I’m at a loss on my weight loss

I have been tracking my food intake religiously, logging every meal, and recording the calories and other nutritional information. I also track my exercise and sleep. And I monitor my weight to see if any of these factors affect it. My records show that I am eating way too few calories. Myfitnesspal, the app I use to track my meals, even warns me that I am eating too few calories, lower than what is healthy. Yet, my weight does not go below 83 kilograms and hovers between that and 85 kilograms.

I am 52, Male, weighing 83kg, and 170cm tall.

Over the last 7 months, I averaged 1400 calories, 90 grams of protein, 117 grams of carbs, and 54 grams of fat daily.

Are my calories too low to be healthy?

What am I doing wrong?


  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    edited August 2023
    Has your doctor ruled out thyroid problems? If you eat too little, you will lose weight too fast to be healthy and will feel weak, tired, and there are other things as well, but you won't stop losing. That's just a myth.

    If you don't have a thyroid issue, something is wrong somewhere. Did you check each of the database entries you used on MFP for accuracy against manufacture label info or FDA info? Most of the database entries when I add new are incorrect.

    There was a guy here once who wasn't losing weight, and it turned out that the entry he used for his his daily potato salad was dramatically wrong, so he was under counting his potato salad by several hundred calories a day just from the potato salad entry being wrong.

    I'm a 5'4" woman, and between 1400 and 1500 calories for me is maintenance at my current weight of about 140 lb. If I work out, more.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    How much are you eating in calories? I'm the same height, 59 years old and eat AT LEAST 2400 calories a day to just stay within my current weight of 190lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    edited August 2023
    yeah, if you were actually eating 1400 calories for seven months at your current stats, you would be losing weight unless you have some medical problem. If you think you're logging accurately, I'd see a doctor.

    Here's a How To for logging:

    Here, this is good:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,844 Member
    How are you determining how much you eat? Do you cook and weight every ingredient in grams? Do you use cup and spoons? Do you eat out a lot? We need a lot more information in order to help you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    There are mistakes that people commonly make that cause them to not lose weight that we might be able to spot if you change your Diary Sharing settings to Public. In the app, go to Settings > Diary Setting > Diary Sharing > and check Public. Desktop: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/diary_settings
  • tomcustombuilder
    tomcustombuilder Posts: 2,108 Member
    If no medical conditions then your weekly calories are higher than you’re reporting
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    can you change your diary settings to public?
  • gizzzo
    gizzzo Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your response. To answer your questions and furnish more information:

    Checking Thyroid Issues

    I did think of the possibility of thyroid issues so I had myself checked and test showed I’m within ok ranges. My doctor also validated that. See results below.


    Incorrect entries

    Yes, I was always concerned about incorrect entries. So what I do is (1) I weigh them and (2) only use validated items in the MFP database. See screenshots of a sample of my usual practice below:

    I weigh them


    I use validated items in the MFP database

    Note that it is always not perfect. I may be more accurate in the weights but there are days where I go out (not a lot ) where I don't bring my scale. Also the validated food item may not exactly match the food that I am taking, especially that the food database is US centric and I am from the Philippines where there are certain food items that I don't find in the database, but I use my best judgment to estimate the closest food I could find. It's not perfect but better than guessing the weight and entering unvalidated food items.

    How much am I eating in calories

    The average I wrote in the original post is the calories I ate. It is not net calories, ie calories consumed minus exercise calories.

    My Public Diary Settings
    Thanks for the suggestion of making my diary settings public. I have done so. Here's the link https://www.myfitnesspal.com/en/food/diary/gizzzo

    I will share the trends I am seeing. (As you can see I have just shared summary information like averages.) I'm thinking also of sharing my data.

    Thanks for all the help. I'm so lucky the community is so helpful. Thanks.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    edited August 2023
    I don't see the oil added for your fried foods, and one tablespoon of oil has 14 g fat, which is 126 calories. Also, if you eat out a lot it's virtually impossible to know how many calories there are in a food. You don't know how they prepared it, how much oil is in it. And guessing foods that may have the same calorie may not be working if you're not losing weight.

    Friday and Sunday, you only have two meals logged. Did you only eat two meals or did you miss logging at least one other meal?

    BTW, the validated database entries are very often wrong, and that's why I always check against the manufacturer packaging or the FDA listing.
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    I agree with zebasschick, I wouldn’t believe anything you haven’t weighed yourself. Although you did have some measurements in grams, there was also a lot of: 1 serving, 1/2 cup, 2 fried drumsticks, type of logging as well. Your post was really helpful and sounds like you have the right idea, but unfortunately you may be underestimating the calories if you’re not losing. I know, it’s frustrating. Just to get back on track I would stick to weighing everything for awhile until you have a handle on your logging and weight trend. If you’re not able to use your scale for a better part of the day consider meal prepping. Just some small tweaks and you’re there.
  • Loricsr2016
    Loricsr2016 Posts: 6 Member
    Just a couple of ideas. When I hit a weight loss plateau, I change what I eat and/or change the type of activity I do (sorry, may have missed it but didn't see whether you're active physically or not). That seems to shock my body somewhat and some weight loss will usually follow.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Thanks for opening your diary.

    The simplest explanation for a man eating 1400 gross calories and not losing weight is that he is in fact eating more than 1400 calories.

