Women 200lb+, Let’s Hocus Pocus Focus This October!!!

🎃Happy October, ladies! Let's do some hocus pocus and focus on ourselves and our goals this month!

🎃What are your plans for October? Are you trying to accomplish anything (big or small) in the last three months of 2023?

🎃Do you have any special October snacks you'll be treating yourself to or any special seasonal events you'll be participating in?

🧡 If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

🧡 In this group, we post our weekly and monthly goals and provide support and motivation to each other as we share our triumphs and our struggles. This group is all about accountability.

🧡All are welcome and, if you think you belong here, you do! No matter how much you currently weigh or how you measure (or don't measure) your weight, we'd love to hear from you.

🧡Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

🎃Let's have a gourd-geous, spooktacular, fangtastic October!🎃


  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Thank you as always @RavenStCloud for starting the thread. :heart: Also those puns! :lol:
    🎃What are your plans for October? Are you trying to accomplish anything (big or small) in the last three months of 2023?

    This month is going to be extremely busy. We have to drive 13 hours for a funeral pretty soon, stay a day, drive back the next. That's going to be...a lot. Next week thankfully, nothing, then the week after, I have a recruiting trip immediately followed by my birthday, which I'm meeting up with my sister, SILs, some of their family, and my mom for a tea party- we're going to dress extremely fancy, I bought tiaras for everyone. The week after that, Halloween festivities ramp up.

    Then two weeks after that, Kiddo's birthday, two weeks after that, Thanksgiving, two weeks after that, Whatsisface's birthday, two weeks after that, Christmas. Yikes. I'm mentally fortifying myself, lol.
    🎃Do you have any special October snacks you'll be treating yourself to or any special seasonal events you'll be participating in?

    Somewhere in there, we'll go to a fall festival. As far as special snacks, nothing particularly, but I can tell you that I've already made the cardinal error of buying reeses pumpkins, lol.

    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 10/1: 178.8 (yikes, but it's because I got like 4 hours of sleep last night)

    🎃 October Goals! 🎃

    🍂 October GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week
    🤎Log everything in grams
    🤎 Shut down the house every night

    Tonight, two hours at the gym- chair acro class. I was excited about it yesterday, but for now I'm just tired, lol.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    edited October 2023
    So I've finally jumped back on the weight loss bandwagon; it's been a while!!!

    I'm working on getting back into the groove and these are my goals:
    🧡 Log all my food
    🧡 Stay within my calorie limit
    🧡 Get back to the gym & pool (3x a week?)
    🧡 Take a daily vitamin
    🧡 Check in here twice a week

    🎃The biggest thing I'd like to work on for the next three months is controlling my overeating/binge eating. I know that it's a probably my biggest problem. Which is why I do really well for a few months (and log on here and record all my food) and then lose control and just eat anything and everything for months at a time(and disappear off line).

    I'm also giving myself some good restrictions, because portion control of something I love isn't something I've ever been able to do.
    ⛔️Fast food
    ⛔️French fries/tater tots/any fried potato
    ⛔️Chips/Cheesey snacks
    ⛔️Baked goods (cakes/pies/cookies)

    🎃October is probably my favorite month and I love all the fall festivals. I'll be going to at least one at the end of the month. I don't particularly crave any fall snacks, but I might get a pumpkin flavored hot chocolate once or twice!
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe You're definitely going to be busy--good luck! And your tea party sounds super fun.

    I just looked up what chair-acro classes are and they look really fun and interesting! I hope you gather some engery together and get to enjoy it!
  • Hello Ladies 👋🏾

    This is my favorite month of the year but I'm a bit bias because it's my birthday month. My goals for the month are...
    🥳 Eat within my calorie limit at least 6 days a week
    🎉 Hit my protein minimum every day
    💃🏾 Exercise at least 5 days a week
    🥳 Release at least 5 lbs

    After having knee issues since September 4, 2020, I have a non-scale victory that I'm excited about. For the first time in years, I walked 2.2 miles non-stop with no issues. 😁 This opens up my range of exercise a lot but I'm still going to be cautious.

    Before January 1, 2024, my goal is to release 15+ lbs.

    Starting Weight: 346 lbs
    Current Weight: 341 lbs
    Goal Drop Down Weight: 130 lbs
    Goal Build Up Weight: 150 lbs
  • thelotusqueen
    thelotusqueen Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I love October because it's my and my husband's birthdays this month! Then we have Dasara, Halloween and Diwali coming up. I'm looking forward to some cake and lots of traditional Indian food that I'm going to be making.

