Try skinnytaste.com I am addicted to her web sight. The recipes are delicious, low cal/fat, and most are easy to prepare. Hope this helps!
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    I just added a Creamy Wild Rice Recipie to the Database. It ended up being only 170 calories for a cup and it is Super Good.
    I posted it to share on the Website not sure if you can click on my diary to get it or not but it was good ... A friend of mine gave it too me.
    Makes 10 1 cup servings and wasn't too expenisve to make eitther.

    Happy Losing all hope your having a good week!
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member

    My hubby and I are struggling right now. We've been at this 2+ years, and over the summer we seriously slacked off. We are trying to get it back together, but it seems to be so much harder right now than it was when we first started! If any of you have quick, easy, low sodium, dinner ideas, I would really appreciate them! We got stuck in a cycle of only fixing about 6 different dishes and I think we got bored. So I'm trying to liven up the menu a bit and could really use some ideas!


    Try skinnytaste.com I am addicted to her web sight. The recipes are delicious, low cal/fat, and most are easy to prepare. Hope this helps!

    I agree! I LOVE her site! I'm making a recipe from her site tonight. :)

    I've come down with a cold which is really hindering my working out :/ I did however take my FIRST swim lesson last night. Wahooooooooo!