    You've already received some good logging tips above and perhaps someone else will take a close look at your diary.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,704 Member
    I'm guessing some prepared foods are inaccurate:
    - sushi by the piece instead of weight, no mention of brand for most of them so really not sure of the sushi eaten was similar in size
    - beef ramen bowl from a certain brand - was that the actual brand eaten?
    - Chinese fried rice: generic entry and logged in cups rather than weight
    - 'fish, cooked': generic entry not specifying a specific fish, and 100gr is quite a small portion?
    - 2 boiled eggs for 143 calories looks low, those would be very small eggs. Weighing is more accurate.
    - general remark: are the brands in your diary the actual brands consumed? Different recipes can make a big difference regarding calorie count
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    I am impressed with the fact that you weight your stuff! That's AWESOME.

    However the database and green marks are NOT to be truly trusted even through they do look pretty! They were just voted by a popularity contest among users like us as opposed to manually verified by a responsible volunteer or paid employee.

    If I were not able to confirm the number here: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/ I would personally not consider it confirmed.

    Unfortunately even there I would more fully trust the SR Legacy and Foundation food databases as compared to the Branded and Survey food ones. But... that's just me! :blush:
  • chrissym1981
    chrissym1981 Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve had this problem in the past. I changed my diet to lower my carbs to under 50 g per day and the weight suddenly started dropping again. I have found that my body loses weight the fastest with a high protein/low carb diet. Good luck!
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,185 Member
    edited August 2023
    Some people have already mentioned this, but you are pulling generic listings that aren't accurate. Example: Hamburger, 6 ounces for 300 calories.

    Instead, you need to enter in the exact kind of bun you ate as its own entry under Dinner. Nature's Own, whole wheat with sesame seeds? Hawaiian Roll brand slider buns, white? Then enter in the type of beef used -- was it 80/20? 85/15? 90/10? Weigh the beef on a digital food scale before you cook it to make sure it's 6 ounces. Then you need to add condiments -- two tablespoons ketchup? half a tomato? pickles?

    Six ounces of 80/20 ground beef is closer to 450 calories by itself. Maybe 440?

    This means that most your meals need to be prepped at home -- as many as possible -- so you are logging accurately.

    If you're eating "Spaghetti with Pork Meatballs," you need to weigh the pork on a food scale before you cook it and log it as ground pork, X ounces. Also log the oil you put in the pan. And any breadcrumbs or condiments that went into the meatballs. You need to weigh the dry noodles (2 ounces of thin spaghetti is 200 calories). Then figure out the sauce from there.

    No more generic listings hoping they are close enough!
  • gizzzo
    gizzzo Posts: 12 Member
    Friday and Sunday, you only have two meals logged. Did you only eat two meals or did you miss logging at least one other meal?

    I do intermittent fasting so I only usually have lunch and dinner.
  • gizzzo
    gizzzo Posts: 12 Member
    Hi All, I really appreciate all the help.

    I also really appreciate the attention to detail and accuracy. Believe me, I used to be very OC, weighing everything down to the recipe. For example, for home-cooked meals, I used to weigh everything I put in as I prepared the food. That was very accurate. It was also very unsustainable. I stopped using MFP for a long time then.

    I realized that I had to strike a balance. If I were to religiously weigh and measure what I eat every meal, I would resort to weighing the prepared meal (someone prepares meals for me), then trying to find the closest meal that already exists in the database. It's already creating a bit of tension in the family dinner table as I have a weighing scale beside my plate and I weigh and log as I eat. But it's the only way I think in my situation I could be consistent.

    So I am making some compromises and having to choose between 100% accuracy or very infrequent and inconsistent logging. And I guess I am choosing 80% accurate but consistent.

    I guess in this community, most of the people here tend towards perfect accuracy. Anyways, thanks for the help and advice.

    I will just assume I am eating more than I am measuring. If I just look at patterns instead of grams and calories to the decimal, I think I am seeing that I am eating way more carbs. So I think my plan will be to cut down on that macro.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    RE that last post, gizzzo:

    You can use the Recipe builder instead of trying to find something in the database...

    I get it though.

    People are going to always say, "Food scale. Grams." Doesn't mean it's the only way, but it is the more accurate. We just see so many posts of people who are doing very loose logging and not losing the way they think they should be and it's usually because of their logging. :)

    Do what works. I still log food, still use my food scale. I know that wouldn't work for some people. I did lose all my weight nearly 15 years ago. I'm pretty tired of logging and have tried to be more intuitive, but for whatever reason I haven't been able to make that work and always end up gaining weight. To each their own.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,735 Member
    gizzzo wrote: »
    Hi All, I really appreciate all the help.

    I also really appreciate the attention to detail and accuracy. Believe me, I used to be very OC, weighing everything down to the recipe. For example, for home-cooked meals, I used to weigh everything I put in as I prepared the food. That was very accurate. It was also very unsustainable. I stopped using MFP for a long time then.

    I realized that I had to strike a balance. If I were to religiously weigh and measure what I eat every meal, I would resort to weighing the prepared meal (someone prepares meals for me), then trying to find the closest meal that already exists in the database. It's already creating a bit of tension in the family dinner table as I have a weighing scale beside my plate and I weigh and log as I eat. But it's the only way I think in my situation I could be consistent.

    So I am making some compromises and having to choose between 100% accuracy or very infrequent and inconsistent logging. And I guess I am choosing 80% accurate but consistent.

    I guess in this community, most of the people here tend towards perfect accuracy. Anyways, thanks for the help and advice.

    I will just assume I am eating more than I am measuring. If I just look at patterns instead of grams and calories to the decimal, I think I am seeing that I am eating way more carbs. So I think my plan will be to cut down on that macro.

    They do. Because it's a calorie counting app many users are rather.... militant about it. But what I do is very similar to what you do. It's about what works for you.