    Name: Padmaja

    SW: 230
    CW: 224.6
    GW: 220
    UGW: 165-170
  • Hey Everyone - first time posting on MFP in a long while, but wanted to get in on this... I am a WLS patient, and have lost a significant amount of weight this year, but have some ambitious goals for the last three months of the year. I *love* fall/winter because I'm a huge fan of soups, chilis, and all things 'comfort-food'.

    Name: Teresa

    SW: 332
    CW: 247
    October Goal: 239
    November Goal: 229
    December Goal: 219

    I have a goal to be below 200 by my surgery anniversary at the end of February.

    How am I going to get there?

    🧡 Consistency
    🧡 Increasing and maintaining protein intake
    🧡 Getting back to the gym
    🧡 Meeting water goals
    🧡 Managing several mental health issues in a positive way

    I am working on goals to manage binge-eating disorder, and staying sugar-free. Very fortunate that I have the support of my family through my journey.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list if you're looking for an accountability partner, or just need someone to vent to -- this journey has been challenging for me at times, but I know what's in it for me at the end, so I keep going.

    Let's go ladies - we got this!
  • amykay9377
    amykay9377 Posts: 98 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hi! I'm long time MFPer, first time caller, er, poster (to this group anyway). Trying to get myself back on track, so I'm back in the boards and the food log...
    🎃What are your plans for October? Are you trying to accomplish anything (big or small) in the last three months of 2023?

    Due to some personal speedbumps, personal health issues, and family health issues, I basically completely stopped running, working out, and eating well this year. And the results are visible in the mirror every day. And I'm tired of it. So, even though I don't think that I'll make amazing progress toward some of my bigger goals, I'll be happy to just get back on my previous workout/run schedule, and get in the habit again!
    🎃Do you have any special October snacks you'll be treating yourself to or any special seasonal events you'll be participating in?

    Kraft Caramels and Brach's Candy Corn are the special snacks of the month. Sure, I can get either of them any time of year, but I like to save them, to make them special (kind of like Peeps are only for Easter).
    I'm getting LASIK in November, and then I'm doing a 5k just a few days later (I forgot it was already scheduled when I set up the LASIK)... I am assuming I'll just WALK and not put any strain on myself, lol!
    🧡 If you've never been here before, please know you are welcome to join at any point in the month. All you have to do is post something, and then BAM! you're one of us.

    One of us! One of us!
    🧡Victories, both scale and non-scale, are great to hear about, but, conversely, we know that weight loss isn't all sunshine and roses. If you're going through a rough patch, please feel free to be honest and vent your heart out. The struggle is real and we're all here to support each other!

    Like I said earlier, lots of personal stuff that got in the way. BUT, I know me... I very easily could have done twice as much this year as I've actually done, but I have crap willpower. I have to be a strong wall at all times, or else as soon as there's a crack in the wall, everything comes tumbling down. Within a month, I went from "I'll just skip today" to "I'll just do cardio at the gym" to "I'll just walk" to "I'll go next week" to not even making excuses at all.
    I know all the tricks, I know all the motivations, but I just don't. And my husband, bless his heart, is a lazy dude, so he's certainly not in his gym clothes dragging me to the gym... he'd rather snuggle in bed than watch me leave at 6am for a run... But I'm not blaming him, of course (well, except for his dang rouge appendix that went gonzo), I know that my failures are MY failures.

    Anyway, that's enough of a peek into my psyche! Everyone have a great Tuesday. I'm trying to psych myself up to go to the gym after work, instead of saying "F it" because my period cramps are making me miserable... Remember... cardio is good for cramps!

    Goals for October:

    Gym 3x Week (Legs, Arms, Core)
    Long Run 1x Week (training for half-mara starts at the end of the month)
    parkrun (volunteer or participate)
    Stretch 3x Week (utilizing FitOn app)
    Lose 5 pounds

    About Me:

    SW 249.6 (10/1/2023)
    CW 249.4 (10/2/2023)
    GW 244.4 (October Goal Weight)
    GW 199.9 (Realistic Goal Weight)
    GW 174.9 (Ultimate Goal Weight)
  • Star_cel13
    Star_cel13 Posts: 3 Member
    My first time posting anything like this. September was a rough month for me but I'm hoping October is better.

