Does anyone own an Elliptical?

I'm thinking of saving up for one. Does anyone own one that they would recommend someone to buy themselves? Brand? Price? Overall review of it?

Thanks :)


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    bump...I keep humming and hawing over buying one too
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Yes I own one, and just so you know, I bought mine brand new on craigslist for $50, works like a charm, I love it. You don't need to spend a ton to get something great- craigslist is awesome!
  • Michelle9939
    I have a ProForm. I got it from Sears several years ago. I am thinking it was around $300. I like and haven't had any problems with it. Right now it needs some WD40 in a bad way.
  • SouthernCityChic
    SouthernCityChic Posts: 119 Member
    I would buy one but the apartments complex I live in has a gym so no need just yet.. It's my fav tho!!
  • douglas747
    I have one, a Schwin that I bought after reading a lot of reviews online. I even got it used on Craigslist. The reviews said that, bang for the buck, it was (at the time we bought it about a year and a half ago) one of the best out there. My wife doesn't particularly like it because she has issues with her Achilles Tendon and calf. I really like it, however. Smooth, with a good stride length. Still looking for shoes that I like to use with it.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I have one. But I got REALLY lucky and happened to stumble upon a amazing deal. I got one worth $1300 for only $500.
    I own a HORIZON. I have only had it for about six months, but so far so good.

    I recommend getting a elliptical with resistance for sure. And make sure the stride is good and fits your height.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I have one and it's an awesome investment. I use it when I am not able to get to the gym so I have no excuse for not working out. I got mine off Craigslist and it's an older model. I would recommend browsing Amazon and reading reviews on there before buying anything. Good luck!
  • leemarie324
    leemarie324 Posts: 63 Member
    i love mine. I got mine from sears and its a norditrack, it also needs some WD 40.
  • malaika1981
    malaika1981 Posts: 49 Member
    im contemplating buying one as well as i use it often at the gym! my brother bought one a few years back (from wal mart - it was cheap) and said that it just didnt work as well as the one they have now (bought at sears 50% off so got a sweet deal) there is lots of places that sell it and sales happen so I would keep your eyes open for that
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Yup... $20 on

    edit to add, it's a Weslo and I love it.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Stay away from anything Precor. That much I can tell you.
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm not a fan of the eliptical, but I bought a treadmill off craigslist a few months ago... and I can PROMISE you it was the BEST decision I've ever made! :happy: You can workout whenever you want... AND it is sitting there staring at you... haha makes you get on it, when you wouldn't have wanted to go all the way to the gym.

    I say DEFINITELY get one, and get a used one :wink: lots of rich people's new years resolutions are to lose weight... and then the guilt sets in when they don't do it and they don't use it :blushing: Since it was an impulse buy, they want it out of the house!

    Go for it Girl!!! :bigsmile: Invest in your health~
  • inammorata
    I own one, a Fitness Gear 821e. It's served me well for the past few years. The cost was just over $200, maybe $220 but definitely less than $250. Still cheaper than going to the gym in the long run, right?
    I still use it, it's in my basement and helps my weight loss for when I can't go outside walking on those cold days.
    Hope this helps.
  • Shanbl
    Shanbl Posts: 7 Member
    I've had a NordicTrack for several years and have not had one problem with it....and I do use it regularly. The one I have is CX 990, so I don't know what the latest is in that line.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I have a ProForm. I got it from Sears several years ago. I am thinking it was around $300. I like and haven't had any problems with it. Right now it needs some WD40 in a bad way.

    Sounds about right, although I think ours is a little older and the wife and paid a little more for ours. Mine also needs some WD40 and a handful of D-cell batteries (quit at 40 minutes of my 45 minute workout last night! WTF!)
  • egaal
    egaal Posts: 19
    I own a Precor EFX 546 that we bought used from a place that refurbishes old gym equipment. It still cost $2000, and it was an interesting exercise to get it upstairs (if we ever move, we may gift it to the next owner), but it's been totally worth it. I don't live near a convenient gym so the elliptical and my dumbbells have been my life savers. I can watch my own TV shows and exercise. People often sell them on Craiglist too. I tried a lot of the cheaper models, but nothing compared to the Precor that I fell in love with at the gym.
  • elliemay63
    elliemay63 Posts: 62 Member
    I have a lower end model nordictrack that I got last year at Sears during their black friday sale. LOVE it!! Can use an Ifit chip in it to vary the resistance for you. I argued with Jillian Michaels two times a week but she helped me get going on my journey. :laugh: Needs WD40 also. :smile:
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    We had Pro form before and end up getting rid of it, just okay. When we decided to buy another one, we did some research and bought a Schwinn. really like it, Very smooth has resistance and all the calorie tracking/ program options. and it's really convenient to workout while the kids are watching a movie during family night or while my favorite show is on, or just to my ipod. We bought ours new, but i'd definitely try craigslist for cheaper prices and you may not have to put it together. Good luck!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow, a lot of responses haha. Thank you all so much, I'm going to do my best and find the best one. How do I go about looking for one on Craigslist? I've never been on it before. lol
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I own a Precor EFX 546 that we bought used from a place that refurbishes old gym equipment. It still cost $2000, and it was an interesting exercise to get it upstairs (if we ever move, we may gift it to the next owner), but it's been totally worth it. I don't live near a convenient gym so the elliptical and my dumbbells have been my life savers. I can watch my own TV shows and exercise. People often sell them on Craiglist too. I tried a lot of the cheaper models, but nothing compared to the Precor that I fell in love with at the gym.

    Precor is a BAD idea!!!! It breaks my heart when I think someone might get a Precor recommendation.
    I have a Precor treadmill that I paid $4,000 for. Now my joints are painful and swollen cause it broke down after only two years and I have waited over two months for it to be fixed. That`s what a $600 warranty bought me.