How Did You Pick Your Goal Weight?



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm 5'5" and based on my healthy BMI range and my past weights I settled on the range of 125-140. I don't see myself realistically getting below 125 because of my body type, I have bigger leg bones and very dense muscle. So I know that if I want to be healthy, I can't weigh expect to weigh less than that. My goal is to fit somewhere in that range while having a healthy body fat percentage and being able to fit into my old clothes. Ultimately, it's more about my health than it is being a specific weight or size, I just want to feel and look great.
  • speakz82
    My original goal was 115-120. I got away from the goal for a while, and was going to settle at 130, but have changed things up lately and decided I'd settle on 120. My doctor would like me to not get below 120, but because I'm aiming to get down to 115 to be a faster runner I think we'll have to compromise. I'm currently 146.5, so I have a bit to go. I'm 5'3.75 tall so still in the 140's it's a lot on my short body.
  • sandijones5783
    sandijones5783 Posts: 57 Member
    I put in the weight i was 6 yrs ago before kids! Which was 145 and i fit into size 7 pants but now i weigh 158 and actually fit into my old size 7 pants but i have much more muscles and I'm more tone but just want to loose my belly.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    125 pounds is my license weight, and I vaguely remember being happy there, except for the stomach "pooch" that won't be there this time because this time I'm doing it right.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I didn't have a weight problem until my late 40s, so I just picked a weight that was normal for me as a young adult. I went back a decade or so further in time, weight wise, than I originally intended, to my weight around the time I graduated from college. I wish I could say the pounds are distributed the same.:grumble:
  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    I picked a weight that is in the healthy range for my size.
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Well right now i have it to 160, but i want to get down to 145 or so.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    For now I'm picking 135 because I know that's realistic and I liked being at that weight, but I also recall liking being at 125 in college a lot better. May change when I get there, but basically it will be when my body is toned/healthy, with lower % body fat and healthy BMI. Although 105-141 is normal BMI at my height, I don't think 105-115 is realistic for me.
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Well, according to the BMI scale I should weigh under 150. So I picked 145 as my goal. I've never been that light as an adult, so have no real concept of what it will look like on me. I figure when I get there I can re-evaluate based on what I feel like and how I look. (For me this journey started to obtain better health. It's still mostly that, but I admit that I'd love to be able to wear size 10s.)
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Someone referenced this formula once, so I used that as a rough estimate. It takes into account your current muscle mass so you can calculate a number that doesn't eat into muscle as well as fat. I'll use my starting numbers as an example.

    Current weight X percentage body fat=Pounds of fat
    125.6 X .265=33.284

    Current weight-Pounds of fat=Lean mass

    Current weight X desired body fat percentage= new amount of fat
    125.6 X .20=25.12

    Lean mass + new body fat=Goal Weight

    I'm actually aiming for 115, since I'm pretty short.
  • Kikilicious84
    I want to be skinny and I know I can be skinny and healthy. So, I picked my goal weight as just a little lower than I know I used to be when I was comfortably fitting in my clothes.

  • New_Hope
    I just went for the lowest weight I could be and still have a healthy BMI, though I'm sure I'll actually stop within 10-15 lbs of that "goal".
  • AceDuddyMegaa
    I picked a weight I knew to be a healthy weight for me. I have no plans to be skinny, I settle for healthy.

    this isnt the place to 'settle' take it all the way we're all pushing for you
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    I picked the mid point of what I had known to be a healthy range based upon my height. However, once I was about halfway to my goal, I saw a commercial about the true definitions of underweight, normal and obese, and decided to use their BMI calculator to determine what the real range was...and reset my goal to the lower end of normal (so I'd have a bit of flex). I've since reached my first goal, and am 4.8 lbs away from my reset goal! Congrats on your decision and good luck!
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    Well, I really picked a weight that was in the middle of the "healthy weight range" for my height according to the BMI scale, but I was around 160-165 in high school and after for a year or two (and haven't gained any height since) until I got a serving job and gained 20 pounds. I didn't ever like being that weight (although I look at pictures of myself then and I think I looked awesome!) and always thought I was big, so I'm aiming for 145. We'll see what happens, you can see from my ticker that I have a long way to go to get there!
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    Darn! Double post!
  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    Last time I lost I ended up getting to a weight that was too low for my preferences. I 'let' myself gain until I found my happy weight, & I'm shooting for the higher end of that range right now.
  • courtclerkkris
    courtclerkkris Posts: 173 Member
    In the past my goal weight was 128 in TOPS. So I am sticking with that. Hopefully once I get there I can continue to lower it another 10 pounds or so. I am only 5'1 and have seen ranges of an ideal body weight from 95-115 pounds but I don't think that is very realistic for me.
  • CChadd87
    CChadd87 Posts: 14 Member
    I went with the weight that I was at on my wedding day 4 years ago which was 135. I was happy with the way that I looked then and the way that I felt and I want to have that back.
  • kleverkira
    kleverkira Posts: 41 Member
    I got down to 120 before my wedding, but it wasn't really sustainable. I would be happy in the 125-130 range because I think I can actually maintain that and be happy with how I look and feel.