my accountability thread Day one



  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Weighed in this morning, and despite having a restaurant meal of two tacos, I am down 1/2lb. Slow but steady is my destination…. I long to loose 20lbs. It went on a lot easier than coming off.
    Marla glad to hear you are closer to your goal and you are down a size; all positive outcomes.
    Beverly…sounds like you are doing your best and that is what matters. Just keep up with being mindful and not to beat yourself up. We are all in this together.
    Welcome MamaBear, you are in the right place for accountability. I need the accountability as well. Sounds like you know what you need to do. I am wondering what HIIT exercises are, I am interested in finding something for the snowy season in Canada.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday!🤗😊
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    OH MARLA! CONGRATULATIONS :) Smaller sized jeans and lower BMI is awesome! I'm so excited for you!

    Today is my supposedly rest day, well rest day from running and we are skipping the gym workout so we can get some things done around the house. Hubby is washing the car and I am doing some painting touch ups, coloring my gray hairs and attempting to make sauerkraut for the first time. Going for a run or going to the gym keeps me from eating in the mornings but being around the house is usually a struggle. I'm doing good this week and the weekend is busy with friends and family eating so I need to be strong this morning. I can do this! And if I can do it, anyone can! Hey we've done it many times in the past :D

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
  • Viridian1539
    Viridian1539 Posts: 172 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My accountability check in is probably going to continue to be more on the once-per-week side. All my Bible study and evening classes started back up this week and my life is *packed*.

    I've been working towards meal planning for higher protein eating, but it's a constant trial and error. I've been really good about keeping my sodium below 1500mg most days, which was a major goal of mine due to lots of heart conditions that run in the family. As Autumn ramps up and it gets darker/wetter here in Seattle, I'm going to try hitting the gym more often since I can't hike as much. Love hiking in the rain, but in the dark its a no-no.

    Wishing everyone the best in this next week! Stay well <3
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Greetings all! Welcome Mamabear! Beverly....that is so nice you are going to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving especially when a good cook will be there to help!
    Marla ...keep up the good work and you are now in a new decade range...great!
    I am dong well here an plugging along. Not really losing but I did lose the pounds I gained over the weekend when I ate my homemade focaccia ! Swimming and walking just about every day so that always makes me feel good. Have a great week everyone and thanks for checking in!
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    Weighed in this morning, and despite having a restaurant meal of two tacos, I am down 1/2lb. Slow but steady is my destination…. I long to loose 20lbs. It went on a lot easier than coming off.
    Marla glad to hear you are closer to your goal and you are down a size; all positive outcomes.
    Beverly…sounds like you are doing your best and that is what matters. Just keep up with being mindful and not to beat yourself up. We are all in this together.
    Welcome MamaBear, you are in the right place for accountability. I need the accountability as well. Sounds like you know what you need to do. I am wondering what HIIT exercises are, I am interested in finding something for the snowy season in Canada.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday!🤗😊

    Thank you for the welcome! HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. I'm trying to follow a 30day free app from home with no equipment called "six pack in 30 days" and "home workout" (same developer). Trying to work off the mama pouch! Appreciate this thread as to keep me accountable.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    edited September 2023
    I'm back from Budapest. Wow, what a fantastic place. The history, the architecture, the warm and humble people. Feel so fortunate I was able to do this. Took tons of pictures. Highlights were a one-hour cruise on the Danube and a tour of the incredible opera house. I traveled with just a backpack and a sling bag, and had everything I needed.

    Big surprise. I didn't log in for the last week due to traveling and getting out of the routine. Today praise be, got on the scales and lo and f*cking behold it was 171. Down to my goal weight, basically by accident. My high was 183. How the hell did that happen? There was a lot of walking while traveling, and I did eat pretty sensibly. The food in Budapest was overall very good. Lots of broth-based dishes that were quite healthy and low calorie.

  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    One week later, and I'm happy to say I've continued to keep up with doing a home workout daily.
    How did everyone else do this past week? I'm holding you accountable!!!!
  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    @MamaBear5445 way to go on doing your workout daily!! I did really well this past week and today was check in day. I have 3.5 pounds to my goal but those are always the most difficult.
    @greg......what??? you go on vacation and lose weight! That is wonderful you are at you goal! Keep up the good work.
    Hope everyone else is doing good. Health is Wealth!
  • VRTC1960
    VRTC1960 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Sarah! It's been a while, I hope you're still hanging in there. Some accountability buddies we are, right?

    I'm doing OK (not great) with the dietary control, so I'm stepping up the movement part. I told my son I want to do 10,000 steps a day for the month of October. I'm aiming for 6,000 a day this week to build up to it - got in a 3,000 step walk before work this morning (while Mom was reliably sleeping) for a good start! I just need to get the second one in while my mom's home health aide is here, or I'll have to don safety gear and go out after dark.

    It's weird, because I KNOW my knees won't take it - but when I get up and out for that sunrise walk, I feel like I could just lean forward and start into a smooth run, the kind that could just keep going for miles. I swim that way but have never been able to run, even in my teens.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi 1960…I am fairly new newbie and very much need this accountability group. I have never been a runner; I really disliked gym class.

    I have been able to do meal plans, which could be always be better. But , I have been consistent with logging my meals, even foods I should not eat and still within my calorie limit. I have been trying to walk every night…I got in 3,000 steps.

