Ladies Who Run Walk or Cycle

If your local police department or college offer the RAD series of classes, please consider signing up.

RAD stands for Rape/Agression/Defense, and is a standardized 12 hour course, taught as either two or four sessions.

I’ve only done the first class and it’s been outstanding.

The only other defensive class I’ve done was a free one taught by a martial arts instructor at my yoga studio. It was an hour and, TBH the defensive moves were so arcane and fancy, I could never have replicated -or even remembered- them once I left.

The RAD series starts out with two hours explaining what situations might occur, legal definitions of each, and your legal rights. They then discuss how to protect yourself at home, shopping or otherwise out, and in your car.

The last hour was basic defensive and protective moves. They were simple and effective, and the instructor lined us up and made us protect ourselves from and also hit a couple of the officers. We did each move a couple of hundred times to build muscle memory. The moves were very effective and easy to remember.

Our next three classes will be in a gym.

Our ages ranged from 14 to mid 60’s. Our PD only charged us $10, another local one charges $85, and I understand a local college offers them for free. So registration costs vary quite a bit. Even at $85, having done one, it is well worth it.

The dog and I walk extensively, and I also walk to/from yoga classes and the gym, often in the dark, usually clocking 10-15 miles a day. I’ve had several unnerving incidents lately, including a couple of men jumping out from nowhere, shouting that they had guns, as well as a couple of men who follow us either muttering how much they hate dogs, or wickedly trying to get the dog riled up, I guess trying to get him to attack, so am very happy to have the opportunity to take these classes.


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,550 Member
    The final RAD self defense class was last night. We got to defend ourselves from two SWAT officers dressed up like a cross between the Terminator and the Hamburgler. They had padded diapers you wouldn’t believe and waddled like ducks. All the better to kick them with.

    I’m exhausted and sore this morning, but feel much more confident in my ability to defend myself, and wiser in my choices and awareness.

    Losing 100 pounds has brought me male attention for the first time in thirty years, and has had me mentally confused and beat down, which is probably why local oafs pick me to jump out and harass. I found myself shrinking back in to the “hunched shoulders, don’t look at me” mode.

    They kept stressing to us, “it’s them, not you”. And they are 100% correct.

    I had no idea that a few seconds of trying to beat the crap out of someone would be so grinding, so ALL props to you ladies who are doing kickboxing, martial arts etc.

    We had one tiny little college gal who was so shy and couldn’t bring herself to talk, much less kick or touch anyone during class. We didn’t know she studied karate and when the time came, she was like fricking Bruce Lee out there. Another very petite woman defended herself from both guys, and instead of running away when she had the opportunity, she chased and jumped on one’s back and started pummeling him some more. They had to pull her off.

    The class is called RAD : Rape Aggression Defense. I cannot recommend it enough. It was 12 hours well invested, and you can come back to any or all of the classes for free, for lifetime, for a refresher.

    Contact your local PD or university. Classes are only open to women, and you don’t have to attend the uni or live in the jurisdiction. There are classes all over the world.