Turbo Fire???

I saw a commercial this weekend for Turbo Fire and thought it looked like a fun work out. I was just wondering if anyone has done it and what they thought. Is it a good workout? It is worth buying the DVDs? Thanks in advance for any info :)


  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I am IN LOVE with Turbo Fire and Chalene! It is an amazing program honestly. It is the program that turned me into a BeachBody Coach! And you can ask any of my friends on here...I am not a walking promo, I genuinely love the program and cant testify to the improvements I have seen in my body! Go for it!
  • sylouette98
    sylouette98 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm pretty close to being a Turbo Fire grad...only a few more weeks...you are SERIOUSLY missing out if you pass this workout by. It's incredible!!!!
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    Love it love it love it. Worth every penny.
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    I just received my Turbo Fire a week ago and am starting up the program today. I spent last week familiarizing myself with some of the DVD's just to see what it was like. Years ago I purchased Chalean Johnson's Turbo Jam and I really enjoyed it but there were only a couple DVD's and I got bored with doing the same ones over and over. From reveiwing my DVD's, Turbo Fire is super high energy but the music is really good and makes you want to keep going. I watched the infromercial for 6 months before making the decision that I was worth the investment. My biggest challenge is the workout calendar - Monday, Tuesday, free Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I have a very busy life so finding the time to keep up with the calendar will be difficult for me but worse case, if I only did a DVD every other day, it is better than what I am doing now!!!! I was, however, unrealistic in thinking I could just pop a DVD in and do like the people in the video. I am 47 years old, 40 pounds overweight and not in good shape so it will probably take a few weeks (if now more) to get in the swing of it but I am excited about having it and seeing what I can do!! I had my husband take before and after photos so I can watch my progress and stay motivated. I spent a lot of time comparing different programs and researching success stories and came to the conclusion that Turbo Fire best suited by personality and would give me the best chance to stick with it.

    Good luck with your decision!!
  • JosalynSmith
    JosalynSmith Posts: 20 Member
    I just started week 11 of Turbo Fire and I totally love every minute of it :love: At first it’s a little frustrating if you haven’t done Turbo Jam, since you have to learn the terminology. But I start with Turbo Fire and I managed to figure it out over time, you just have to stick with it and you’ll get it down. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to work out 6 times a week, but now I find myself getting upset for having to take one rest day. I LOVE LOVE Chalene Johnson, she if very inspiring and motivating. On some of the longer workouts you might feel like you can’t go any further, but Chelene motivates you to get your second wind and push through it because guess what you're not tired :wink: I see how hard everyone works in the DVD and I can’t help but do my best to work as hard as they do. I get up at 5:30am to workout and I find that even that early I manage to have enough energy to get it done.

    Good luck!
  • Love TF and love Chalene this is one of the best videos I have ever done-the music, the routines, and just Chalene herself is awesome-it is very fast pace and will kick your butt and that is a plus. She is so motiviation in the videos it helps to keep you moving. It wears me out and I have been doing it for sometime. I switch back and forth now between TF and Chalene Extreme. You can not go wrong with any of her workouts.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Another TF and Chalene lover here! I agree with all of the other posters....the music is great, the workouts are high energy and the time flies by! Chalene is so down to earth and not annoying at all. You will love it!
  • Shells06
    Shells06 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to give it a try!!