Adjusting after gastric surgery

Hello. I've tried for years to exercise and diet away my weight. I have recently had surgery as the start of a major change and dedication to losing it and keeping it lost. It would be great to hear from people with the same experience, or however you are working towards your own targets and goals...


  • Livin_At_The_Gym
    Livin_At_The_Gym Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. I haven’t gone the surgery route but a few friends/family have. Good luck with sending the extra pounds packing. I know people tend to think going the surgical route is taking the easy way out but far from it. Takes a lot of work and so do the adjustments needed to acclimate.

    I have tried a ton of things over the years but hit my stride with intermittent fasting and using a vegan blue zone diet. I lost 98 pounds just through diet but as the pounds come off and the weight loss is slowing down I decided to add cardio and weightlifting. I used to do both regularly (obsessively really) but due to three unrelated injuries (broken knee, torn rotator cuff, and lower back injury) I put all that on the back burner. Now I’m adjusting to doing things at a more manageable pace. No matter how you go about it though fitness and good health can be challenging. All the best moving forward.

    Be Well,
  • richardadoble
    richardadoble Posts: 2 Member
    J, thanks for your message and great to hear about your progress (although I hope the injuries are on the mend!). My wife is vegan, so that's something else I can try to factor in. Thanks for the encouragement and wishing you well on your path! Best, Richard
  • Livin_At_The_Gym
    Livin_At_The_Gym Posts: 39 Member
    You're welcome. The vegan diet is worth looking into imo. It takes some getting used to but the results are outstanding. I never was a big meat eater. I tried keto and failed because I was actively avoiding meat lol. It's tough getting protein which is a sticking point for many but I average just 45 grams and have been able to add muscle mass as easily as I was prior to being vegan. IDK if that would be the case for others is so specific to each person so you have two find what works for you.

    All the best,