Lose Stomach Fat Challenge



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member

    Weight: 154.2
    Waist: 31.6
  • joyoungolivia
    joyoungolivia Posts: 85 Member
    start weight: 144.6lb
    i'm not sure of my waist meausrement, i think my widest point is 96cm, not sure what that is in inches, I have been on a plateau for 2 months, maybe this will break it, although I dont eat much wheat anyway!

    i'll be interested in the results! Are we updating our results in a week or 2 weeks? x
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
    I am in! I already had whole grain toast for breakfast.. So, starting now. .. no wheat....

    Weight: 136
    Waist @ belly button: 32.5"

    I have hit a major plateau and would like to see if this helps..

    Good luck!

  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to join. I just got done eating a big sandwich :ohwell: so I'll start this tomorrow. I don't depend upon wheat products too much, but I do eat toast and sometimes pasta. I'm interested to see how this will go!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to join. I just got done eating a big sandwich :ohwell: so I'll start this tomorrow. I don't depend upon wheat products too much, but I do eat toast and sometimes pasta. I'm interested to see how this will go!

    If you get a pasta craving you could try gluten free quinoa pasta. I can't tell any difference in the taste from regular white pasta, though it costs a bit more.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you're going to do this, no grain of any kind, only seeds, rice or corn. Most processed meats have gluten in them, so does store-bought broths, soy sauce, and BEER! :smile:

    I'm only giving up wheat, as that was the OP deal. But FYI there is now gluten free beer made from sorghum. I haven't tried it, but they sell it at my local grocery (Kroger).

    I'm glad you mentioned beer though because I like wheat beer so I'll remember to avoid it for the next 2 weeks.
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    I'm in, I weighed in this morning at 266 and my stomach measured 51.5 inches (2 inches above my belly button)
  • mitchypoo777
    I may join you, but I'll keep my weight and measurements to myself and post my results. I've given up bread before because of hypoglycemic incidents years ago and I dropped a lot of weight. It makes sense to me to do this and I hope it helps. I don't know how it happened, I looked down one day and there it was,my "loaf of bread" which is what I call my pudge.
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    I just looked at my pre-made meals plan for the week...ya......unfortunetly I will not do this until next week...I dont want to waste my food already prepared!

    However, I did go gluten free before and to be honest, I felt SO MUCH better! And yes, we have a gluten free beer here too. My dad introduced it to me when I was on my GF diet!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Let's check in after a week and see what the first week's results have been. More than waist and weight measurements, it would be good to share about how we feel, and if consciously cutting out wheat has made a difference!
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I'm a little late to the party, but I'd like to join. I just got done eating a big sandwich :ohwell: so I'll start this tomorrow. I don't depend upon wheat products too much, but I do eat toast and sometimes pasta. I'm interested to see how this will go!

    If you get a pasta craving you could try gluten free quinoa pasta. I can't tell any difference in the taste from regular white pasta, though it costs a bit more.

    I've had spaghetti made of rice flour before and it was pretty good. I've never seen quinoa pasta before...but I've never really looked either. ;)
  • watchmeshrink16
    watchmeshrink16 Posts: 205 Member
    I would like to know the outcome. I went shopping yesterday and purchased a bag of wheat bread, so I'm gonna have wait.
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    I'll try my best for 2 weeks and post my results :)
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Picked up some quinoa today, and I am impressed by the nutritional values. Going to try it as a pasta substitute!

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, I blew it on day one. I failed to check the ingredients on the Kashi granola bar until after I'd eaten it and sure enough, it had wheat.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Looking for corn tortillas today to make roll-ups! Now to be called tacos.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Picked up some quinoa today, and I am impressed by the nutritional values. Going to try it as a pasta substitute!


    I love quinoa. My local grocery only has the white kind but a local health food store also carries red and black. The only problem i have with it is I doubt much of the nutrition is absorbed because, like most seeds, it comes out pretty much exactly as it went in (if you get my drift). This likely means that it would need to be ground in order to digest the nutrition, much like flax seeds. I haven't seen ground quinoa, but I guess the pasta would have be made from ground (though I think it is a mix of rice and quinoa).

    And it gets stuck between my teeth.
  • hamton
    hamton Posts: 245
    I tried to get rid of all my stomach fat and it was much much harder than I thought. I started at just under 200lbs. At first I thought a weight of 175 should do it. When I got there, I thought maybe another 5-10 more lbs. I went down all the way to under 150 lbs and about 9% body fat and still had stomach fat.

    Don't mean to be a downer, but getting rid of that belly fat takes a lot of hard work.
  • am1990
    I am in!!! =) I will have to find bread that isn't made from wheat =)