Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 231



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    refactored wrote: »
    @tiabirdie56 I must have missed your onederland celebration! Well done! It is a great achievement!!

    @refactored, Thanks so much. No, you didn't miss the onederland celebration, there wasn't any. Besides, I've been here a FEW times 😆 Just putting in the work. My breakthroughs will be 180's and 170's.

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,024 Member
    @deepwoodslady, Donna, Owen is a cutie! I kept Grands every day from infancy. 1 until 4yo, two others until 2yo. 7 total years. They are a joy! But the last 2 wreaked havoc on my diet and exercise time. I only had time to eat toast and drink water. My son said I was on the toast diet🤣
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,382 Member

    📆 2015–2023
    Feb. 2015: highest weight 218.2
    2015: end weight running average 178.2
    2016: end weight running average 147.7
    2017: end weight running average 148
    2018: end weight running average 137.2.
    Extreme elimination diet (doctor prescribed) for diagnostic reasons, very low calories, then boom! Gained 40 pounds.
    2019: end weight running average 176.1
    2020: end weight running average 183.8.
    2021: end weight running average 179.4.
    2022: end weight running average 178.6

    2023 Rounds
    R209 01/01/23: end weight 178.6. Ave calories — who knows? I didn’t bother with the holidays.
    R210 01/11/23: end weight 176.2 (-2.4). Ave calories 1102. No after-dinner snacking!
    R211 01/21/23: end weight 176.8 (+.6).
    R212 01/31/23: end weight 177.6 (+.8).
    R213 02/10/23: end weight 178 (+.4)
    R214 02/20/23: end weight 178 (+/-0).
    R215 03/02/23: end weight 180 (+2 ☹️)
    R216 03/12/23: end weight 178.8 (-1.2)
    R217 03/22/23: end weight 178.8 (+/-0).
    R218 04/01/23: end weight 182.8 (+4).
    R219 04/11/23: end weight 183.4 (+.6).
    R220 04/21/23: end weight 182.2 (-1.2)
    R221 05/01/23: end weight 183.2 (+1).
    R222 05/11/23: end weight 184 (+.8).
    R223 05/21/23: end weight 184 (+/-0).
    R224 05/31/23: end weight 184 (+/-0).
    R225 06/10/23: end weight 183 (-1).
    R226 06/20/23: end weight 183.6 (+.6).
    R227 06/30/23: end weight 183 (-.6).
    R228 07/10/23: end weight 184 (+1)
    R229 07/20/23: end weight 183 (-1)
    July-Dec. 2023 goal — lose 20 lbs—GW 160-163. UGW 130.
    R230 07/30/23: end weight 185 (+2 😡)
    R231 08/09/23: goals—calories 1200-1300, walk at least 60 minutes/day, NO SNACKING.

    Day, Weight, Calories, Walking, Comment

    7/31 - 185.4, 1448, 25 min.
    Ok, it is what it is. I went over my calorie goal, well below supposed maintenance. This afternoon I’m going to chart the past month or more of calories and weights to see how my record aligns with MFP and Sailrabbit and adjust from there. I feel really bloated and disgusted with myself, but I’m trying to put an “in control” spin on it. I think I’ll make my bead-free salmon patties for dinner — they’re filling and virtuous.

    8/01 - 185.4, 1456, 45 min.
    Nope, had a measured portion of penne and chicken for dinner, and was really hungry when I got home from dog training in the evening. I’m going to have a very small lunch today, and grilled chicken with cauliflower for dinner. I had a good high-protein breakfast that should hold me through the day. I really think if I ate dinner later, I wouldn’t overeat. DH likes to eat early, so I’m going to have to figure out a system that will work. Sit down with him, warm mine up later? Maybe. For 31+ years, I’ve eaten mainly by his schedule because he’s very scheduled/organized/routine-driven and I’m not, so whatever. But the early dinners just aren’t working for me anymore. Anyone else live with someone with a very different internal food schedule? How do you handle it?

    8/02 - 185, 1836, 40 min.
    Once again, my calories were great until late evening, and then I went on a carb rampage. Ugh.

    8/03 - 185.2, 1542, 65 min.
    Ok, better all around yesterday. I’m off in a few minutes for my post-cataract-surgery checkup with my regular doctor, hoping he clears me for a new prescription—my vision is blurry with my glasses. Yesterday I took Booker to the vet to weigh him — 59 lbs! Then we went to a city park that is a farm and had a lovely walk, and he saw his first chickens. 🐓 Being out there adjusted my attitude a bit — I’ve spent so much of the summer at home pulling weeds, I was kind of down. I realized how I’ve missed getting out to our beautiful parks, so I’ll be doing more of that. Also set some goals for Booker’s training, aiming to be ready for scent/nose work trials this fall, and get serious about tracking and obedience and his advanced trick dog titles. Fun, and something on my mind other than weight and food.

    8/04 - 185, 1551, 45 min.
    I can’t seem to get my calories as low as I’d like, but at least I’m hitting below maintenance the past couple of days. Off to do some dog training! One of these days I need to clean the house….nah! 😂

    8/05 -
    8/06 -
    8/07 -
    8/08 -
    8/09 -


    It'll only get dirty again!!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,382 Member
    @deepwoodslady -thank you for sharing the photo of Owen, he is such a handsome little chappie. Grands give such joy!! ❤️
  • Machias1949
    Machias1949 Posts: 249 Member
    74 years-old great-grandmother (5'2")
    ON 8/29/2022: I was 134 LBS and had a 33” natural waist

    MAINTENANCE 113.9-116
    Lessons Learned for maintenance: 1) exercise at least 30 minutes five {5} days a week 2) try to walk no less than 10,000 steps a day 3) If/when my weight creeps up (116.5-117.1 LBS) increase the incline on the treadmill and add a burst of running to routine 4) eat a low-calorie salad before eating dinner 5) limit fried, breaded, and salty food 6) continue to add ice cubes to my daily 5 oz glass of wine 7) eat fish for dinner at least 2 times a week 8) eight to nine hours of sleep a night 9) Of the 64oz of water daily-drink 8oz of water a half hour before each meal 10) three (3) meals a day and 1-2 small snacks, nothing after dinner.
    Average weight recorded for 2022- 130 LBS
    Average weight recorded for June ‘23-115.4
    Average weight recorded for July ‘23-
    Average weight recorded for Aug ‘23-

    Round 230-ended 07/30- 116.8
    Round 231 RSW - 117.9

    07/31--Maine--Diet out the window