Treadmill vs elliptical ... but my knee hurts :(

Help me please.......

Currently I work out on the treadmill, I try the Elliptical but my knee kills me. I havent ever been to the doctor for it but my knee crunches when I walk up stairs or do any kind of climbing.

I dont know who "they" are but "they" say the elliptical is supposed to be better for you....I want to cry the first 3 minutes i'm on the thing so I retreat to the treadmill......I know the Elliptical give you a better burn but i just cant do it......any suggestions???


  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Listen to your body.

    Many people prefer the elliptical because it's very low impact. However, if your legs feel better on the treadmill--go for it! By playing with the incline and speed, you can get an excellent workout on the treadmill.
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I'd go see the doc to find out what's up with your knee, second of all, if the elliptical hurts, but the treadmill doesn't, then keep doing the treadmill. You are still exercising and burning calories. Try HIIT on the treadmill if you want to burn more, but first get your knee checked out. :smile:
  • littlehokie
    You'll burn more calories running on the treadmill than on the elliptical. I have to put the elliptical to it's highest resistance to get the kind of burn I'd get from running a few miles on the treadmill.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    You may want to try some strength training for your legs. I have found that my knee problems have nearly disappeared since strengthening the supporting muscles.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    what do you have the ellliptical set at if your a beginer to the machine I would have the resistance shut off and the cross ramp fairly low set and then gradualy up them as you get more and more use to the machine.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    The elliptical bugs my knees too, and I don't have bad knees! It's my ankle that's the problem! I'm fine with the treadmill and spin bike....though I have had some problem with my *ahem* non-problem knees on the spin bike, but that was from overdoing it. :tongue:
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    there are different types of ellipticals... so don't be afraid to try each one. Ever think about a recumbant or stationary bike?
  • mmuzzy1068
    You can also try the Arch (pronounced ARK) machines, they are even easier on your knees than an eliptical. But keep doing the treadmill and go see the doc....may have an injury or may have you take some glucosemine to goop up the knee. Good luck.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do you keep your feet flat when you are on the elliptical or bend your foot and "bounce" with the machine? When I first tried the elliptical it KILLED my knees. I hatted it. Iwas doing it flat footed, but I switched to more of a "run" with flewing my feet as I go and it is soooo comfy for my knees, way better than the treadmill for me.
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    You'll burn more calories running on the treadmill than on the elliptical. I have to put the elliptical to it's highest resistance to get the kind of burn I'd get from running a few miles on the treadmill.

    not true for everyone I burn WAY more on the eliptical than I ever have running and I`m not on the highest setting threw my entire time on the eliptical either. (also I use a HRM so I`m pretty sure in my burns)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do you keep your feet flat when you are on the elliptical or bend your foot and "bounce" with the machine? When I first tried the elliptical it KILLED my knees. I hatted it. Iwas doing it flat footed, but I switched to more of a "run" with flewing my feet as I go and it is soooo comfy for my knees, way better than the treadmill for me.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do you keep your feet flat when you are on the elliptical or bend your foot and "bounce" with the machine? When I first tried the elliptical it KILLED my knees. I hatted it. Iwas doing it flat footed, but I switched to more of a "run" with flewing my feet as I go and it is soooo comfy for my knees, way better than the treadmill for me.
  • gguzman82
    Yes, I totally agree with you. I asked my doctor and he told me that the ellipitcal can be bad for your lower back and for the knees. It just depends on the posture and/or postion that you have on the elliptical machince. Personally, I prefer to use the treadmill, with an incline from 2-5 and a speed anywhere from 4-5 to walk and 5.5-6 to run. I am burnning 500 calories in 40 minutes on the treadmill vs. 350-400 in 40 minutes in the elliptical. Due to that, I use the elliptical anytime I'm not in the mood to work-out.
  • susanofscottsdale
    My knee has also been a limiting factor for me, and I am a fan of both machines. You do need to build up the strength of the muscles around the knee. Keep pushing, but do not go so hard that you injure yourself and have to take time off.

    What has worked for me is to use both machines, and sometimes even a bike. For me, increasing the incline % on the treadmill has been a great way to increased the intensity of the workout while minimizing the impact to my knee.

    For me patience, persistence and variety have worked. Good luck.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    When I first started on the elliptical I would get some knee pain as well, but the more I did it, the less knee pain I had. I also found that during PMS i would get more body aches including knee pain. Good luck!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Uumm... as others have said, you may want to have that knee xrayed or an MRI done of it. I HAVE a bad knee that needs to be replaced and yes they make that cruching/clunking noise. It is best to exercise on a bike, or in the pool... for the sake of the knee joint. You will develop compensating limb pain as your body tries to do what you are forcing it to do.... please be careful. This is just IMHO. J
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I had a similar knee issue when I started running. I posted it on the boards and someone told me to strengthen my hips. That has worked wonders and no more knee problems.
  • jb83
    jb83 Posts: 38
    I have the same problem; the cracking/popping/crunchy sound being from arthritis cause by being overweight for all these YEARS (all 28 of them!). The cartilage in my knees have suffered :-( I've always felt the elliptical was EVIL!!! What works for me is using my tredmil, but set to the highest incline that I can handle (that is, before I feel it in my knees). I've always stuck to the idea that ANY calories burned is a GOOD calorie burned, regardless of how it was burned!!! Just enjoy your workout!!! :-)
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Thank you everyone!!! I'm going to stick with the treadmill for on strengthening and go see a DR> I just figured it was because i gained so much weight in a little amount of time -- maybe there is more to it!!
  • Tuffjourney
    I have bad knee's and I can only do the treadmill. So, you are not alone.