    I'm starting my weight loss journey this month and these are my goals:

    🧡 Log my food intake
    🧡 Stay under my goal limit for calories
    🧡 Get back to doing workouts (5x week)
    🧡 Check in to update weight loss.

    I have a long ways to go but I'm determined and aiming for next year (2024) to be my year!

    SW 267
    CW 267
    GW 247
    GW 139 (Ultimate Goal Weight)
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, really busy thread already this month! Everybody sounds so focused and on it I'm sure you'll achieve your goals. After 9 very consistent weeks and 18 lbs lost, I hit a bit of a hurdle this week. My husband moved out and I'm not sleeping barely at all and I keep snaffling treats. I then don't record them as if somehow they then don't exist :D I maintained this week, which I think I was lucky to do.
    Next week it is my birthday on the 12th and middle son's on the 14th so there is going to be a LOT of temptation lying around the place. My goals are:
    • To go back to logging EVERYTHING
    • To keep up the early morning walks (I go at 6 am with my dog, which is getting harder now its so dark.
    • Check in here at least weekly
    • ///

    SW 261
    CW 243
    GW 239
    UGW 169 (I think or maybe early 170s. I often forget)
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk (15 minutes bike; 30 minutes treadmill)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices
    * lose about 6lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    October SW: 241.6
    CW: 237.4 (10/8)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    10/8 update: I seem to be back on track and losing again. I'm so close to my next short-term goal, I can taste it. So of course, I'm self-sabotaging, lol. Made Kraft mac & cheese for dinner (with peas) and some frozen meatballs. It was a lot of calories and fat but tasted so good. I knew I was going to make this so I offset it by having a very light lunch earlier in the day so I didn't go over my calories for the day. I'm just so excited to be in the 230s. It's the first time in years and that was only a very brief stay. I haven't steadily been this weight since the early 2000s when I was pregnant and having babies back to back.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    40 years old, 5’7”
    SW: 300 lbs
    Prev Low: 191 lbs
    GW: 180 lbs
    CW: 215-ish (I need to do a real weigh in again)

    🎃What are your plans for October? Are you trying to accomplish anything (big or small) in the last three months of 2023?
    I just want to get back on track. I keep either making excuses or having real emergencies. It’s been happening since this past February. I hit that new low weight THIS YEAR and I’m back up 25 lbs from that already. I know that’s too much fluctuation and I just need to really reset my mentality.

    🎃Do you have any special October snacks you'll be treating yourself to or any special seasonal events you'll be participating in?
    I went to LIT - Lust In The Lowcountry (a romance conference) last weekend. We had paid for the trip back in March, so I’ve been looking forward to it for 6 months. A friend is a romance author and we went as her fan club. I met soooo many indie romance writers and had a blast! 4 days with 8 women in an AirBnB made for some late nights, lots of snacks, tons of laughs, and the kind of discussions your mama says not to have…. About our sex lives, pooping, body dysmorphia, and all other types of things. All that girl time was soothing to my soul. Nothing else super special this month though.

    For those that don’t know me, I was on this monthly thread A LOT for the past 2 years or so. Earlier this year my life started imploding and I became way more sporadic. So…. Here I am saying “I’m back!” for the 3rd time in 3 months. I swear I mean it this time though. I even got back to my exercise schedule. I went to my Zumba class last night and had so much fun. In fact, I can hardly talk this morning. My throat is sore and my voice is nearly gone. We are loud in that group and I’m feeling it today in my muscles and my throat.

    By the way, my gym has a new group teacher that brought some new classes in…. has anyone done aerobic Barre or TRX classes? What are your thoughts? Trying to decide if I’m brave enough to try something new.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    When it rains it pours.... I posted yesterday I had gotten back to Zumba and that I was ready to tackle being back on track.... then I had a scratchy throat yesterday afternoon and tested positive for Covid this morning when I woke up feeling miserable.
  • Mywishnow
    Mywishnow Posts: 5 Member
    Serial restarter here. I fell off the wagon hard at the end of the summer. Truth be told, I was pretty lax for the entire summer and put on 15 of the 40lbs I had lost. Whelp, I'm here now, dusting myself off and getting ready to once again fight the good fight. I have a tough (in a good way) last week and a half coming up at the end of Oct. Starting off with a girl's wine tasting trip 10/21-22 then off to Denver to visit a friend for a week and going to see P!nk in concert.

