Common misconceptions based on your appearance



  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    That I have no fashion sense.....I do... I just don't have the money to spend on fashion right now :-(
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    People assume that I don't work out-Some old guy in the office the other day told me I should lose some of my chub....LOL....First of all scrubs aren't really flattering, and I probably have carried his mouthy *kitten* to the car.

    That because I have a large chest, that I am easy (ok sometimes I am), or that I am a *kitten* because I show cleavage.

    The biggest misconception though is that just because I work front desk at a medical practice, people assume I am uneducated. I in fact hold a Bachelors degree in Workforce leadership and a minor in communications and gave up a cushy office job to be happy. Plus I am the highest paid at what I do in the region.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I am A Mommy Of 3 Beautiful Babies and 1 angel Baby in Heaven..
    I am a stay at home Mommy,I am Strong,I am Confident,
    I have fears, but overcome them daily, I am Loving, Caring, supportive, Motivating,
    I am bubbly, I am a true friend, generous, intelligent, thoughtful, Honest..

    I might not be the most beautiful or the sexiest girl. I might not be evryone's 1st choice, but Im a great choice.
    I dont pretend to be someone Im not. Because I am too good at being me!

    So on another Note: I am pretty darn awesome. Handle at your own risk. "Just sayin":wink:
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    I am quiet & laid back and that people walk all over me (used to but not anymore)
    Because I am fat that all I do is sit on the couch with a bag of chips (I am one of the busiest business woman in my circle of friends)
    I used to get the look at the gym from the skinny girls and guys of pity like oh the poor soul she won't be able to do that....then they see me soaked in sweat, face beat red after killing it on three different cardio machines...and boy do their attitudes change and they are ever so friendly.

    Really is sad when you think about it all!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    That I'm weak (because I'm small/slim and veg*n).

    That I'm younger than I am.

    That I'm "lucky" I'm thin (girl please -- I've been a health freak since I was 15 and exercise for at least an hour a day -- I work hard for this, so don't undermine by efforts by attributing my body to luck)

    That I'm either more sexual or more innocent than I am
    (people who know how candid and open I am assume I'm more sexual than I am, people who just meet or see me for the first time assume I'm more innocent (likely because I'm really sweet, gentile and look young)

    I don't know what other misconceptions people have though, because I don't know what kind of impression my appearance gives off.
    Now I'm super curious!!
    What would you assume about me, just based on my photos?
    That you are someone whose profile is viewable by her friends only.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Had a funny thing happen. I walked into an Avanza grocery store (geared toward the Hispanic community I guess). I was just gonna pick up a little produce. Well, it was quite busy & the register lines were long. So some guy starts yelling at me to open another register & can't I see that they needed another line open???

    Apparently being the only white guy in a tie there qualified me to run the place, in his mind anyway. It was fun telling him I didn't work there; everyone around him gave him a hard time. :laugh:
  • mrau719
    mrau719 Posts: 288 Member
    i'm a conceited b!tch
    i'm a ditz (which ok I am BUT still lol)
    i'm unintelligent
    i'm weak
    a snob
    i can't carry on a deep and meaningful convo (which kind of goes with the ditz and being dumb)

    and the occasional-i'm a slut or after their man.....doh (slaps forehead)

    I'm sure there is more but that's all I'm going with. I do like how I look, but that doesn't make me conceited! I like to talk to guys and grew up listening to my dad and uncles so I like listening to middle age men-I get along with pretty much anyone and everyone that doesn't mean I'm whoring around. And I hate when people actually act surprised that I'm I have a stupid stamp on my forehead?
    eh o can be fun to prove people wrong. :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    *I'm dumb

    I am pretty certain that a lot of men wish I was as dumb as they thought. Especially ex. lol
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Chavvie girls who think i cant do DDR due to my size.

    Always fun to see their faces when i do the same things they did, but on doubles expert :D
  • People always assume I can speak Arabic. I swear I get talked to in Arabic at least two or three times a week. And usually I just smile awkwardly, and they ask "oh, do you speak Arabic?" and I say no, sorry. Immediately after that, I always get a "where is your family from? and I cringe, and I answer awkwardly, "uh, were Austrian, Scottish, and Irish and some other junk, I don't really know more than that" And then its always, "oh, you're not Lebanese?" Its just weird to me because its almost always Lebanese.

    and people always assume I'm straight.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    * I don't need to lose weight (my tallness gives the illusion of being smaller then I am)
    * I'm 18-21 (I'm 27)
    * I'm stuck up (not very good at putting myself out there and tend to stay reserved until I warm up)
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Most people when they look at me think I give a *kitten*
  • That I'm way too smart for them to even conversate with. Sometimes people think I'm much younger than I am and in those cases they consider me not as intelligent or a bit too naive.

    Not sure of other ones. What do you guys think?
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    People have a tendency to freak when they find out that I

    A. I am not 21 (just turned 37)
    B. have 4 children (15.5, 8.5, almost 7 and 2).
    C. that I had all 4 children via c-section's (myth is that you can only have 2...)
    D. that our oldest is 15.5 and learning to drive (me crazy!) and our second is 8.5 (they're 7 years apart and suffice it to say I have actually had people ask me in public if they have the same father...)
    E. that I was even old enough to have my first child (I was 21 when I delivered her, kind of sucked because I was pregnant when I turned 21; had been married 3 months when we got pregnant with our first).
    F. that in spite of having 4 children, I am also an active Realtor :D
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member

    -I look older than what I am, like much older ---- um I'm only 21.

    - You look to girlie to have ever been an athelete (and they don't believe me) --- ive been a track runner since I was 6, traveled in national track competitions up until I was 18..... Oh and I love football... I would totally play football but I got too much going on in college right now and will take on any dude!!

    - the way you carry yourself, you look like your married and have a least one child (lol I sometimes get offend) --- nope too busy of a person for that as I'm trying to prepare for grad school -- but i am single with no children!!!
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    * I don't need to lose weight (my tallness gives the illusion of being smaller then I am)

    This applies to me too
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    That I have no fashion sense.....I do... I just don't have the money to spend on fashion right now :-(

    This is Me!! I know what I should wear but with 5 kids and bills I dont have money to spend on cloths!
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 309 Member
    I am 27 years old, but according to many people, I still look young. I got carded when I went to get a second piercing in my ear just a few months ago. Yes, I am older than 18. Seriously, I do NOT look that young.

    I'm only 5'1", so people sometimes think of me as weak person or easy to belittle. I like to think I can hold my own and defend myself when needed. I'm kind of bad*ss.

    I'm usually a quiet person, and people usually take that as me being snobby or snooty. That is not the case. I am simply reserved until you get to know me.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    That I am younger then I am (i'm 27), that I dont have any fashion since, that I am never girly (because I dont wear makeup), that I just sit around and eat, that I cant possibly have 5 kids, that I had them all c-section and that I didnt have a choose in that mater... that I cant cook because I dont cook every night, that I am actually 5' tall not 4' something....
    (( well this sums it up in a nutshell for the house things lol "Dirty dishes prove I feed my family, full trash cans prove I clean up after their mess, messy floors prove that I let my children have fun, piles of clean laundry prove I keep my family in clean clothes, a wet bathroom proves that I bathe my kids. So next time you walk into my house & see a mess, think twice before you judge. Keep this going if you're a parent."))
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Because I have big boobs people seem to think I'm a slut.

    Could you repeat the last part? I missed the rest of what you said after this first line