
Hi y'all, I just got prescribed Wegovy, I hadn't started it yet, I have a few questions. I hear that low carb is the way to go for this...for those that are taking Wegovy or something similar, how are your macros/calorie counts set up?

Also, what side effects have you experienced and how did you mitigate them?


  • Week 4 - very mild side effects— occasional heartburn. I am not changing much in my eating. Smaller portions because I get fuller more quickly. I am drinking lots of water!!!!! I keep to lower carb in general. I have lost 6 pounds— slow and steady for the win!!! Good luck!!!
  • Mischante
    Mischante Posts: 37 Member
    I have a friend that is using this medication. She says it pretty much takes away her appetite and that she has to remind herself to eat sometimes. She has also complained at times of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and heartburn. She's happy with her results. She's lost about 25 lbs in three months.
  • mysocalledlife9
    mysocalledlife9 Posts: 1 Member
    I am thinking of asking my doctor for a weight loss drug, but I’m concerned about gaining everything back after I go off the drug. That happened to me once before. I am 56, 5’4” and weigh 170. I recently started exercising and got a personal trainer. I’ve always eaten pretty healthy. So I guess I would suggest to plan how you’re going to keep the weight off after you reach your goal.
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    edited April 2023
    I am on Wegovy. I didn’t go low carb, I just try to eat properly. I cannot eat huge portions; if I ignore my body’s signals that I am full, I become physically ill when I overeat.
  • Gngr09
    Gngr09 Posts: 743 Member
    I started taking Wegovy on 4/16 with the .25 dose for 4 weeks and this week I am on .5 - no side effects the first 4 weeks, but after using .5 - the heartburn and bathroom trips increased.

    5' 3"
    SW 213
    CW 205
    GW 165'ish

    I am taking Pepcid once a day and that seems to work for me so far. My appetite has definitely decreased and I feel like I am eating 1/4 what I used to or less some days and I'm never hungry.

    Last week I didn't lose anything and not quite sure why, but I am hoping this week is different. I'll post on Monday (I weigh in once a week just before my injection)

    I have coffee every morning with Metamucil and that seems to help
    Protein shake once a day
    Chicken or something light for lunch
    smaller portions of whatever we have for dinner
    I sometimes have to make myself eat just to get to 1200 calories.
  • pedigomom4life
    pedigomom4life Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2023
    I just started .25 dose of Wegovy 5/20/23. My doctor recommended after my yearly appointment for my high cholesterol, high blood pressure and my weight.
    I did feel nauseous and headache almost an hour later after my first injection and haven’t been very hungry, I also had a few hot flashes.
    I read to take Prilosec due to having heartburn since your stomach empties slowly over time. Im hoping this will help me lose weight and have better health.
  • studio2grl
    studio2grl Posts: 3 Member
    Just an FYI. I'm on week 8 of the .25 dose of Wegovy and have lost about 20 lbs.

    I'm stalled this week, and I think it's because I've been eating below my 1200 calories a few days in a row. So, I pushed myself to eat over yesterday and upped my protein...I've been tracking macros.

    Wegovy can give you those awful sulfur belches and some other stomach issues. I have to eat small portions and bland food is best.

    5' 2"
    SW 205
    CW 185
    GW 160
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    I am thinking of asking my doctor for a weight loss drug, but I’m concerned about gaining everything back after I go off the drug. That happened to me once before. I am 56, 5’4” and weigh 170. I recently started exercising and got a personal trainer. I’ve always eaten pretty healthy. So I guess I would suggest to plan how you’re going to keep the weight off after you reach your goal.
    That's a reason NOT to ask. If you don't change the way you eat before the drug, then you'll go back to that habit after you get off. The whole point to getting healthier is to try to be off any drugs at all.
    People can lose weight if they actually DEDICATE themselves to it and keep discipline and consistency.
    It has to be a priority and you treat it like it's a regular routine you HAVE to do daily.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • kidiki
    kidiki Posts: 22 Member
    The heartburn issues are worrisome, especially if it is indeed a lifetime prescription. Unchecked heartburn can erode the esophagus and irritated cells can become abnormal cells which may lead to esophageal cancer. Please be cautious and let your doctor know what you are experiencing. Elevating your bed may reduce nighttime heartburn.