    My goals are to log EVERYTHING: The good, the bad and the ugly
    Restarting my exercise (4x/wkly)
    Cutting out alcohol M-F (Why oh why is wine so delicious and caloric???)
    Logging updates here twice a week.
    Spend time each day meditating which I have been doing so that's a quick win.

    I am divorced, turning 60 in January and looking to make the most of the 11 weeks left in 2023

    SW: 212.4 (10/3/23)
    CW: 215.4 (10/8)
    GW (short term): 195 by EOY
    GW (long term): 165
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    I'm a restarter myself. Is there really only 11 weeks left in 2023!!?? What can I accomplish in that time?

    Lose 1 pound a week =11 pounds
    Do 11 wall pushups every day = 842 more than I'm doing now
    Do posture exercises every day = 77 days to better posture
    Indulge in fewer grab the nuts and go moments (as in peanuts, walnuts, cashews, etc)! Save 100-200 calories/day = around 15,000 less calories
    (Please don't check my math LOL I could be off a number or two!)

    But what can I do TODAY?
    Raise my standards. Expect more of myself. Know my inner strength and determination are there waiting to be used. Believe in myself even after I've lied so many times and said that this time I'm going to do it. Change my mindset. Understanding that my reason for wanting long term health is more important than the momentary desire for that bowl of ice cream or bag of chips. Understand that all of the early programming can be changed. Know that I am worth it.

    There will be struggles. My husband made a pie yesterday which I won't eat because I'm picky about pie and now there is a box of ice cream in the freezer. I've asked him multiple times to keep it in the basement. I'll take it down and it stays for awhile until it comes back upstairs where I see it every time I open the freezer for ice. It's frustrating to say the least. I'm 72 years old. Time is running out and my lifelong dream of being fit and healthy has to be now or never. Today. I'll be watching your progress and depending on support and help from outside. I try to do everything alone but it's not working.
    Together we're better.
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    edited October 2023
    Good morning everyone!
    34 years old

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 10/1: 178.8 (yikes, but it's because I got like 4 hours of sleep last night)
    10/15: 179, looking more like that's a real weight.

    🎃 October Goals! 🎃

    🍂 October GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week
    🤎Log everything in grams
    🤎 Shut down the house every night

    I did not do... any of that up there ^ and it shows. Much like everyone in this thread, we had a funeral to attend, on top of our normal appointments and stuff and just... ugh.

    Time to recommit, which seems to be the theme for this month. My new upper limit weight is 180, and I'm there. Time to lock it back down. So goal for this week? Just this one:

    🤎Log everything in grams

    That's it. Logging helps me keep the numbers in check, because I have to confront them.

    Tonight, I'm going to roast a chicken, have some roast potatoes, and some veg. Yesterday I did 2 and a half hours in the gym, Friday night was like 3 hours, lol, I'm looking forward to not much activity today.

    Breakfasts and lunches for the week:

    Morning coffee: cold brew with almond milk
    ~50 cal

    Breakfast: Keeping on that oatmeal/riced cauliflower game: 170 cal homemade brown sugar cinnamon oatmeal, with about a cup of riced cauliflower (28 cal) to bulk it up, and 4-5 preserved figs (100 cal). This is so comforting and filling every morning.
    ~300 cal

    Lunches: Chicken sausage (90 cal) and mixed veg with beans (100 cal)
    ~200 cal

    Snacks: apples (50-100 cal)
    ~100 cal

    total pre-dinner: ~650 cal, which gives me plenty for dinner with the fam and dessert every night.

    Gym this week: Monday choreo dance and poles, Friday chair dance, and that's it for gym! Then Saturday, I'm going to a tea party with my sister, best friend, mom, and sisters-in-law and some of their families. We're going to wear tiaras and dresses and everything.

    Other this week: I'm doing recruiting for work, and a training to be an election official in the upcoming election. I'm so excited to finally do a civic duty that I've always wanted to. Voting is so important.

    Tag party time:
    @RavenStCloud I love the idea of having a restriction on some foods for a little while, to reset your taste buds a little bit. Can't wait to hear about what you've been eating when you get those cravings!

    @MyBeth2004 welcome! those look like great goals!

