Which workout WII is best in losing weght?

My daughter has the WII and I am thinking of getting some fitness disk to help me even more. Does anyone workout on the WII?



  • I think Wii FIT gives you the most flexibility and weight loss potential
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    I like Zumba for the Wii it is fun and tough. My daughter and I do it and get a great ab work out from laughing at each other. Well she laughs more at me then me at her lol.
  • ChangingJojo
    ChangingJojo Posts: 30 Member
    EA Sports active is a great one.
  • I've been using the Wii Fit and I really like the yoga program on it. I just got EA Active: More Workouts and I haven't used it yet but it's gotten a lot of good reviews on Amazon. Also, for something just fun try Just Dance 2. I've been using and I really enjoy it.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    EA Sports Active. I feel like I get a much better workout for that compared to Wii Fit. It has a 30 Day Challenge and you can make your own workouts without all the pauses between exercises that Wii Fit (and even Wii Fit Plus) have.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I find the boxing thing on Wii Fit to be a good workout. The advance one is 10 minutes, do that a couple times and you've got a decent little workout.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Zumba is fun but slow if you've ever done the DVDs or a class.
    Just Dance & the Michael Jackson Experience is good (per a friend)
    EA Active is my favorite. I haven't tried the latest one out but the first one was great!
    Like others said Wii Fit Boxing is good, but not long enough for me. Plus I like being able to set what I want to work out and time frame.
  • Thank you all for your info. I might just have to get them all. :bigsmile:
  • Monanik
    Monanik Posts: 150
    I would agree with all the ones they mentioned but surprisingly I tried the michael jackson experience and it had my family and I drenched in sweat. Its fun and doesnt seem like a workout just dancing and enjoying the music!!!