20LBS by Thanksgiving - Monday

Dear friends,

Morning! How is everyone feeling today? How did we do this weekend? What positive change did we make, and what do we want to do better?

I am a little disappointed in myself this weekend for going over my calories. This makes me feel like my scale will NEVER budge. But on a positive note, at least I got myself outside and worked out on Sat and Sun!

Let's try to all meet our daily water goals today. We can do it! Baby steps all add up!

Wishing everyone well today and this week!

Diana :-)


  • I hear ya! It was a busy weekend at work and the boss kept bringing in donuts and pizza. There are so many barriers to my weight loss. We live in a great country where there is so much food. Today is a new week and I'm back on track!
  • janiedoe111
    janiedoe111 Posts: 161 Member
    The weekends are always the most tough for me. I need to eat smaller portions of everything, even healthy food. I exercise my brains out but my real vice is food.

    I am going to be better about tracking my food; I cook so often at home and trying to figure out the calories for a homemade portion of a non-recipe item is a pain. Any tricks/tips?
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    Saturday wasn't good - I was at a football tailgate all day and, let's just say, there was NOTHING healthy in sight! Yesterday I stuck to my calories, though, and got in a 3.5 mile run.

    I really need to lose weight this week to meet my mini goal of 4 pounds lost by my birthday (in 3 weeks)! So this week needs to be extra productive.

    We can do it!!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I cook so often at home and trying to figure out the calories for a homemade portion of a non-recipe item is a pain. Any tricks/tips?

    Everything you make is a recipe if you put two or more items together. If you have the app for this on your phone, log it in under Recipes as you cook it. If you don't have the app, write it down on a handy notepad and enter it in as soon as you can but before you eat so you can choose to eat as much or not.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Haven't been doing this a week yet but it is definitely the accountability I need to make better food choices! OMG! Did well on my eating, but my weekend water consumption blows :( Thats nothing new though I have to find a way to do better. Its a breeze while at work all week, but I need a strategy to get it in on the weekend. Since I just started, I'm staying away from the scale for while. The lack of movement when I was checking everyday was discouraging. I know if I keep doing the right thing it'll move eventually. Happy Days All!
  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    Didn't do well this weekend either!! I'll make up for it tonight and tomorrow so I am happy when I weigh in on Thursday.
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    Saturday wasn't good - I was at a football tailgate all day and, let's just say, there was NOTHING healthy in sight! Yesterday I stuck to my calories, though, and got in a 3.5 mile run.

    I really need to lose weight this week to meet my mini goal of 4 pounds lost by my birthday (in 3 weeks)! So this week needs to be extra productive.

    We can do it!!

    Erin, my birthday is in 3 weeks also! October 19th! I really want to weigh under 200 by then! GOOD LUCK! :-)
  • liberty741
    liberty741 Posts: 122 Member
    The weekends are always the most tough for me. I need to eat smaller portions of everything, even healthy food. I exercise my brains out but my real vice is food.

    I am going to be better about tracking my food; I cook so often at home and trying to figure out the calories for a homemade portion of a non-recipe item is a pain. Any tricks/tips?

    Yes, you can figure out the items manually by inputting them into the recipe section. Have you done this yet? Also, using a food scale helps me!

    If you are looking for some healthy recipes, i love myrecipes.com - it is the data base for Cooking Light magazine. I also LOVE Rocco Dispirito's books!
  • Weekends are only a test of your will. Show the "weekend" where it can go! Oh..and I wanted to add that I try to drink 2 cups of water before each meal of the day. Helps me eat less and feel full. I do this so that i can at least get 6 cups of water on Satruday and Sunday because it is hard for me as well. Good Luck guys!
  • I was under my calorie limit all week. For my second job, I work part time doing promotions for 3 radio stations. So when we show up, the event we are at will sometimes take care of us on food, drinks, etc. Saturday I was at a White Castle event = free breakfast (which suprisingly their Bacon, Egg, and Cheese on a Bun is only 190 calories). Sunday we were at the St. Louis Ram's Tailgate and the VIP tent had all fried foods (mini corn dogs, toasted ravioli, etc.). AH!

    Luckily, I didn't go on a binge or anything, but it was hard to turn down the food they offered especially since I didn't eat before I went to both events. I think I'm going to have to start bringing my own food to snack on. Working in radio has its perks, but the free food can get so unhealthy sometimes, and it's hard to turn down!
  • I wasn't horrible over the weekend! YAY!!!!! I work afternoons and evenings during the week which helps a lot, but on the weekend, I'm usually home during those fatal hours of about 3:30-7:30. Sooooo hard not to overeat then! But luckily, with this mini goal set, I feel much more motivated to be good!
    Happy tracking everyone!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    I did pretty well also. I resisted the concession stand at my sons' baseball tournaments and I only pack water to drink while watcing the games. Sounds like everyone did pretty good....let's keep it up!
  • Only been on MFP a couple of weeks and still getting my feet wet so to speak, trying to stay on track with eating. Haven't weighed yet but will do so at the end of this week. Starting to work out today, only about 30 minutes over my lunch hour at the gym, probably treadmill. Need to start some weights also to tone up the flabby bits. My mini goal is 5 lbs by October 14, fingers crossed!!
  • My weekend wasn't too bad. I ran on saturday and sunday I didn't workout because my legs were extremely sore from running. This morning I got up did 50 mins of my Elliptical and 48 mins of Insanity (max cardio abs). I weighed myself this morning and it said 147.8 . Weighing everyday just keeps me focused. Thursday is our real weigh in I hope to see the numbers drop more!
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I am trying to lose 5 pounds by thanks giving.
  • klopiccolo1
    klopiccolo1 Posts: 114 Member
    This weekend was good... I started Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home - 2 mile walk on Saturday and I love it!!! In addition to my regular walks I got good exercise this weekend that allowed me to stay under my daily calorie goal. :smile:
  • defygravity531
    defygravity531 Posts: 289 Member
    I ran one full mile without walking or stopping for the first time in my whole life on Friday!! it felt INCREDIBLE!!!

    I've been doing only so-so with eating, but today's been a good day so far and I'm determined to keep it that way. :)

    I've planned exercise-appointments with myself for Wednesday and Friday and I'm run/walking a 5K on Saturday so I'm PUMPED. My weight (Friday 9.23.11) is 169.2. 5.2 pounds lost total, but that's my start weight for this challenge.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Wasnt a bad weekend or a super great weekend, got a cold so its really hard to exercise right now. Hopefully it will just go away so I can get back at it. Dont have any cravings or appetite , so now im scared that when im all better and can acutaully taste food im gonna go over do it.
  • Weekend was great! I'm doing good with calorie intake. I don't feel like I have to miss out on anything. I need to do better with my water intake. I'm self employed and spend at least 2-3 hours driving every morning - if I drink a lot, I have to go to the bathroom alot and that's my problem. Afternoons are better because I spend most of the time at my desk. My goal is to spread water intake throughout the day and make time and opportunity in the mornings for pee-breaks.

    I have been religious about eating breakfast for the last 4 weeks and I believe this has made a huge difference in the way I eat during the day. I have also been working on changing my attitude towards food. I don't need to eat until it hurts, I don't need to eat foods that contain piles of fat and grease - food is to sustain my body, not to entertain me. I can watch my husband eat pizza without caving in, I can go to McDonald's and get a coffee without caving in.

    Sep 26: 192 lbs
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    don't worry, diana! you'll get back on track again! i ate more than i should have this weekend and my meal schedule was off...also, i didn't really exercise per se, although i did walk like crazy this weekend. but still. you've lost 5. which means you can lose 5 more! mini goals!