    I had an ablation procedure today, which has me limited to activities and food intake. I might be missing my weigh in tomorrow 😕

    Glad to see everyone’s posts and positive comments. It is a bit of a struggle but keep up the good work and keep loving 🥰 yourselves.🤗
    Keeping in touch is limited to once a week, as I am busy with this and that…until next week Blessings everyone…
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good Morning! 1.6# down at weekly weigh-in this morning. I'm coming down the home stretch.
    Everyone is looking like they are making progress.
    Shout out to Greg::::congratulations for reaching your goal weight.
    Perhaps we should book a group trip to Budapest? Have you made a plan to maintain your weight?

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All! all seem to be doing well. I am doing well. I had a major set back on Wednesday...I was just tired and hungry and you know that is just a bad, bad combination. Got right back on track the next day though. @VRCT1960 ...way to go on increasing the exercise. That surely will help! @Sweetheart....I hope you are doing OK. You know I had to google ablation because I did not know what that meant. I hope your procedure went well and you can get back to exercise. @ Marla..way to go on 1.6 pounds down that is fantastic. Yes, planning a trip to Budapest! That would be great!! Best to you all and hope you are all doing well.
  • BeverlyW1108
    BeverlyW1108 Posts: 502 Member
    Greetings! I started a post and went back a page and lost it so this one will have to be short :s
    Welcome VRCT1960! Sounds like you are getting some good walks in.
    Sweetheart, I hope your surgery goes well. You are in my prayers.
    Marla, Congrats on your loss. You got this!
    Sarah, You seem to be doing good And keeping us accountable. Thank you for starting this thread.
    Because I have started training for my half marathon Dec 3 I will try to stay close to my maintenance calorie goal until then. I don't seem to be able to lose weight and increase speed simultaneously.
    I hope we all have a Good Weekend!

  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2023
    Yes! Budapest is fantastic! You'd love it there. Fantastic city, I could go on and on. For one thing, the public transportation was the best I've experienced anywhere. I was disrupted by travel, and low motivation due to losing some weight. I let my foot off the gas, and literally put on three pounds almost immediately from maybe 200-300 extra calories on three separate days. What the hell is inside of our heads that wants to kill us? I'd like to get that thing quarantined and destroy it. The idea of a healthy, vibrant life with a toned and strong body shouldn't be such a Sisyphean task. Must be the fabled "slothful nature" running loose. Tomorrow, going to lake Iseo and biking for two days, should beat back the fat monster for a bit.
  • SweetHeart299
    SweetHeart299 Posts: 30 Member
    Glad to see everyone doing well and hanging in. My surgery went well. Now I am pacing myself and not to be impatient, I need to give the ole body a chance to recover and heal. I was blessed with a great doctor, and nurses. I have not been snacking in the evening, but have been eating…I weighed myself before surgery and weighed in this morning. I stayed the same. I was hoping for a loss, but glad I did not gain. I think I did pretty good considering I got off track from logging my meals and not going for walks. And it is one step at a time as we travel this journey…. I am moving slowly but I am moving 😊
    I appreciate this group.🤗
  • Marla86336
    Marla86336 Posts: 50 Member
    Good morning,
    I'm up .6#. Apparently my body didn't know today was weigh-in day and it was supposed to go down not up! I did get calorie sloppy a few days and it shows. I'm so close to my goal so I plan to keep going.
    I read through all the posts since last week. We are all doing great even with a little gain here and there.
    So on to the journey to next week!

  • sarah7591
    sarah7591 Posts: 415 Member
    Hi All; Just checking in and I am still doing well. I am getting close to my goal. The weather has turned beautiful so that has really helped. @ sweetheart ...i am glad your surgery went well that is so good to hear. @ Marla i hope that .6 pounds has disappeared. I am staying steady not really losing but not gaining.. I hope you are all doing well. Thinking of you all and wishing you all a healthy weekend.
  • MamaBear5445
    MamaBear5445 Posts: 59 Member
    @sarah7591 Glad you are keeping up with your goals. I too have been exercising daily and it is now part of my routine. From not being able to do a single sit up to now getting a defined tummy is success. Am excited for another progress pic at the end of October.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    Well, still trying to reign things in. I had hoped that I could track foods for a month or so, lose the extra weight, and then get the training wheels off and cruise along. Well, apparently my body prefers peanut butter, high-calorie breads, and frequent snacking. You hate to say it but this is a daily discipline that will never really let up. So, back to tracking and bringing awareness to what I'm shoving in my face. The good news is I'm physically stronger. I have a dog trailer that I've been pulling behind the bike. The extra drag has increased my strength, and going solo on the bike is easier than ever (it's an eBike, but going up steep hills my heartrate can hit 145-160). Oddly, walking up hills is difficult for me. I huff and puff and struggle. The gains on the bike don't translate over to walking and hiking. Today, goal is to stay within calorie range, get some decent exercise, and get back in the groove.
  • gregphopkins
    gregphopkins Posts: 23 Member
    edited October 2023
    I was lapsing into self-disgust and fearing the worst. On holiday, I did go hog-a*s f*cking wild. Gelato, bread, chocolate torta, eating like it was my last meal. Praise be to Allah, got on the scales after breakfast, and it was 172.4. Now, just need to ease up, relax, and settle into sensible eating and some tracking. By the way, lago d'Iseo is ridiculously beautiful. Wow, what a trip that was.