    @justanotherjen13 I'm sorry you're having to deal with going back to work after so long, I imagine it won't be easy finding a job that can be flexible enough to cover your daughter's childcare needs as well. Maybe there is something remote you can do, so you can be more flexible?

    @MyFitMyHealthMyLife Congratulations on your walking! That is so great, and it's only upwards from here!

    @thelotusqueen oh my gosh, just hearing about all your holidays makes my mouth water, I love Indian treats so much.

    @taking_back_my_life those are all great goals, and comfort food doesn't necessarily have to mean high-calorie food, either! You've got this.

    @amykay9377 I used to be a runner, I know the struggle! You've got this, though.

    @Star_cel13 good on you for thinking about 2024 already- the effort and mindset starts right now!

    @Shoppie2023 I'm so sorry to hear you're going through a rough time, but you're HERE, you're working on yourself, that means that you are disciplined and you're ready to take care of things. I love that for you.

    @pamperedlinny oh man, you can't seem to catch a break! I hope you're feeling on the mend now, and I know that you can bounce back.

    @Mywishnow I know what you're saying about alcohol! I limit myself to just the weekends, as well. The P!nk concert sounds like so much fun!

    @nebslp I love your math! And your commitment: you said already that the pie isn't your favorite, but still so frustrating to have to look at it all the time! Taking the pie back down to the basement is an opportunity for a few extra steps? :lol: you've got this, it's never too late for your dreams.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * get used to walking at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk (15 minutes bike; 30 minutes treadmill)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices
    * lose about 6lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    October SW: 241.6
    CW: 234.2 (10/15)
    GW (short term): 235
    GW (long term): 165

    10/15 update: I broke 235 the other day and I'm so excited. I haven't been this weight in many, many years. Now if I can get under 230, it will be the first time since I was pregnant back in like 2001. I keep telling myself I'll have a big cheat day when I hit a certain goal. Like just get a bag of chips and make some onion dip and just pig out for the first time since July 4. And then I hit the goal, and instead of wanting to binge, I'm even more determined to hit the next goal without the cheat day. It is going to start getting harder simply because the holidays are coming up. My son's already asking for cookies. There's going to be so many temptations really soon. We'll see how I do. Right now, I'm just loving all this weight off of me. All of my clothes fit so much better or are just too big on me now, including pants that were a size smaller than I usually wore. I feel like I'm swimming in my sweats and 2XL shirts. It's so strange because I've been wearing these clothes for 15 years and now they don't fit anymore.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member
    -I met my goal for 2 days (75 to go) of doing 11 wall pushups. They were easier today than yesterday. I’m sticking with the 11 as my goal so any more than that is just gravy! I’ll be doing work with weights as well and some cardio stuff, too, but they’re not a «have-to » like the push-ups.
    -I haven’t mindlessly grabbed a handful of nuts in two days and -will be doing posture exercise yet tonight. We went to grandson’s birthday party today so went a little overboard on the calories but I’ll log and see how I actually did compared to my Fitbit burn.

    I love hearing about your life happenings but don’t have time to comment much right now. SO many great goals in this group! How are you all doing with them?

    @pamperedlinny i hope you’re feeling better by now. Take care.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 362 Member
    Hey, hey, ladies.

    SW: 260lbs
    CW: 271lbs

    So I posted on here the 1st of the month, then lost my damn mind and went into a spiral of food madness and inactivity, but now I'm back.

    I've stopped eating fast food and I've cleared out my kitchen of all the unhealthy nonsense I bought.

    I finally got one the scale this morning and it was a BIG wakeup call. I'm at my heaviest weight ever, but as all my clothes have been fitting tighter and tighter, this was hardly a surprise.

    So here I am, restating my goals:
    🧡 Log all my food
    🧡 Stay within my calorie limit
    🧡 Get back to the gym & pool (3x a week, hopefully starting Friday)
    🧡 Take a daily vitamin
    🧡 Check in here twice a week

    and my restrictions until Christmas, maybe (because I'm a binge eater and portion control has never worked):
    ⛔️Fast food
    ⛔️French fries/tater tots/any fried potato
    ⛔️Chips/Cheesey snacks
    ⛔️Baked goods (cakes/pies/cookies)

    I think mentally, I'm back in a good place.
    And I'm so glad so many of you are sharing your stories and being freakin awesome this October. You rock!